
Tales of Eden

What if the world that you lived in for years suddenly changed? What would you do? How would you feel? This story is about our main character, Moon. Due to his wish, more and more problems occur leaving him with a thirst for more. With the trouble of his past following everywhere he goes. Madness is all in his wake. Astro his god by his side tries to help but can she really? Heaven, Hell, and Earth all will become one. Because of this more races are popping up every day. For example gods and demons but can they be trusted? With the events and his wish make him or break him? And how many will die for him and because of his wish?

DARK_KNITE · Fantaisie
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95 Chs

Confession Game Start!

Pride says "There is no point to lying!" Moon says "Your right but I'm not! How about a game?" Rizen says "What is it?" Moon says "I will give three people a chance to break my arm. If you can, I will answer three questions with only the truth but I pick the people. To make sure I'm not lying or cheating Astro will be my referee since she is connected to my mind. How about it?" Pride and Rizen both nod.

Moon says "Good, let's start!" Astro says "Why do I have to be a part of this?" Moon replies with "Don't gods love fun?" Astro sighs then says "Fine." Moon says "Rizen ur first!" Rizen touches Moon's right arm and says "Add pressure of boulder." Moon feels the pressure of a boulder on his arm! He says "Too light! Next Pride." Pride snaps his fingers. Moon thinks to himself "Did he just try to rewrite my body? This could be fun!" Moon puts on a nice grin! He says "Bonnie or is it Maybell, come break my arm!" The girl says "I'm Bonnie right now. And this could be fun so why not." Bonnie leaps into the air and says "Blood release." Bonnie turns red and kicks Moon's arm. The kick crushes Moon's arm. Bonnie jumps off it and lands on the floor.

Bonnie says "I win!" She turns back to normal. Moon says "You sure did! So what are your questions?" Bonnie says "Just let me drink your blood and we will call it even." Moon says "Fine!" Bonnie takes a bite and drinks Moon's blood. Moon sees that she has fangs. Bonnie stops and goes back to her seat but while walking back she says "Your blood is like a cocktail. I like it, let me drink it again some time! Demon spider killer." Moon thinks to himself how does she know I killed Kumo or know her. I will have to talk to her. And in the worst case, I will Eliminate her!" Pride says "We about a deal?" Moon says "No point, you still value your life." Clover asks "What about your arm?" Moon grabs his broken arm. Then picks it back up. He moves his broken arm. Just like that, it isn't broken anymore.

Moon says to Clover "No need to worry." Clover smiles. A familiar face appears. Then walks to the front of the calls. It's class S teacher. He says "I have work to do so, get to class." Everyone from Class A leaves the classroom. Yamazuki (The teacher) says "By what the head has said you guys will be playing capture the flag. This game will have some rules.

The first one is in no way should the flag be broken. If the flag is completely broken then that side with the broken flag will be with-drawed. Rule two no killing anyone. If you do you will be expelled. Rule three no leaving the field area. In the event you do, you'll face a punishment and be out of the game! Any questions?" Moon asks "then what is the point of taking the other teams back to our flag!" The teacher says "The team who does that gets a prize for the other team's flag being brought back. Okay, follow me to the field." The whole class follows him.

Both classes are on the field. A bell is rung and the flag battle starts. Moon sees most of the class running to the other flag. Moon stays still. Astro says "I will guard the flag!" Astro clinches her staff. She shouts "barrier level one!" A tiny circle-like barrier is put over the flag!

Moon says "Show me what you can do Naka or is it Naka v2!" Naka says "I have downloaded what I can do now in your brain! So new features will be added later to your brain!" He says "Naka speed mode!" Naka transforms from a black cloak to a pair of boots. In this form, it greatly increases the wearer's speed. Allowing them to walk on air and on water!