
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs


On the next day, Hiroki woke up with Sasuke and Sakura knocking on his door.

"Good morning, Hiroki. Yesterday, after you guys left, Kakashi-sensei asked us to get everyone and go to the training ground today. He said something about getting us some help for the chunin exams finals. We went over to Naruto's place and he wasn't there. Do you know where he could be?" Sakura asked.

"Good morning, Sakura, Sasuke. Naruto went to his new place. He's going to live there from now on. Come in, let me prepare something to eat. I'll make some for you guys." Hiroki said as he opened the door for Sasuke and Sakura to come in. Hiroki quickly prepared breakfast for them and also sealed some to give Naruto and Karin. He then left together with Sasuke and Sakura as they walked towards Naruto's new house.

"So, Naruto is living in a new house now?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah. A lot of things happened yesterday after we left the gymnasium. I think Naruto will tell you guys some time later." Hiroki said.

"What happened?" Sasuke asked as he got curious.

"Naruto discovered who are his parents." Hiroki answered.

"Really, he did? I thought that he was an orphan because his parents had left him." Sakura said.

"Hehe. That is not really what happened. Anyways, it's something personal to him so I'll let him tell it to you personally. All you need to know now is that Naruto's identity isn't as simple as you may think." Hiroki said as they continued walking to Naruto's house. After ten minutes, Hiroki stopped walking as he stood in front of a large house.

"Why did you stop?" Sakura asked.

"This is Naruto's new home." Hiroki said as he then went and knocked on the door.

"Naruto, Karin. It's me. Open up." Hiroki said.

Not long later, the door opened as a red haired girl greeted Hiroki.

"Good morning, Hiroki-kun." Karin said as she smiled.

"Good morning, Karin. Is Naruto still sleeping? We have team meeting today, so we came to get him." Hiroki said as Karin made way for him and he went in. Sakura and Sasuke followed behind as they greeted Karin.

"Naruto woke up some minutes ago. I think he should come down any minute now." Karin said. Not long after, Naruto walked down.

"Huh? Sasuke, Sakura? You guys are here as well?" Naruto was surprised seeing his teammates.

"Kakashi-sensei told us to get you two for a team meeting today. He said something about getting help to train us." Sakura said.

"I see. Just let me eat something and we'll go." Naruto said.

"That won't be a problem. I prepared breakfast for you and Karin. Sasuke and Sakura had some before we came here." Hiroki said as he unsealed the breakfast he had prepared and the two Uzumakis started eating.

"Ooooh. This is delicious, Hiroki-kun. You're a great cook." Karin said as she had star in her eyes as she ate the breakfast Hiroki had prepared.

"Hehe. Thank you." Hiroki said as he smiled.

Naruto and Karin finished eating and the members of team seven went out of Naruto's house as they directed themselves to their training field.

"Karin, take care of the house for me. I'll probably be back at the end of the day. I left some money for you to buy anything we need. Bye." Naruto said as he waved his hand at her. He had a bright smile on his face.

"Oh, Naruto. Are you and Karin going to live together now? How will Hinata feel when she learns about this?" Sakura asked as she teased Naruto.

"Eeeeeh? What do you mean. Karin is my cousin. She will become a citizen of Konoha after the end of the chunin exams. Hinata..." Naruto said as his face became red.

"Hahahahaha. Naruto, I'm teasing you. I know that you and Karin are cousins." Sakura said.


Ten minutes later, they arrived at training field Seven. They saw two others with Kakashi.

"Good morning everyone. Today, I asked all of you to come so that I could talk to you about your training for the chunin exams finals. Since all of you got to the finals, I won't be able to train everyone so I asked for some help. Let me introduce you guys to them. This is Yamato. He is someone I worked with before, he will be in charge of Sakura's training. The other person here is Ebisu. He will be in charge of Naruto's training. As for Sasuke, I'll be training him myself." Kakashi said.

"Nice to meet you all. You can call me Yamato-sensei." Yamato greeted everyone.

"Nooooooo, I can't be trained by that closet perv..." Naruto started saying loudly, but before he could continue his sentence, Ebisu appeared next to him and covered his mouth while talking in a very low voice with Naruto.

"Don't talk about that. I'll treat you to something you want if you keep quiet about that episode." Ebisu said. He only let go of Naruto when the blond agreed.

"Kakashi-sensei, all three of us have people to train us for the finals, but what about Hiroki?" Sakura asked. When she did, Sasuke also showed he had some questions about that.

"Out of everyone in the exams, Hiroki is the one that needs the least training." Naruto said as he smiled at his friend.

"Anyways, he was supposed to train me instead of this per... ahem... Ebisu. I prefere it would be that way." Naruto said.

"Oh, so you think a mere genin can be a better tutor than I can? I am an elite tutor. Not everyone can have me teach them." Ebisu said as he prided himself.

"How about this then, if you can even put a scratch on me in a spar, I'll let you train Naruto." Ebisu said as he looked at Hiroki.

"Alright, fine by me, but don't complain later." Hiroki said.

"Hehe. What can you do. I'm an elite Jounin and you're a genin fresh of the academy." Ebisu said. He then looked at Kakashi and asked him to be the referee. Hiroki took some steps away from Ebisu and everyone made space around them.

"The spar will be only around the openings of the training camp. You can't go hiding. Is that understood?" Kakashi asked and both nodded.

"Begin!" Kakashi said.

"Senpai, isn't this spar unfair?" Yamato asked.

"Not at all. Ebisu is a normal Jounin and Hiroki is a genin by rank, but his powers exceeds Chunin levels." Kakashi said as he looked at Yamato.

"What are you waiting for?" Ebisu asked Hiroki.

"Watch this Naruto. This is the level of the elite tutor that is going to train you." Ebisu said.

"I'm just figuring out the fastest way to end this without hurting you." Hiroki said. He then grabbed a shuriken an threw it at Ebisu. He only made a hand seal and the shuriken became two.

Ebisu easily dodged the shurikens with just a small movement from his neck and smirked.

"That's pretty bad aim for a shinobi."

"I wasn't trying to hit you." Hiroki said as he made a single handed seal and the cloned shuriken exploded behind Ebisu. The power of the explosion was strong enough to blast Ebisu some meters forward, Hiroki was already waiting for this to happen and he leapt midair and kneed Ebisu on the chest with a lot of power, sending him towards the trunk of a tree.

"Argh." Ebisu exclaimed out as he felt pain. He then got up and was already to attack, but saw Hiroki walking towards the others.

"What are you doing?" Ebisu asked.

"You have a short memory or something? You said it yourself: "one scratch."" Hiroki said back to Ebisu as he raised his index finger, showing number 1. He then looked at Naruto and the blond smiled at him.


An anbu appeared at the training ground. He looked at Kakashi and nodded at him.

"Hokage-sama wishes for Naruto to go to the office. Please follow me." The anbu said. It was none other than Tori.

"Ah, man. I was about to go train. Can't I go another time? I have already talked to the old man yesterday." Naruto said.

"Sorry, Naruto. Hokage-sama said that it is regarding your family." Tori said.

Naruto heard that and he looked at Hiroki. Hiroki then nodded at him, telling Naruto to go. Naruto then followed Tori to the Hokage's office.

"Well, that went well. Hiroki, if you want, you can come and give us a hand. It can either be with me or Yamato." Kakashi said.

"No. It wouldn't be fair to Sasuke and Sakura if I knew what they would be working on. If they happen to be matched against me, I would have the advantage." Hiroki said as he shook his head.

"I have some place to go so I'll be leaving right now." Hiroki said as he was about to leave, but stopped midway as he turned to Ebisu.

"Ebisu, don't get cocky just because you're tutoring Konohamaru. Take things more seriously or when you fight an enemy, they won't have mercy." Hiroki said. He then shunshined away.


Hiroki ran all the way to the Konoha hospital as he went to look for the head medical shinobi.

'I didn't learn medical ninjutsu before, but I'll have to learn it now if I want to complete my plans.' Hiroki thought as he directed himself to the front desk.

"Excuse me, is the head medical shinobi here?" Hiroki asked to the nurse in the front desk.

"The head medical shinobi is treating a patient right now. What do you need him for?" The nurse asked.

"I'm participating in the finals of the chunin exams and I wanted to ask him if he would teach me medical ninjutsu. It could help me to take care of any minor injuries I receive in the future." Hiroki said.

"Ah, I see. Unfortunately, the head medical shinobi won't be able to teach you. He is treating the daughter of the Hyuga clan leader." The nurse said.

"I understand. I guess I'll come another day." Hiroki said as he turned around to leave.

"Ah, wait. The son of the head medical shinobi is here and his medical ninjutsu is very good. I can say that it's almost as good as the head doctor. If you want, I can see if he's available and willing to teach you." The nurse said.

Hiroki stopped as he listened to the nurse and the first thing that popped in his mind was "Kabuto."

'There's no harm in learning from him. It's not like I can't take care of him if he tries something against me.' Hiroki thought.

"I would appreciate that." Hiroki said to the nurse and thanked her.

"Just follow me. I'll bring you to him." The nurse said and Hiroki followed her.

After some quick turns in the hallways of the hospital, they entered a room.

"Excuse me. Kabuto-san, there's a shinobi that wants to learn medical ninjutsu. He wanted to talk to your father, but he's busy treating someone else. I told him he would have to see if you're willing to teach him." The nurse said to Kabuto who had his back turned to them as he was checking on a patient.

"Ah, who is this shinobi?" Kabuto said as he turned around and smiled. When he saw it was Hiroki, his happy face expression faltered for milliseconds, but Hiroki instantly noticed it.

"It's Hiroki-kun. So you want to learn medical ninjutsu? What made you want to learn it?" Kabuto asked.

"Well, I'm participating in the finals and I always thought it be interesting learning medical ninjutsu. We never know what might happen in missions outside of Konoha." Hiroki said.

"That's understandable. Alright, I'll take you in. You can go back now, Nurse-san." Kabuto said as he dismissed the nurse.

"Alright, Hiroki-kun. How is you chakra control? Before anything else, a medical shinobi needs perfect chakra control. If the medic has poor chakra control it will either not heal the wound or it can make it much worse." Kabuto explained.

"I could say it's perfect." Hiroki answered.

"That's good. I'm going to give you a scroll and you will have to memorize it so that you can learn the theory before practicing. After learning the theory, come back to the hospital and I'll teach you hands on practice." Kabuto said as he flung a scroll toward Hiroki.

"Alright then. Thank you, Kabuto-san." Hiroki said as he put the scroll inside his kunai pouch and headed out of the room Kabuto was in.

'I'll have a clone read the contents in the scroll and come practice with Kabuto while I'm teaching Naruto how to fight against Neji and his gentle fist. If I'm not wrong, he's probably with Jiraiya right now. That's the most probable reason the old man called him to his office.' Hiroki said as he walked out of the hospital. He then appeared outside of the window of the Hokage's office. He looked inside and saw Naruto talking with Hiruzen and Jiraiya. He could not hear what they were talking about so it was probably because of the privacy seals activated. He then knocked on the window.

"Ah, it's Hiroki." Naruto said.

"Jiraiya, open the window and let Hiroki-kin in." Hiruzen said.

"He's the brat from yesterday. He still has to pay me back for what he did." Jiraiya said as he went and opened the window. As he did, he prepared to punch Hiroki, but the punch never connected as Hiroki's image faded.

"What?" Jiraiya said as he looked around. When he looked back inside, he saw the boy next to Naruto and in front of Hiruzen.

"You're slow. And you couldn't be holding a grudge about yesterday, right? You were the one creeping around, Jiraiya-san." Hiroki said as he smiled at Jiraiya.

"That technique, is it shunshin?" Hiruzen asked.

"Yes. I created some afterimages with it." Hiroki said.

"You are a very splendid shinobi, Hiroki-kun. The only one that could use a shunshin to that extent after Shisui Uchiha." Hiruzen said.

"Thank you for the compliment, Hokage-sama. Anyways, I believe that you guys have talked plenty for the time being. I want to get Naruto's training started." Hiroki said.

"Ah, yes. We just finished." Hiruzen said.

"Oy, you met that pervert?" Naruto asked as he pointed towards Jiraiya.

"Yes. Yesterday after I left your home, I felt someone watching me and I was a bit worried about who it was. Someone hiding like that couldn't have any good intentions so I gave him a little surprise." Hiroki said.

"Surprise you ass, kid. That hurt and I'm going to pay you back for that. Anyways, what's this you talked about training Naruto?" Jiraiya asked.

"Yeah. That's pretty much it. He's fighting a young genius of the Hyuga clan. I'm going to teach him how to counter the gentle fist." Hiroki said.

"You betcha. I'm going to beat that nonsense speaking bastard." Naruto said loudly.

"Then you guys better work together to help Naruto out. Jiraiya is also going to teach him. He might even be able to teach you a thing or two, Hiroki." Hiruzen said.

"Hehe. You'll have to prove yourself if you want to learn something from me, kid." Jiraiya said.

"Not interested." Hiroki said as he picked his nose and flung a bugger away. His expression showed how he didn't really care about Jiraiya teaching him or not.

"You Damn kid. I'm the sage from mount Myoboku. Thousands would walk on their knees to have the opportunity of learning from me." Jiraiya said as he became a bit insulted.

"I'm not part of those thousands. Enough chit chat. Let's go Naruto. Training ground three like alway." Hiroki said. He then walked out of the office after opening the door. Naruto followed behind him.

"Sensei, that boy. He's strong. Yesterday, I really didn't see him coming for me. It seems he's holding back his power. And from what Anko said, he seemed to have met with Orochimaru on the Forest of Death. Did they question him what happened yet?" Jiraiya asked Hiruzen.

Hiruzen inhaled some smoke from his pipe as he shook his head.

"They still haven't asked him any questions. I told them that they can't force him to answer any questions and only if he was willing should they bring him for questioning. All I know is that he is loyal to Konoha and specially Naruto and his teammates. You should go after them or you'll be left behind." Hiruzen said.


"Alright, Naruto. We know that Neji uses the Hyuga's famous gentle fist to block the tenketsu points and make it impossible for their enemies to use chakra once every point is blocked. We don't want that to happen, but if it does, what would you do?" Hiroki asked as he faced Naruto. They had arrived at the training ground number three for some time already. Jiraiya was just on the side as he sat down with arms and legs crossed.

"Huuuuum." Naruto struck a thinking pose and thought of some ideas. He then spoke up after some time.

"Well, I don't have only my chakra. I can also use some of the Kyubi's chakra. I guess if all my tenketsu points are blocked, I'll just unblock them using it's chakra." Naruto said.

"Very good. That had a high chance of working. Let's put it to the test. I'm going to block your tenketsu points and you'll then use the kyubi's chakra to unblock them. Don't worry, I will not hurt your internal organs." Hiroki said as he took the gentle fist pose. Naruto only nodded as he trusted Hiroki.

"You can use the Hyuga's gentle fist? Give me a break. You'd need the Byakugan to see where the tenketsu points are, kid. You might use your sharingan's ability to copy ninjutsu and taijutsu, but it can't see the tenketsu points." Jiraiya said as he scoffed.

"I don't need to see them. All I need is to know where they are." Hiroki said as he looked at Naruto. He then started poking Naruto and closing his tenketsu points gently. In less than half a minute, Hiroki finished.

"Can you feel your chakra and mold it?"

"You should give up on this training, kid. This is pointless." Jiraiya said.

"I can't feel any chakra." Naruto said.

"What?!" Jiraiya exclaimed as he stood up hurriedly.

"Alright, try using the Kyubi's chakra and forcefully opening them up. I know this is the first time you are trying this, so just do it calmly." Hiroki said. Naruto nodded his head and he made a hand seal as he started concentrating to gather chakra.

A dark red colored chakra started enveloping Naruto and Hiroki could see it with his sharingan as the chakra circulated inside Naruto.

"Haaaaaaaaa!" Naruto exclaimed as he could feel chakra circulate inside him.

"I did it! Yataaaaa!" Naruto cheered loudly.

"Very good, Naruto. That's taken care of for now. Now there's no chance you'll lose to Neji. You're stronger and faster than him and now you have an ace to beat his gentle fist." Hiroki said.

"How did you do that? You copied the gentle fist and used it your own way." Jiraiya said.

"I have the Sharingan. I'm able to copy jutsu and I already told you. I don't need to see the tenketsu points. I only need to know where they are located in the human body." Hiroki said.

"Ahem, well then. Naruto, would you like me to teach you summoning jutsu? Only strong shinobi have summons." Jiraiya asked as he got a little jealous seeing Hiroki teaching Naruto.

"Hiroki doesn't have a summon and he's strong. Why would I need one. And don't forget that I'm not happy with you, Pervy sage." Naruto said as he twisted his nose to Jiraiya.

"Naruto, this is not bad. You should accept it. A summon can really help you. And the frogs from mount Myoboku are ones of the four strongest summons. And I never said I don't have any summons. I just don't have the need to use them." Hiroki said as he tried convincing Naruto.

"Yeah. The toads of mount Myoboku are actually the strongest summons there are." Jiraiya said and Hiroki could only chuckle.

"What are laughing at?" Jiraiya asked as he looked at Hiroki with and annoyed look.

"Ahem. Your father had a contract with them as well." Jiraiya said as he glanced at Naruto. Mentioning Minato was to rope Naruto into being taught by Jiraiya. His plan seemed to work as Naruto had a thoughtful look.

"If my dad had a contract with them, then I will accept it." Naruto.

"Good then." Jiraiya said as he made some hand seals and summoned a human sized toad. The toda then spit out a large scroll from its mouth, Jiraiya grabbed it and opened it.

"Here, Naruto. Use some blood and write you name and then leave the finger prints of your right hand. After you do that, you'll be able to summon the toads as well." Jiraiya explained.

Naruto bit his thumb as blood came out. He then signed his name and left the finger prints on the contract. He had also seen his father's name on the scroll and some emotions flashed in his eyes.

"Very good. Now copy the hand seals I make and build chakra to summon the toads. The more chakra you use, the stronger the toad." Jiraiya said as he made the hand seals so Naruto could copy.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" Naruto yelled as he slammed his hand on the floor and many black writings appeared. A cloud of smoke appeared. After the smoke cleared, they saw a small dark orange toad with purple markings around it's eyes, mouth and stomach.

"Yo." The toad said.

"Not bad, Naruto. You were able to summon one toad on your first try. I was expecting you to summon a tadpole." Jiraiya said.

"Jiraiya, who is the kid?" The toad asked.

"His name is Naruto. Naruto, this is Gamakichi. I believe you guys will work together a lot in the future. Anyways, thank you Gamakichi. You can return now." Jiraiya said and Gamakichi left as he disappeared into a smoke cloud.

"Hey, why was he so little? Why can't I summon a bigger one like the one you summoned?" Naruto asked.

"As I said, the more chakra you use, the stronger the toad will be. You have to put in a lot of chakra to be able to summon a bigger one." Jiraiya said.

"Hey, Naruto. Use the Kyubi's chakra to summon a big one." Hiroki whispered to Naruto. The blond gathered the Kyubi's chakra and he made the hand seals and summoned again. This time, a huge cloud of smoke rose.

"Huh? Is it you Jiraiya? What did you summon me here for? If you summoned me just for the hell of it like before, I'm going to beat you up." A deep voice said as he looked around.

Hiroki looked and saw Gamabunta and Naruto on top of it. As the huge toad appeared, the first thing that Jiraiya did was hide himself.

*tap, tap*

"Oy. I was the one that summoned you." Naruto said as he slapped Gamabunta's head.

"Huh? A brat like you was able to summon me? I don't believe it. Hurry up and tell me where Jiraiya is so I can beat him up." Gamabunta said.

"I told you. I was the one to summon you. The Pervy sage had nothing to do with this." Naruto said impatiently.

"Oh yeah. Then prove it to me. If you can keep yourself from falling until sunset, I'll believe you and let you summon me from now on. If you can't, then I won't let you summon me anymore." Gamabunta said.

"You're on." Naruto said. Just as he finished agreeing, Gamabunta started jumping crazily all around as Naruto tried keeping himself on top of the toad as the his skin was oily and he wasn't able to grab onto him.

"You shouldn't have hidden." Hiroki said as he looked at Jiraiya.

"Gamabunta is still angry at me for the last time I got drunk and summoned him." Jiraiya said.

"Just stop drinking or drink more responsibly then. Anyways, you said the toads from mount Myoboku were the strongest summons. I can't agree with that." Hiroki said.

"There are the snakes and the slugs. Out of the three, the toads have more abilities to work together with the summoners." Jiraiya said.

"Aren't you forgetting another animal summon?"

"Which one? The three strongest are those three. There aren't any stronger than those."

"Haven't the toads told you about the eagles from Himitsu no Kiri no Yama?" Hiroki asked.

"What? You know of them? They said that the last time an eagle from that placed appeared many decades ago and none was seen after with a summoner. They are rare and it's impossible for anyone to encounter the place they stay."

"They are still the strongest regardless of that. You should keep your facts checked."

"Heh. Like you know something." Jiraiya said as he sneered.

Hiroki only chuckled as he didn't say anything. He then made some hand seals and slammed his hands on the ground. After the smoke cleared, a ten meters tall golden eagle appeared in front of Hiroki.

"How may I be of use, Hiroki-sama." The golden eagle asked.

"Hello, Gorudo-san. Just take me flying and follow that big toad from a good height. Let's not be too close and not too far." Hiroki said. He then looked at Jiraiya and waved. The sage from mount Myoboku had his jaw dropped to the ground as he saw what happened in front of him.

'That kid. He's shrouded in mystery. He's young, strong, fast, can copy the Hyuga's Gentle Fist and had a summoning contract with the eagles from Himitsu no Kiri no Yama. He's more than a genius.' Jiraiya thought as he saw Hiroki flying on top of the golden eagle.

As the sun had set, Gamabunta had finally stopped jumping around as he felt exhausted.

"So we are done already? Now you believe, right? I did summon you and I'll do it again if I need you." Naruto said as he was sitting down on top of Gamabunta's head.

"Yeah, yeah, kid. I believe you. Now get off my head or you'll fall. My summoning time is over." Gamabunta said.

"What?" Naruto asked as he didn't understand, but at the same time, Gamabunta became a huge cloud of smoke and Naruto started falling.

"Waaaaaaaaaah!" Naruto screamed as he fell, but stopped screaming as he stopped falling. He could feel the air brushing on his face. He looked under him and saw that a big eagle had gotten him midair. He then looked around and saw Hiroki on the bird with him.


"You would have hurt yourself pretty badly if you fell from that height, Naruto." Hiroki said.

He then looked at the Golden eagle and asked him to take them down next to Jiraiya.

"Cooool. You have a bird as a summon." Naruto said.

"It's an eagle, Naruto, not a bird." Hiroki replied.

"Do you need anything else, Hiroki-sama?" The Golden eagle asked.

"No. That will be all, Gorudo-san. Thank you for today." Hiroki said and then the eagle disappeared into smoke.

"Now then, I guess this will be all for the day, right?" Hiroki asked as he looked at Jiraiya.

"Yeah. I guess so. Tomorrow, let's meet at the third training ground. I believe you have read some of your father's jutsu scrolls. Read the one named: "Rasengan." I'm going to start teaching it to you, Naruto." Jiraiya said.

"What Jutsu is that?" Naruto asked.

"It's one your father created himself. An original. It will come in handy for you in the future. It's really powerful." Jiraiya said.

"Alright. I'll do that today at night." Naruto said.

"Don't forget about the fuuinjutsu reading Naruto. You have to focus on that one as well. You won't see instantaneous results, but the more you learn, the better it is for you as you accumulate knowledge." Hiroki said.

"You know fuuinjutsu?" Jiraiya asked as he looked at Hiroki.

"Yeah. I know a little bit." Hiroki answered knowing that Jiraiya would start boasting.

"Hehe. I'm a fuuinjutsu master you know. I could teach you a lot of things." Jiraiya boasted.

"Is that so? How about you teach me Hiraishin? Naruto's father was known as the yellow flash because of how versatile he was with it's use. Since you were his sensei, I guess you know it too right?" Hiroki asked as he already knew that Jiraiya didn't know how Hiraishin worked or how the network to connect the user to the seals worked either.

"Ahem, Ahem. Well, that one is not that easy to teach. Only Minato and Nidaime Hokage was able to use that technique. They were both geniuses and there were no equal to them." Jiraiya said.

"You could just say that you don't know." Hiroki said.

"What's this Hira-thingy you guys are talking about?" Naruto asked.

"It's called Hiraishin. It's a technique that the Nidaime Hokage created and your father had to recreate since there were no registered documents teaching the technique. You father ended the third shinobi war while using it, getting the moniker of the yellow flash of Konoha. All in all, it's a very complicated technique that can teleport the user to a previous marked place or person with the use of a seal." Hiroki explained.

"Woooooooow! My dad was suuuuuper awesome. I'm going to learn it too and I'll become Konoha's orange flash. Datebayo!" Naruto yelled loudly and he had a firm look deep in his eyes, filled with conviction.

"Then you better hit the scrolls and books your parents left you, Naruto. It isn't something easy to learn at all. You should use your clones to read the scrolls and practice while you sleep, Naruto. That will make things faster. Anyways, I should go back home now. I have to do some studying myself. I'll see you two tomorrow." Hiroki said as he shunshined.

Jiraiya and Naruto saw Hiroki leaving and they left as well as they were walking towards Ichiraku's. Jiraiya looked at the blond and he had a few things he wanted to ask him, but it was regarding Hiroki.

"Naruto, Hiroki seems to know a lot of things for his age. How do see him? He shows a lot of care for you and he seems to be hiding his strength. Every time he speaks or does something, it's a surprise." Jiraiya said.

"Hiroki is really smart. He is my best friend along with Sasuke and Sakura. He always treats me like a brother or something like that. I don't have a brother so I don't know how to explain it. As for his strength, he very strong. When that snake guy... what was his name again?" Naruto asked himself as he tried to remember.

"Oh, yeah. It's Orochimaru. That guy came after him and Sasuke. He was saying something about giving them a present or something like that to them and attacked us, but Hiroki always protected us against that guy's attacks. And when he found an opening, he let us scape so he could fight Orochimaru alone. He created a big explosion to attract the attention of the proctors and anbu agents and used that to flee from the snake guy. I already knew he was stronger than us since we always did extra training together, but when he was the only one able to hold his own against Orochimaru and the rest of us couldn't do anything, that's when I saw that he had always held back." Naruto said.

'That kid was able to hold his own against Orochimaru? I'm sure Orochimaru wasn't using his power to it's fullest because he always underestimates his opponents and if he did, it would attract the attention of the anbu agents in the Forest of Death, but that is still praise worthy for someone that young. I have let sensei know that it really was Hiroki who fought against Orochimaru, creating that big explosion they said and that Orochimaru had come after him and Sasuke. As for the present, it must be Orochimaru's cursed seal.' Jiraiya thought as he had become distracted.

"Hey, Pervy sage. What are you dreaming about?" Naruto asked as he looked at the toad sage.

"Ah, it was nothing. Let's hurry and get you that ramen." Jiraiya said as he changed subjects.