
Grandfather Who??!

"Umm you are my grandfather??" Jin asked in disbelief. He didn't look anything like him, and he didn't know what his biological father look like, but even then it would be far-fetched to assume otherwises. "Well technically, your actual father is like a son to me, and I was somewhat friends with your adopted father. You don't have to consider me your grandpa if you don't want to, it won't hurt my feelings." replied the old man.

"Well since you were close to both of my fathers, I'll accept you as my grandpa." Nie Jin said happily

"Back to what I said earlier, I can help you move to Glory City, and make it look like you have been there since the beginning....Well Nie Li might think that the change was because of going back in time, so you don't have to worry about him diving in to deep." "Do you really think that will work?" asked Asbjørn.

"Ummm well duh....what kind of grandfather would I be if I couldn't do something like this." chuckled Old Li. "Yeah but what will it take to accomplish this.....As you and I both know that this isn't something easy to do?"replied Asbjørn. "I only have to "rewrite" time, well actually I have to implant false memories in the people at Glory City. That shouldn't be to hard as there isn't anyone with high cultivation, so yeah."

"Well aren't you so full of yourself" laughed Asbjørn. "When you get to be my age, then you have the right to be boastful." said the old man. "But you also have to live there for at least a year or so, which I assume you already planned to do." "Well yeah was the plan, and you catch us about to leave and head there...But I'm guessing you have a different idea?" asked Asbjørn

"I do have a plan, and it's really similar to yours, but if we do my plan then Jin will have to be put to sleep for a whole year...In a way you will be in a state like Nie Li, you will "awaken" at 13 years old, while you are in class, but you must follow your brother lead, as to not change the current timeline, this part is VERY important, because if you mess this up everything that I did will fall apart. Which would be very bad, I"m not sure how bad, but I just know that it will cause some problems down the road. But after the first few days pass, you should be able to do whatever, you could even kill everyone if you wanted.....and I know that is an extreme exaggeration, but......." as Old Li was talking noticed the faces of the two, and they had an devious smile, and a hint of mischievous look in their eyes. "Ummmmm, what I'm saying is don't go screwing around, I already know about the last place y'all were at, and how they were massacred....So don't get any bad ideas.....There are some mysterious people that look after this place, which is why it has lasted so long, and they won't think twice about killing anyone who threatens this place."

"Well there goes our plan for complete domination..." laughed Jin and Asbjørn. (⊙_⊙;)(⊙_⊙;)(⊙_⊙;) The Old man was starting to think that he made a mistake in letting someone else this kid...like how could he have turned out so like his father, now that he thinks of it. His father was always causing problems, or being a trickster, or making plans to annoy the common folk. There was without a doubt who his father was, as both boys looked like him, and acted like him in some sort of way. Lets just hope Nie Li isn't the same way, or at least not as bad. "I'm joking that wasn't our plan....well not the whole plan." joked Nie Jin. "So when are you going to put me to sleep, because I'm sorta ready to leave this cave....No offense." as he looked at Asbjørn. "Hey none taken, as even I want to leave this crummy cave. I like roaming the skies, and being free. I'm not like those dragons in the folklores, who go around terrorizing villages, and hoarding treasures, and I don't eat people...well most of the time, as they taste nasty."

"Speaking of which, when Jin gets put to sleep, what will happen to me?" asked Asbjørn with a hint of worry in his voice. As he didn't really want to be asleep for a whole year. "Well naturally of course you will also be put asleep with him" said Old Li. He waited a little bit to see the dragon's reaction, as he knew him very well. He didn't like doing nothing, as that would be like torture. Which is why he said this, although it was just a joke. "WHAT!!!!!!! NO FREAKIN WAY... I"M NOT GOING TO DO IT!!!" cried Asbjørn

Old Li bursted out laughing. "I'm just kidding, you don't have to be asleep too. You can roam the area, until he wakes." Asbjørn realizes that he was played, and this did sorta make him mad, but there was nothing he could do. Would he like to beat old Li up.....Hell yeah he would, but that wasn't possible, and he would probably just end up hurting himself in the process. "You little shit, one day I'll stomp on you, and use you as a chew toy!" mumbled Asbjørn. "Umm, excuse me, what did you say?!." asked the old man. Asbjørn a little shocked, but more scared, "Nothing....ummm actually I said thank you for letting me roam free. You are so gracious, and kind..." quickly said Asbjørn. Although he didn't mean it, he had to kiss up to him, in case he changed his mind about letting him roam free.

"Yeah that's what I thought you said" laugh the old man. "Well let's get started with the plan, as I have things to do, and places to go.....I am a very busy man."

"Now you might feel a little disoriented, when you wake up, that is normal so don't worry to much. And I'll have to give you the knowledge of the people in Glory City, so that you won't look dumb. Also be aware that some people might try to fight against my power, which is why I told you to fellow Nie Li's move, an after the few days, everything should be fine. At least I hope." Old thought to himself, as long as no one here practised Heaven's Divination technique, then he should be safe.

"Okay prepare yourself, you'll about to get the sleep of a lifetime. Just tell me when and I'll begin" "I am ready, see you in a year Asbjørn." said Nie Jin.

"I will leave you something when you wake up, as a happy birthday, and for all the ones I've missed......" said Old Li, but Nie Jin couldn't hear everything as he started to slip into a slumber.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ancient_Sagecreators' thoughts