
Tales of Ragnarök

Inspired by Record of Ragnarok, what if the Land of Fairy Tales held a tournament for the fate of its mortals?

DaoistAiRx1i · Fantaisie
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Every few centuries, all the divine and magical creatures of the world meet to discuss the state of their worlds. This event was always held at night. This event is known as

The Fabled Night!

This was the only time all the Gods would be gathered in one place. Many of the Gods did not get along and the event was filled with much arguing. To keep the event on track a God is picked to lead the event. The God chosen is the most respected among the Gods, which usually means one of the older Gods. For the past five Fabled Nights the Chairman was a younger God. This God was a charmer who still had a terrifying reputation. Sitting in front of the rest of the Gods wearing a stylish red cape and fancy suit he opened the Night.

Dracula-"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the Fabled Night! I thank you all for attending! If anyone has any pressing business speak now, otherwise we'll move on to tonight's main event. When no one spoke up the King of Vampires continued.

Dracula-"Thanks to everyone putting aside their grudges last time we were finally able to setter the matter of what was allowed on the territory of other Gods. Now we can move on to a matter that has been postponed for thousands of years. Humanity. More specifically, should we allow humanity to continue?" The first "God" to speak up was a man in a black suit and top hat. He was holding a cane, which he used to point around the room. He was the Wizard of Oz when he was alive, but during his time as a "God" he was known as Oz, the Great and Powerful.

Oz-"I say we let the humans live! I think I speak for all of us when I say humanity should be cherished."

Dracula-"You don't. Show of hands, who does Oz speak for? Anyone agree with him?" Not a single hand was raised.

Dracula-"Now, I probably don't need to ask but, who is in favor of eradication?" Every hand but one was raised. Though the vote would be written down as near unanimous it was in truth unanimous, as Oz was no God. When he died he somehow convinced the Gods he was one of them. Becoming revered as the God of Magic was extra ironic, as the man was incapable of using magic despite his knowledge of it. Every single action he took as a God was for one purpose, to prevent the topic of humanity's continued survival from ever coming to vote.

Oz-'Damn it! Every single plan was thrown out the window by that bloodsucker! All the fights I stirred up so these Fabled Nights would be filled with pointless bickering all solved by Mr. Peacemaker! Well, I have two cards left, but I would rather avoid the second option.' Oz thought to himself as the Gods talked about why they wanted to end humanity.

Dracula-"Sorry Oz you're outvoted. Now we should discuss how the eradication will be carried out."

Oz-"Well before we do that, what is meant by humanity? Are we just killing humans? Do anthropomorphic animals count? Do gnomes count? It hardly seems fair to only destroy humanity." Oz's plan was to waste time defining what was meant by humanity. It was written into Divine Law that at most Fabled Nights could only last a night. If it went over the discussion would be postponed for centuries.

Dracula-"Nice try Oz, but you're stalling won't fly. The rules were written when the Gods were only worshipped by humans. Following the spirt of the law, we wipe out any thinking creature that is not a God."

Oz-"Damn. Well, I didn't want to do this, but if humanity is going to be wiped out they have a right to defend themselves. Now, if everyone would refer to the subsection under the law about voting for humanity's continued existence." The Gods read and were shocked. The Divine Laws were written Eons ago, so many of it's more obscure laws were forgotten. Many Gods shouted that they shouldn't bother holding a farce of a tournament.

Dracula-"No, the Divine Laws are a magic contract we all signed. We have to uphold them. Still, are you sure about this Oz? At best none of the humans win, they all get wiped out and you become a laughingstock. At worst, the humans do win. You directly lead to the deaths of some of your comrades and are hated by the Gods. Why go through that? We are all Gods, we should try to get along. Are humans worth that much to you, over your own comrades?" Oz, who was secretly human, was unmoved.

Oz-"Yes, they are." Dracula sighed.

Dracula-"Fine thee. Give us time to select our fighters. Knowing you the human fighters are already picked. We will hold the tournament in a week or two. Hmm, looking closer this tournament has no name. What should we call it?" At this question a giant eldritch crocodile-like being spoke up from one of it's many mouths.

Cipactli-"RAGNAROK! A deathmatch between 13 humans and 13 Gods deserves no other name!" All the other Gods looked at him in confusion.

Oz-"I've never heard of a "Ragnarök" before, but we can go with that. just one thing though, where did you get 13 from? There are 15 fighters on both sides."

Cipactli-"Ah. Seems I was mistaken." With that, the night ended. Oz left and as he was walking he was joined by a young-looking woman in Silver Slippers.

Dorthey-"How'd it go?"

Oz-"Poorly. I had to force the tournament. I'm going to be honest, I'm not sure we'll win"

Dorthey-"C'mon, have some faith! Our champions will pull through!"

Oz-"I hope so. Come now, we have preparations to make."

The Gods were busy that week, picking fighters and building a stadium for this. Surprisingly, finding an announcer for the event took the longest. Finally, the start of Ragnarök was upon the worlds. Standing in a VIP box looking down upon the arena Oz looked over the list of fighters one last time. The list was split between the fighters for the Gods and the fighters for humanity.



Peter Pan

Djinn of the Lamp

Evil Queen


Bai Suzhen


Baba Yaga


Sir Bertilak



Ice Queen

Frankenstein's Monster




Headless Horseman

Captain Hook

Big Bad Wolf

Red Riding Hood

Blue Beard

Snow White


Humpty Dumpty

Princess Kaguya

Koschai the Immortal 

Jack the Giant Slayer


Puss in Boots

John Henry

Oz-"So it begins. If all goes well this will only last eight rounds." On the opposite side of the arena Dracula did the same.

Dracula-"Poor Oz. He'll have to see eight of his champions wiped out, one by one."

A small man in a red shirt walked into the arena, holding straw in his hand. He changed it into gold before morphing the straw together, forming a gold microphone. He yelled into it, heralding the beginning of the end.

Rumpelstiltskin-"IT! IS! UPON US! The fight of God and Man is about to begin! What is this battle called? RAGNAROK!"

Thanks for reading! What did you think? Who do you think is up first? If you liked this you should check out my other Fairytale story, Oz: God of Lies. The stories aren't connected though. The two stories are different universes.

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