
Chapter 8 - Alanna Kendy


Rai Jin Hall

"That's not good enough!"

In all the years Alanna had known Ayamon, she'd never seen him in such a state. Six days after the Nest made its way across Caust, The Rai Jin High Council was moments away from adjourning their final meeting when news came from Ku Yong.

"What would you have me do Aya?! Storm Ku Yong? Declare war?" Kamarion shouted.

"There are five Rai Jin being held prisoner in Ku Yong! That in itself is a declaration of war!" Ayamon argued back.

"We are Rai Jin, Ayamon! We may abide by their laws, but we are not common men. We cannot make an assault on Ku Yong!" Kamarion was not moved.

As the two argued, Alanna and the remainder of the Rai Jin High Council remained quiet. There was no point in any of them interjecting into the debate. Benjamin White, known to Rai Jin as "The Council's Ambassador", was taken prisoner along with Ku Yong's Branch Master, Nova, and his district leaders.

While she was sure no one in the room particularly cared what happened to Nova, Alanna knew Ayamon would personally fight every army in Caust singlehandedly for Benjamin. He was Ayamon's first and only disciple, and therefor, like family to him.

'And there's nothing you won't do for family. Right Aya?'

Alanna admired Ayamon, and understood his feelings, but in this she agreed with Kamarion. Benjamin and Nova were both strong experienced Rai Jin. She was sure they would quickly find a way to get themselves out. Though it could cause the very war Kamarion had fought so hard to this point to prevent.

"Be sensible Ayamon!" Kamarion bellowed at Ayamon, returning her from her thoughts. "Do you think the world will accept our kind if our first act after an international catastrophe is a march on the Empire that has just established itself as Caust's dominant power? They will likely band together in fear, and attempt to drive us into extinction."

"I'm sure they would quickly realize they were sorely outmatched, brother." Ayamon retorted. They seemed to be repeating the same argument without really hearing what the other was saying. Still, interrupting their debate was not something anyone in Rai Jin Hall could do without possibly being crushed or burned to death. The two were on a level most Rai Jin could never dream of reaching even with an eternity to train.

Kamarion slammed his fist against the table, the small embers keeping the Council Room lit rose, threatening to set the entire room ablaze. "Are you capable or ordering a strike on Ku Yong, knowing there will be countless casualties?" His voice had taken on a mellow tone, still, his outrage towards Ayamon's words was clearly present.

Ayamon paused, seemingly reflective.

"I did not think you were." Words appeared to form on Ayamon's lips, but he quickly shut them tight, slumping into his seat. Kamarion had won the debate, though Ayamon conceded begrudgingly. "If we are past this, I'd like to discuss the correct course of action we shall take in response to what the Emperor of Ku Yong has done."

Kamarion once again took his seat, and opened the conversation to the room.

"I'd like to know how it is that Ku Yong knows of our existence." Kaiya, leader of the independent Branch Robin's Call spoke out. "Did you not separate man from knowledge of our existence two centuries ago?"

Kaiya directed her question to Sauna, leader of the Crescent Isles Branch. Sauna dropped her head, and quietly responded.

"We believed it so. It would seem, however, that man had recorded enough of our history to regard it as more than legend as we had hoped."

Alanna could not help but scoff at her words. Every pair of eyes in the room directed themselves to her. Some with raised brows, and others with menacing glares.

"Alanna?" Kamarion gave her the floor.

Though she had no intention of speaking, she did take the opportunity to voice her opinion.

"As I'm sure many of you will recall, I never agreed with the method decided upon when we chose to hide our presence from man," she began. Her words were confirmed by several nods around the Council Room. Alanna turned her attention directly to the Independent Branch leader. "Respectfully Sauna, memories are fragile and delicate. Your ability to manipulate them is fascinating at best, but it could've never been a permanent means of separating Rai Jin from the human race."

"You may be right…" Sauna spoke no words in defense. Alanna had always thought her to be a weak woman.

How did she ever work her way into the High Council? It was a thought that sprung up into Alanna's mind upon each interaction with Sauna.

"Wasn't there an assistant in the matter? Who helped you when you erased memory of our people from the minds of men?" Davion, the only member of the council who did not lead his own Branch asked Sauna.

There were two," she responded. "Nova, who's telepathy made it easier to connect to multiple minds at once, and Tabitha, a member of my Branch, who's ability is to amplify the abilities of other Rai Jin within her vicinity."

"We thought it, at the time, to be the swiftest and simplest method of separating our society from theirs." Davion the High Council's keenest mind, defended Sauna. "We cannot lay blame on one group when we were all involved."

"This is true," Ayamon said. "We voted and the majority ruled in favor of The Erasing."

Alanna scowled in his direction. She did not like being included in their self blame.

Kamarion slowly stood. His shoulder arched, his chest out, and spoke. "We've done what we have done. There is no changing this. It is time to decide what we must do."

He made eye contact with each member of the Council before continuing. When he got to Alanna, she attempted to avert his gaze. Yet she was locked in, unable to see anything but. She felt the weight of his words behind his stare. It was not until he moved onto Leonna, her sister who sat beside her, that she released the deep breath she had not released she'd taken.

"We're sure war isn't a viable option?" Ayamon was clearly sulking. It was a strange thing to Alanna, who had always seen him to be something of an emotionless shell, to see Ayamon in such a state.

"Quite sure, Aya." Kamarion responded. Where there was rage in his voice before now stood compassion. Each member of the council was aware that Ayamon did not truly crave war. He only wished to return Benjamin home. A pang of guilt touched Alanna. It was she who suggested sending Benjamin to Ku Yong to begin with.

Ayamon let out a resigned sigh. He quietly leaned forward, touched his hands to the center table, and pushed himself from his seat. "So be it," he said. "I will remove myself from discussion. I have no input of value."

Alanna half expected Kamarion to order Ayamon back into his seat. He instead consented with a silent nod.

"Where will you go?" Davion asked Ayamon. Alanna doubted he was concerned with his safety. It was more likely that Davion wanted to know for the sake of future strategy.

"There is a forest outside of Ku Yong," Ayamon gave no pause or hesitation before answering. "I'll probably camp there until I receive word from you all as to your decision."

"And your Branch? Will you leave them without leadership?"

"No," Ayamon was quick to answer. He had clearly already given thought on the matter. "There is, fortunately, a Rai Jin here who has yet to lead his own Branch, but deserves the chance to prove himself more than any other."

"I can't," Davion, the only Rai Jin present fitting Ayamon's, description raised his hands in front of them and brushed away the suggestion.

"You have already proven yourself a capable commander. It is my honest belief that you alone are the only reason we were victorious in the Beast War. Argot would be glad to have you." Ayamon's words were unanimously agreed upon by the Council with many nods, grunts and hums of approval.

"I an honored." Davion stood from his seat. A smile, even his hard face could not betray, spread across his mouth.

"If we are all in agreement?" Kamarion asked the Council. A unanimous "Aye" sounded among the Council Members.

"Then, Ayamon, I accept your resignation as Master of the Argotian Branch of the Rai Jin High Council's Faction." Kamarion sounded as if he might've been wounded. "And, instate Davion Rawls as the new Master of the Argotian Branch."

The room was suddenly filled with applause. Alanna joined in, clapping her hands and rooting along with her fellow Councilmen. Davion's achievements through his career in Rai Jin society were known well amongst their people. Even Alanna felt this opportunity was long overdue.

"If that will be all," Ayamon said once their celebration died down. "I'll be taking my leave."

"You are to do nothing rash while you are there." Kamarion's tone had returned to that of their leader. "Any action you might take could jeopardize everything we are working for here."

Ayamon gave a swift bow and quickly took his leave.

"So?" Alanna said after Ayamon's footsteps could no longer be heard beyond the doors. "What are we going to do?