The blue shirted human then glanced over towards Sans and Gaster as they began to speak and titled their head as they continued to talk in the wingding font until Sans began to speak in his regular comic sans, giggling a bit at the joke as Gaster went along with it. Gaster too gave it a soft chuckle, cooling down from his emotional self-loathing from leaving the two children he created alone. He could only nod to the questions of which Sans asked about being stuck there as well as the one about bringing Papyrus back. They had to reset in order to get out of here anyways, the game world needed to make everything make sense again in a way.
Though as soon as the child spoke up, Gaster let out a sigh and glanced away for a few moments. One of his larger hands appeared and picked up Frisk with its thumb, index and middle finger; by the head and slowly began to move the child towards the Reset Button as not to hurt the child while doing so. Though if someone were to try and stop him, he'd throw Frisk towards the Reset Button which would reset the game on impact.
Frisk on the other hand was rather conflicted. They didn't want to destroy Chara, it would be even worse that they found out they could be alive once more, only to loose their life again and be stuck in Frisk's head. Though if there was some form of glitch that was created in this timeline, then would it carry over? Their eyes wandered to Gaster whom was moving along side them. Nodding at them as if they knew what they were thinking.
"☟✡🏱⚐❄☟☜❄✋👍✌☹☹✡📪 ❄☟☜ 🕈⚐☼☹👎 🕈✋☹☹ ❄☼✡ ❄⚐ 💣✌😐☜ ❄☟✋💧 ✌☹☹ 💣✌😐☜ 💧☜☠💧☜📬 ❄☟☜ ❄✋💣☜☹✋☠☜ ✋❄💧☜☹☞📪 🕈✋☹☹ ✌👎✌🏱❄📬 ❄☟☜ ☹✋😐☜☹✋☠☜💧💧 ☞⚐☼ 👍☟✌☼✌ ❄⚐ ☝⚐ 👌✌👍😐 ✌💧 ❄☟☜✡ 🕈☜☼☜ 👌☜☞⚐☼☜📪 ✋💧 👌☜☹⚐🕈 🖲📁🕭📬"
The question to be though, with Papyrus and the village people coming back, was this low risk operation of resetting the timeline really worth it? Well, of course. Frisk justified it in their head by now, this arguing was pointless, but they still didn't want to heartlessly depress Chara or Flowey, even if Flowey wouldn't remember, Chara obviously would. Frisk not wanting to press the reset button even if it was justified, wiggled out of the former Royal Scientist's hold and landed on their feet. They then looked up at the being whom was Sanses creator and simply smiled up at him.
Gaster didn't understand as the child rebelled and looped around it, his eyes like little purple dot pupils which glowed in curiosity and anger. Though it didn't speak as it would then launch over towards the Reset button and stand there for a few seconds before pressing it. The white iteration of the void, turned off like a lamp light and surrounded them in darkness. For a few mere moments they could see one another, before suddenly that wasn't possible anymore.
"This should be interesting," a dark and familiar disembodied voice echoed.
For Chara and Frisk, their faces would be lit by a sky above, shining into the cave of which the ruins was settled in and was all too familiar for them. It was the place where they both had fallen into when they first arrived. Frisk reached forward as they began to fall, attempting to grab the lights before their head moved to the side and they heard the sound of someone elses clothes flapping about as they went down. They blinked several times as they stared to Chara and reached out to grab onto them; much like they had done before and wrapped their arms around them excitedly.
For Sans things would probably be much better, as Papyrus was home. Their house was still standing. Toriel of all, the Goat Mother of three, was alive once more. The village was unharmed, there were no deaths and no dust covering the icy snow bound wonderland. Flowey obviously probably didn't remember a thing, which was both sad and good at the same time and was where he always is in the ruins. Waiting for the human to arrive after their fall. Everything had returned to normal, for the most part, despite the two humans having fallen into the Underground together which neither of them could really explain.
"How are we going to explain this to goat mom, exactly?" They muttered before hitting the ground with a rather loud thud.
As Chara stood beside Frisk watching as the two argued onward, it almost went over their head that Frisk was being lifted. Chara was the first to notice, gasping loud enough for Sans to hear. He peaked over his shoulder, taking a quick double take as he watched Gaster bring Frisk over towards the Reset. Omega was the last to noticed as they saw Sans's attention was no longer on him. He turned to see Gaster lifted Frisk over towards the reset.
Sans was all for the button to be pressed, but Chara with worrisome eyes watched from a distance. Gaster spoke in wingdings once more as Sans listened with care. He acknowledged that Chara's life would most likely carry on to the next timeline, but that 10% still bugged him. Omega growled, "NO!" But before they could even move, Sans had quickly pierced the newly transformed Flowey with blue bones, causing the monster to stop in mid motion, or take damage. Omega knew very well of Sans' attacks. But to stoop this low as to give a life for another? Omega turned to Chara once more, their eye lids lowering to the thought of loosing chara for the third time..Their very soul and the many souls of the deceased children ached within the Flower. The souls of the deceased could feel the sorrow and guilt the being was carrying with them all these years.
Sans was starting to feel bad, but he ad to trust his creator. They seemed to have high knowledge about the reset and this world. Almost as if Gaster knew this was the only option for the four of them to go on. It was like the hit a dead end as he looked around once more. The only option was to press the button.
Chara turned to face Omega once more. Only seconds from Gaster pressing the button, the child quickly reached out to Omega, "A-..Asriel?!" the fallen child called. As if calling for them to be with them once more. If their life would be taken away due to this reset..Chara would mentally melt. As darkness wiped in, Chara and Omega eye each other as Omega reached out to grab Chara. But it was futile. He could only reply to the distressful call.
"C-chara! I'm Sor--!" Omega was too late as he was engulfed in darkness. Along with voice and everyone within the void.
As darkness corressed Chara once more, the child quickly closed their eyes as tears began to fill their eyes. But suddenly, the child could feel their self falling. Just behind their eyes, a bright light shined upon the child as their body was falling down what seeme dlike a hole? That light...that sky....was that the surface?
IT's been years since Chara could remember what it was like. IT seemed much more peacful as they dazed at the image of the sky becoming smaller from view.
Chara closed their eyes once more, enduring the pressure of gravity and air brushing against their clothing. Were they alive? Or was this just a mental state of being a ghost? But something touched the child in mid-fall. Soon, the child was wrapped into a hug as they quickly sparked their eyes open to see it was Frisk hugging them. This warmth..for the first time in a million life times, Chara has never felt happier. They quickly hugged the falling child as they came in faster towards the patch of golden buttercups at the end of the fall.
'How are we going to explain this to goat mom, exactly?' Chara smirked. They were speechless and too filled with joy as they hugged the child much longer than before. The two humans finally crashed into the plushie field of buttercups. IT was rather..soft. Luckily they didnt land head first or the children probably would have been died...
Chara's body ached a bit, so this was 'feeling'. The sheer experienced excited Chara as they chuckled out. They quickly lifted from the ground, patting them self and observing over there body. "I'm...I'm alive! Frisk...I'm HERE! Like...really here! the child cheered. Looking back at Frisk, they quickly offered a hand to the human child so they could help them up. This reset..was a god-sent. Whatever this was, Chara was alive and well.
Sans would find himself waking up from his bed! Not from a nightmare...but literally remembering he was engulfed by darkness form the void and now waking up at home. Wait, his home?! He looked around at the normally constructed house where him and Papyrus lived. Was the reset a success? He quickly hopped out of his bed and ran for the door. And to his surprise, the being he yearned to see was standing tall in a 'knocking' pose about to knock against Sans' door.
"S-sans! I - I didnt know you were awa--!" in mid-sentence,the shorter skeleton hugged Papyrus. He was so relieved and filled with joy. The reset worked! His brother was alive and well...of course, he had a slight guilt in the back of his mind for Chara. But what was more important, he had his brother back.
"OH! Well, good morning to you too, Brother!" Papyrus exclaimed. He was actrually happy to be hugged like's been a long time since Sans actrually hugged him this emotionally tight. He hugged his older, yet smaller, brother in the long embrace. Tears were tempted to form int he corner of Sans eyes. Of course, out of joy to see and feel his brother living. Sans was speechless...until.
"I'm so happy Paps..Good things we're skinless and bones. I'm afraid I would have squeezed the guts outta ya!"
"....The moment is GONE!" Papyrus complained. Pouting as Sans was already using puns to ruin their silent moment together.
The child laughed a little as the other human had clung to them and hugged them close, enjoying the embrace which was so warm. It was warmer than what you'd experience with the monsters, well, compared to a human anyways. Frisk too would have clung to the fallen human until they had made it to the ground with the thud only to blink a few times as Chara was the first to get up. Frisk remained on the ground for a few moments smiling as they had exclaimed that they were alive and here, actually here. It was good to know, but still, how were they going to explain this to anyone? Sans would understand, but everyone else would be entirely confused. Would they still have to wander their way towards the Throne? OH boy. This should be interesting.
Frisk sat up and took the Fallen Human's hand was helped to their own feet before they glanced around, looking at the buttercups which surrounded them. The very flowers which the human had eaten and was killed by in order to get through the barrier with Asriel, even though they themselves could have gone on their own. That concept kind of confused the human a bit. Why combine? Shrugging to themselves without speaking verbally about it, they looked on toward towards the door the would have to pass through. They'd keep hold of the Fallen human's hand, not exactly wanting to let go for the time being.
"Playing with Asriel should be fun," Frisk chuckled a bit as they would pull Chara forward and begin to walk towards the entrance that lead deeper into the ruins than they already were. Everything was as if it were before the reset, so calm and peaceful. No evidence that showed that the Player had ever been there at all. They watched as a few spiders went off scurrying about as the humans moved in. Stopping at the large archway, Frisk would peer in and see the light which was engulfing the spot of which Flowey was situated.
He was cute from a distance in that form, but he was definitely a fiend. Of course though, if they were to go in, he would most likely be confused. Wouldn't he? He hasn't seen Chara before, he would have completely forgotten the void. Frisk couldn't help but hold back a quiet laugh before arching a brow; leading Chara into the deeper area of the Ruins in the direction of Flowey.
Toriel, Goat Mom, was on her regular walk in the ruins, enjoying the piece and quiet. She cleaned up spider webs which were broken, mended tiles which fell out of place. Fixated rocks away from flowing water as to not let them be weathered down by running water and the surrounding environment. Dusting the walls and checking on the cheese to see if the mouse had showed, but no mouse came.
"Poor mouse, must've moved on." Toriel had commented as she continued on her way through the various puzzles which for some reason found themselves already to have been solved which she was a bit confused about. Though she paid it not much mind as she continued on her daily walk through the ruins. Then she paused, a feeling in her stomach that she had done this once before. Strange feeling of Deja vu. Shrugging a bit, she laughed it off and picked up her pass, quick walking along the stone paths of the ruins.