
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs


It had been three years since the episode with Danzo. Hiroki had put in a lot of work into his practices and he has been making a lot of progress regarding fuinjutsu, close to becoming a master in it. His wind and lightening affinities as well as the Hiraishin took a great jump in progress. He could use all five elements without any difficulties at all. Regarding the Hiraishin, he was already able to teleport to close distances in the first months he learned the technique. He could teleport in a radius of 10 miles after the second year he learned and now he could travel to great distances without any restraints. His sharingan had evolved to three tomoes as he always had it active whenever out of the village. Kakashi also learned about it as Hiroki trusted him enough to tell him. He had become a chunin two years after Kakashi, when he was 8 years old. He now was already jounin level, but didn't want to take the exam due to him wanting to spend more time with Minato and Kakashi. Hiroki has gone to many missions and his mission completion rate was 100%, meaning that the clients asked for him more every time.


"Minato-ni, I want to test something out and I will need your help to do this. I need to go to the forest of death." Hiroki said as he finished his weekly spar against Minato.

"What do you need to do there, Hiroki?"

"I have a technique that I have been trying to develop for some time now and there's also something else. I want Kakashi to come because this is something he might use in the future." Hiroki explained.

Minato then touched Kakashi and Hiroki on the shoulders and teleported to the forest of death. When they got there they heard a loud cry from a beast.

'This forest is just like in the anime. Huge trees and huge animals. This place is certainly unique.' Hiroki thought.

"You guys don't need to worry. That loud cry was from a tiger. You guys are safe from most of the beast here, but don't ever be careless." Minato said as he warned the two. He then looked at Hiroki and told him to test his technique.

'I wanted to use chidori for a while since my lightening affinity has become as strong as the other elements, but it's something Kakashi has created himself in the future. I'll teach it to him so I don't feel guilty. I always had thoughts of other techniques and add other elements if possible. I guess I'll add elements in the future before the war start.' Hiroki thought.

"I'll make a shadow clone first and then have it try the technique. If nothing wrong happens, then it's sage for use. Pay attention Kakashi you too Minato-ni. You might use this as well." Hiroki said.

The shadow clone has made a few hand seals and chakra started taking a shape of a hand blade. Later, the clone started adding lightening element chakra into it and after a few seconds, sparks started flying out from it until the sparks became lightening. As the electricity started becoming wilder and wilder, the loud cry of a thousand birds came from Hiroki's hands.

As Kakashi and Minato saw this, they were both interested in this technique Hiroki "created".

Hiroki's clone then dashed towards a tree and stabbed it with chidori. Pieces of wood flew everywhere as the tree blew up from inside out. The clone then dispelled and the memories came back to Hiroki. He had a light shining in his eyes. He was very excited and the feeling of wielding the technique was something he never felt before.

'This is awesome. The feeling of using chidori is great and It could be addicting. I feel that I could develop it into another powerful technique, but let's leave it to the future.' Hiroki Thought.

"Hiroki, you've created an A-rank jutsu. It is perfect for assassination, if you don't count the loud bird cry. But still, this is splendid. If you could make it silent, then you'll be one of the greatest assassins in the world. What will you call it?" Minato asked.

"Thank you Minato-ni. I call it Chidori. Have you two paid attention to the hand seals and the process of it?" Hiroki asked and both of them nodded.

Hiroki made two shadow clones and told them to help Minato and Kakashi with any problems they might find in the technique's process. After two tries, Minato had completed the technique while Kakashi had five trials.

"Thank you Hiroki for giving me this technique." Kakashi said. This was one of the rare times Kakashi showed any emeotion.

"No problem Kakashi. A tip I'll give you is that you might have many uses for this technique if you wish. I won't say anything more though. You have a sharp mind and you are intelligent. You'll figure it out in no time." Hiroki said.

"So that was the first thing. What else do you want to try? Minato said as he remembered that Hiroki said he wanted to try something.

Hiroki kept thinking for a few minutes.

'I know I have wood style, but I've never tried using it before. I don't know to use it or if it'll be like Hashirama's or Yamato's. Either way, it is something powerful. I better be careful because there are many that would want this power for themselves. Including Danzo and Orochimaru. I guess I'll just get through with it.' Hiroki thought.

"Please take a few steps back." Hiroki said.

He waited for them to be in a good distance away and then made a snake seal. He concentrated his chakra as it was being built up, until buds started emerging from the ground and then transformed into large tress almost instantly. More trees grew as he continued to supply chakra. He then stopped and looked at Minato's and Kakashi's face.

"How?" Both of them asked at the same time.

"I don't know, but if there was an answer it would be my parents. They are still a mystery as I don't even know their names. But I know one thing. They are from the Uchiha and Senju clan. Otherwise I would never have these kekkei genkai." Hiroki said.

"You can't show this to anyone. Not yet, at least. This secret is far more dangerous than you being an Uchiha. Many have sought after Hashirama's wood release, but only to fail. If this would be known by others, you would be turned into a lab rat. Hiroki, promise me that you'll only reveal this when you are powerful enough to protect yourself and the ones you love from any harm brought by others." Minato said.

"I promise." Hiroki nodded.

"And Kakashi, this secret is more important so I don't have to say anything."

"Hai sensei. I've never seen or heard any of this." Kakashi said.

"Thank you guys for keeping this a secret as well. I knew that if there was someone to trust, it would be you two and Kushina-ne." Hiroki said.

"We also thank you for trusting us with your secrets Hiroki." Minato said as he ruffled Hiroki's hair.

Hiroki kept thinking about the scroll Hashirama left to Konoha in hopes that someone awakens mokuton in the future.

'I wonder if I'll be allowed to have a look at it. I also want to have one of Tobirama's water jutsu. I guess only if I hand over a jutsu of the same rank to the village I'll be allowed to have these things.'

"Ni-san, is there any chance for me to take a look at the first's mokuton scroll if I hand over an A-rank jutsu to the village?" Hiroki asked.

"I see. If you could learn some of those jutsu, you would have a great help in power. Hashirama was known as the god of shinobi and his mokuton was the main reason for that moniker. I believe if you hand Chidori over to the village, then there's a chance for you to take a look at it and you might even get another jutsu."

"I'm not handing over Chidori. It's this." Hiroki said as he took a shuriken, made a copy of said shuriken and then threw it.

"That's just a shuriken shadow clone. Konoha already owns that jutsu." Minato said, not understanding Hiroki.

"I'm not done Minato-ni. Katsu!" Hiroki said as he made a one handed ram seal. The shuriken he had thrown made a big explosion that the shock wave sent debris towards the three for a few seconds.

"Hiroki, what are you? Did you take the day to surprise us? First was chidori, then mokuton and now this." Minato said as he had his eyes opened in surprise.

Hiroki then looked at him and grinned while rubbing his nose.

"Hehe, I guess I'm a genius like you and Kakashi. I still don't have a name for it, but it's a great shadow clone explosion in the form of shuriken. Imagine if it were ten or more shuriken holding this much explosive power. No wall would be able to stop something like this."


After Minato and Kakashi calmed down, Minato took Kakashi home and then went to the Hokage's office with Hiroki to hand in the shuriken explosion technique.

"Minato, Hiroki, came to get a mission? Where's Kakashi?" Hiruzen asked.

"Not really Hokage-sama. Hiroki here wants to have a look at the first's mokuton jutsu scroll." Minato said.

"Well that is not such an issue, but that's not something easy to ask. What interest do you have to looks at the first's scroll? Would you by any chance have mokuton?"

"No, I don't have mokuton. My interest in the first's mokuton scroll is just for the insights contained inside."

Hiruzen than thought for a while. He then lit his pipe and pulled some smoke.

"Is there anything you can give back to the village in an exchange?"

"I do have something to exchange, but I also want another A-rank jutsu. I can't just give something and get a look at a scroll that will only help me with insights." Hiroki said.

Hiruzen than took another hit at his pipe and exhaled after a few seconds of thought.

"Fine. I'll grant you an A-rank jutsu and let you look at the first's mokuton scroll in exchange for another A-rank jutsu."

"Thank you Hokage-sama." Hiroki said happily.

"When can I have a look at the first's scroll?" He then asked.

"You can take a look now. It is inside that room. I'll only give you twenty minutes to study it and not one second more." Hiruzen said as he pointed towards a room that only could be accessed through his office.

Hiroki then went inside the room and closed the door behind him. He then took one of his scrolls from his kunai pouch and opened it on the floor. As he released the seal from it, a larger scroll appeared. He then opened this scroll and place Hashirama's jutsu scroll in the center. Hiroki made a few hand seals, the larger scroll he brought started to be filled with writings.

'Good thing I brought this copy scroll with me. I could have used my sharingan to remember all the jutsus inside, but it would take some time to write them down.' He thought.

After some time, the copy was finished and the contents inside were identical to Hashirama's. Hiroki then stayed inside the room for five more minutes until his time was up.

"So, you have read the scroll. Did you get any insights?" Hiruzen asked.

"I have, but it's complex. I'll need time to get the complete insight. Either way, thank you Hokage-sama." Hiroki answered.

"Now then, for the A-rank jutsu. What jutsu are you going to give in return?"

"Let's first go to the forest of death. We'll need the space the forest gives us." Hiroki said as he put his hands on the shoulder's of Hiruzen and Minato and teleported. Hiroki had left his formula on the same tree Minato had placed his kunai when he went there earlier.

"Thank you Minato, walking here would take some time even for us shinobi." Hiruzen said.

"It wasn't me Hokage-sama. Hiroki has learned the Hiraishin as well." Minato said with a happy and proud face.

Hiruzen hearing that was utterly surprised.

"You have a splendid apprentice Minato. Every time he surprises us with something new. Congratulations in learning sensei's jutsu, Hiroki."

"Thank you Hokage-sama. Now then, for the demonstration. Please make a rock wall as dense and as thick as you can in a good distance from where we are. After you are done, please come back so we can take cover." Hiroki explained.

Hiruzen did what Hiroki said and came back to where they were.

"Why do you want a mud wall so dense and thick like that? Not to demerit you, but I don't think you have a jutsu that can destroy it." Hiruzen said.

"Don't worry Hokage-sama. Just watch." Hiroki said as he grabbed five shurikens and threw them towards the rock wall. He then made one hand seal and the five became twenty, fifty then one hundred and then stuck themselves at the wall.

"Take cover. Katsu!" Hiroki said as he made one hand seal and jumped back behind the tree that was covering them. The rock wall exploded and nothing of it was left but a crater of the radius of ten meters wide and eight meters down.

A swarm of anbu instantly arrived to the sight as this might have been an attack from an enemy village. They looked around only to find Hiruzen, Minato and Hiroki.

"Hokage-sama, what happened? Are you alright?" The anbu with the bird mask asked.

Hiruzen had a horrified look on his face. He then looked at Hiroki and could only think 'monster'.

"Ahem. Hiroki-kun, would you explain to me what jutsu this is and how you created it?" Hiruzen asked. Hiroki then handed him the scroll containing the notes of the jutsu.

"Since I've handed my part, I'm expecting to get my A-rank jutsu."

"What jutsu did you have in mind?"

"Water style: explosive bite of water dragon."

"That's a jutsu from Tobirama sensei. I'm sorry Hiroki, but you're not a jounin yet and I can't hand this jutsu to you." Hiruzen said.

"No problem then. I'll just take this back." Hiroki said as the scroll he handed to Hiruzen teleported back to him.

"Let's go Minato-ni. Hokage-sama didn't keep his word so there's no need for me to hand this jutsu." Hiroki said as he got ready to leave.

"Wait. Fine, I'll give you the jutsu. I only ask for you to be careful and don't let others learn it. It is a powerful jutsu." Hiruzen said.

"Alright then. Let's go get it." Hiroki said as he teleported Minato and Hiruzen to the Hokage office.

Once they arrived, Hiruzen fetched the scroll and handed it to Hiroki.

"Thank you for helping Konoha becoming stronger Hiroki. I'm sorry for hesitating in giving you my sensei's jutsu. It's just that I hold all his techniques dear."

"No harm done Hokage-sama. Matter of fact, I want to apply to the Jounin exam. This way, some of your council members won't bother you for exchanging Nidaime's technique with mine even though mine is more versatile and more powerful." Hiroki said, getting the reaction he wanted from Hiruzen.

Hiruzen was embarrassed. He knew Hiroki's technique could be learned by anyone that had enough chakra to pull it off and didn't need any elemental affinity to put it in use. In other words, Hiroki's technique was easier to do and more powerful. The techniques were not equal and Hiroki was at a loss in this exchange. Even though Hiruzen knew that he still didn't want to hand Nidaime's technique. Not until Hiroki decided to quit the exchange.

Hiroki left the office together with Minato and they went home after that. Hiroki's jounin exam would be three days from now so he had to prepare for it.