

The human laughed aloud when Sans had made the jokes about having the guts to ask Papyrus about the food and how long it would take to cool. The human shrugged and gave a double thumbs up in return and a bright smile across their face. They seemed pretty happy, more happy than before considering they were welcomed into the home owned by Papyrus and Sans. Plus, Sans was pretty cute...

However the child's question seemed to have caused a little domino effect, an explosion almost between the brothers. The child looked at them as they talked, back and forth. The fact that Sans misinterpreted what her mother was, the Frisk simply muffled their own laughter into their hand as they watched. The blushing that Sans showed them was even cuter and Frisk seemed to blush as well by just seeing it. The human's face winced slightly though, putting the hand which was on their mouth onto the side of their head. The flashback of killing mother. Frisk hadn't been strong enough to stop themselves from doing that. Letting out a silent breath, they looked at them for a few moments before giggling. They didn't know about Sans the ENTIRE time, but they did know about them since the exited the door.

The little episode was entertaining as well as informative. Though with the presence of Flowey within their vicinity, the human would let out a light sigh. Just like last time that creature was following them about.

When Papyrus had suggested Sans show the child their home, the human rocked on their feet as they looked to Sans whom agreed. Once the older brother whom had left the room after flipping out about a sock which was obviously placed there on purpose considering his following action to place it else where in the room. Papyrus wouldn't be so happy if he was there to see that. Though as soon as the Sans offered to show the human the couch, they giggled and walked on over to the back of the couch and watched as he poofed a few feet over the couch and landed on it effortlessly.

The human child would proceed to climb over the back of the couch and slip behind the skeleton and the cushions of the couch, before flopping over the skeleton's side. "I like Television," The human would say with a smile across their lips and gently reach over and poke the surface next to the hole of which was his nose. "Though I do have to tell you, you're misunderstanding a bit about the person behind the door." The human would inform and rest their head against the skeletons ribcage, as if listening for a heart beat. "They're became my caregiver when I fell into the Underground, so she's not my actual mother. I'm sure if it were a human, she'd have been taken by now. There'd be no need for a Seventh."

Sans expected the kid to land a cushion, or two, beside him.Instead, the child slid between the skeleton's back and the couch cushions. He quickly jumped to the sudden contact. He wasnt use to it, but once it was acknowledged, it would past by quickly. He was happy to know the child knew what a television was. Though, it'd make sense since they got the TV from the dumpster. So much fell from the surface. It wasn't much, but it kept everyone up to par with today's trends and inventions. Sans quickly reverting his attention back to Frisk. Taking note that child was giving him a single tap on the nose to inform him of their mother. "Oh really now?" he stated. allowing the child to finish. He brought his hand up to his jaw while thinking to himself. "You know, you got a good point there kid. But. Even if she was a human, she played it smart in hiding herself. And on the bright side, I wouldn't have turned her in either. Just..I learned my lesson after the fifth soul...." he informed Frisk of his motive. He was no longer interested in capturing humans for many reasons, but he didn't want to share why. He actually grew attached to the voice behind the door. Other than the jokes and puns, since the woman never left the ruins, he would inform her of everything happening on his side of the door.

How odd. He then remembered the woman's promise yesterday. "If a child passed through here. Can you promise me something? Promise me you won't harm them?" that silly promise. Because of that promise, he had that nightmare this morning. Instantly, a flashback happened. He quickly winced grabbing the side of his head. He was back in judgement hall facing a masked figure in a black silhouette. Why? Why is this nightmare haunting him so much!? He quickly shook his head. "Uh. Sorry Kiddo. just a slight 'skull ache'. Heheh" he nervously jokes. It eventually passed and he reached into the slit of the cushions for the remote. He pressed the power button; turning the television on to the MTT channel. "So uhhh..Why didn't she come out with you?" he asked. His cheekbones turning a slight red thinking about the woman.

The human remained where they were as the Sans pretty much told them about the fifth soul's end? Did he kill the fifth soul? That sounds rather harsh, but it was under orders from Asgore or the human deserved it. The human's eyes fell slightly and looked to the ground. Did Frisk deserve to die for letting something take over them and massacring all the monsters? They closed their eyes and thought to themselves before looking back towards the Sans when he spoke of a skull ache. He's having them too, Frisk made a sound similar to a horse when they exhaled, the air pushing his lip to cause the sound.

Then he asked the question about the mother not coming out with them, but Sans was blushing and Frisk immediately noticed. An expression of jealousy almost painted their face for more than a minute before shaking their head slightly. "Because she disagreed with the methods Asgore used to obtain the Souls," Frisk gave that plain and simple, "so now instead of wearing a tiara and sitting in the throne, she sits in a small house surrounded by her lost children's things. And another reason she didn't come out with me, is because she tried to stop me from coming out." Frisk would let out a sigh and slowly crawl off of him and onto the floor, sitting cross legged and looking at the TV instead of Sans. Tears actually welling up in their horizontal eyes, hands gripping their shorts slightly. They were jealous of Sans thoughts for Toriel.

Sans' white pupils drifted back to Frisk as they spoke. Taking in the child's words asthe first sentence alone made since. He sighed a little. Maybe he shouldn't have told her EVERYTHING that was happening here. But Frisk eventually continued to add in more details about the woman. And confused he was when the child stated 'so now instead of wearing a tiara and sitting in the throne, she sits in a small house surrounded by her lost children's things.'

He arched a bone brow as he made the most puzzled look on his face, "Wait, what? Kid, hehe. What are you impl---!" in mid-sentence he caught on. His white pupils missing from his sockets as a bead of sweat trailed down the side of his head. It made sense now. Why didnt he catch on sooner?! The queen was missing and everyone assumed she 'died' after there next heir to the throne passed away. "Boned..." he simply put it. He was falling for the queen? Asgore's wife? Well, ex now...right? NO! Either way! That's just wrong. He couldn't do such a thing? Have an interested in the king's wife. He groaned under his breathe as if wanting to faint. "What have I gotten myself into?" he asked out loud to himself.

In the mean time, the sounds of clanking, water, and smashing could be heard coming from the kitchen. If you looked, you could see the shadow, caused by a huge flame being ignited, of papyrus causing a ruckus in the next area of the house. Sans peaked over to the doorway of the kitchen. "Uh. Don't mind him. This is normal, heheh." he stated. Of course, he knew his brother was rather aggressive with his cooking. After all, Undyne did train him in the culinary arts along side from physical combat. He scoffed out an exhausted sigh as he shifted his body under Frisk; getting himself comfortable underneath the child.

Chara was no where near the two. They wasnt interested in their little pow-wow moments, but Frisk's thoughts reached Chara as they turned away from looking at Papyrus, causing a huge mess in the kitchen, to notice Sans' little phase. Chara arched a brow. "You see?" Chara alerted. "I don't think we're helping this timeline with these errors Frisk..." you could almost hear it in Chara's voice that they were worried. Something could get out of hand or out of control; first starting with Sans. Oh the fight against the Sans flooded Chara's mind. Took Frisk over a hundred times to try and kill Sans until they gave full control to Chara to take on Sans. Chara wasnt prepared to take on Sans right now; they didnt have enough LOVE. Nor was Frisk. Though, maybe if Sans grows attached, he wont harm them? After all, if Frisk dies, so does Chara. Chara barely has any interests in starting ove--Chara eyes widen! "YOU IDIOT!" they screamed. Referring to Frisk. "When was the last time you marked a save point!?" right now, Chara was extremely worried. Of course, they were to blame too; it didnt cross there mind after Frisk was so determined to break the laws of this world. Now everything was...Wait. When was the last time they even SEEN a save point?? Chara didnt remember seeing any. Was something broken? No, maybe there was just new locations for the save points. "Frisk! We need to go. We cant leave ourselves vulnerable this long!."

A sudden knock at the door breached the home of the house.

"Sans! Can you get that?!" Papyrus hollered. "The food is almost done, so my hands are a little tied up!"

Sans chuckled not moving a bit. He looked to Frisk, "I mean, I'm kind of bodied right now, Papyrus," the puns were never ending with this one. Chara narrowed their eyes at Sans and looked to the door. Who could it be?

Frisk squeezed their eyes shut as the Sans caught on and even asked himself what he got himself into. Though it seemed he was thinking twice about wanting the Queen, the human would glance to Sans as they opened their eyes. Then their eyes moved towards the doorway to the Kitchen, the sound of fire and ruckus going on in there was rather abnormal, but Sans could have just explained it with one word. Undyne. That weird fish woman was well known for their aggressive nature despite being a fish and liking the spaghetti frozen. Who in the world likes frozen pasta? Maybe the fish was insane. Maybe – Frisk looked to Chara as they spoke up. Pointing out that they weren't exactly helping their precious timeline. Blinking a few times, the human looked to the window of the living room over their shoulder. There was a save point inbetween the house and the shed. They knew that much, but they couldn't see it from where they were at.

With the knocking at the door however, they blinked a few times and looked down at Sans as he declined to answer the door since he was bodied. Frisk suddenly burst out in a giggle fit hearing the skeleton make the joke, unknowingly allowing tears to land on or near Sanses face. Their eyes focused back onto the door and arched a brow. Could that possibly be that one eyed spear throwing fish? The human scurried off of Sans and stood up on the floor before moving over towards the door; standing beside it; knocking twice on the door to see if they person on the other side would answer.

Sans blinked a few times before wiping off his wet substance that dripped from the child before scurrying off towards the door. He reached his arm out as if about to stop them and ask if they were okay, but they welcomed their self to the door by knocking at it. Sans' eye sockets widen.

"Sans you lazy bones! Get the door~" Paprus hollered. And just behind the door was the sea-blue skinned knight itself. Undyne the Undying. She was on her way to visit Papyrus for training, but rumors traveled fast as the towns people spoke about the human being with the skeleton brother. Byt the time she heard the rumors, she had already unequipped her armor to join Papyrus. She wore a black tank top and blue jeans to keep herself comfortable and flexible. Her long red hair flowed radiantly with the wind as she waited patiently for someone to answer her own knocks. Instead, she only heard knocks being repeated back towards her. Followed with Papyrus' voice hollering towards Sans. She instantly scoffed before rolling her eyes.

Silence took it's toll on Sans and Frisk. Who ever it was behind the door, was they going to an-- The door swung upon after a single solid kick from the slim muscled woman. Sans panicked! Frisk was just by the door, but little did he know, the child would be save by a few inches of the door reaching it's limit from slamming into Frisk. Chara on the other hand winced. When they thought there life was going to be robbed in a single blow, they were still present. they looked to the door where Frisk was seeing they were lucky.

"WOAH---! What the F--?!" Sans yelled! his left eye flaring into a frizzy blue as he jumped so fast off the couch. For a lazy guy, he never rushed so fast off the couch before.

"Can it! I don't have time for your games, Sans! Where is it?! Where's the human?!" she demanded answers. Sans on the other hand peaked over her to see the door didnt slam too far into the wall, so maybe the kid was safe. "Uhh. What you mean? Oh KOI, I think you got the wrong house." Sans already tuned his magic eye down so he was no longer too surprized.

"Sans. I swear if you're hidin--"

"Undyne! Just in time!" the taller brother walked into the main area to join the two. He then looked around the area in search for the human, but it was no where to be found. "Sans? Where's Frisk?" Sans hesitated. He thought maybe Papyrus would keep himself a little occupied.

"Frisk? Who's Frisk??"

"Why, our H--"

"OUR NEW PUP!" Sans interrupted Papyrus. Quickly looking to Papyrus with a look as if telling him to 'play along'. Papyrus on the other hand was confused as to why he lied, but he'd followed his older brother in this charade.

"Uhm...yes? Our new puppy...." A little unsure as to why he even agreed. Maybe to keep his brother out of whatever trouble this was, but he was always reliable when it comes to 'having someone's back'.

Undye on the other hand narrowed her eyes at the two. "..A dog?" she muttered under her sharp shark-like teeth while looking around. "Look. If you see a human, get me immediately. They're dangerous. And I dont want nothing happening to the monsters here Got it?!" Undyne held her eyes on Papyrus. Knowing Sans could handle himself, but she was more worried for Papyrus' sake. "I'll talk with the towns people..Maybe they misunderstood what they seen or I'm just missing something." the fish woman stated as she walked out the house. Grabbing the door's knob and closing it behind herself.

Just as the door closed, Frisk would be standing there in view. "There you are!"