
Tales of Broken Reincarnations(Dropped)

A very long time ago an evil Goddess made a contract with other Gods. As long as even one of her descendants are good she wouldn't create chaos in multiverse. In a time when that contract is broken a demon opens his eyes. Seeing dreams from a time he wasn't who he is now he looks for answers.

TheBarak · Fantaisie
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49 Chs


"This place is as bad as I remember."

Rosalina said as she fanned her face. Around them laws of physical plane was non-existing. Pieces of rocks flew around them. Air was toxic enough to kill normal beings in one breath.

"What is that Lord Alastor? You don't seem well. Do you have bad memories about this place?"

She said in a playful voice. On other hand Alastor's face was paler than usual.

"Speak carefully, vixen. When you were sleeping with man, I was on frontlines battling for my Lord."

"That's not actually correct. I also slept with women."

She chuckled. Other members of her group sighed.

"Come on don't be like that. I was also following our Lord's orders. Our mission was just different."

Alastor just scoffed.

"Is this place truly where he will be?"

"Well, I showed the things I found with Lord Jusdas. He also said he would be here."

Alastor looked at his friend. He nodded.

"Why would our king come here? This place is nothing but a toxic wasteland."

Belial said as his boots started to melt. He sighed.

"Maybe it is related to our Lord's ascension. This place was where he stepped into Godhood. It is possible that he is looking something related to that."

"Isn't this place used to be part of Heaven? Why is it so… bad here?"

Belial asked.

"Because it was pure. Purer than anything else. When something pure falls… they would fall deepest."

Jusdas answered his question.

"Isn't this place where he achieved his techniques?"

Rosalina asked towards Alastor. Alastor puffed his chest, proudly.

"Yes. I was there when he achieved peak of martial arts and slew countless angels with one strike."

He laughed, reminiscing old days. Then his memory moved and he remembered countless soldiers dying here. His laughing stopped.

"My Lord, why did you left us?"

He said in a voice nobody could hear. If in that day, he stayed with them all of Heaven could be theirs. But he chose to ascent to Godhood and left them. When he left their side, balance between sides was disturbed and demons were pushed back. Even strongest demons like him had to run. To this day, that was one of the most shameful memories of his life. Seeing his friend's mood change rapidly, Jusdas quickly got closer to him and put his hand on Alastor's shoulder.

"It is fine, friend. We will surely clean that stain."

Jusdas was also one of the demons that ran away that day. Being High Devils, their pride was the reason they fell. It was so important to them that, they left the Heaven. That defeat scarred their pride, forever.

"When our king sits on his rightful throne, he will surely give us a change to gain our honor back."

Belial looked that conversation with emotion filled eyes while Rosalina yawned in boredom.

"What rightful throne?"

A voice similar to squicking reached their ears. All of them pulled their weapons and got into a defensive position. A clapping noise came.

"Come on, why cold shoulder? Shouldn't you prostrate yourselves?"

Immense magic power surged. A horned figure walked with his hooves. He was around 2 meters, slightly shorter than Alastor. His body was covered with black fur. His hands were clawed. 6 bat-like wings covered his back side. His two whip-like tails ended with green fire.

"You are…"

Belial couldn't finish his words due him closing off him before he reacting. He swung his claw downwards. Belial was able to block the attack but rock formation under them broke. Shattering into several pieces, all demons started to fly. Even when they lost their footing, Zahrith kept attacking. He was able to block countless sharp blows before he was thrown away by a particularly strong one. His enemy laughed.

"Hahahahha! You are better than your older brother!"

"Belial, back away!"

While Belial was about to go forward to attack Zahrith, Alastor stopped him.

"Sigh, just appearing and attacking. You haven't changed."

Rosalina stood before him. Seeing her Zahrith licked his lips.

"Rosalina. Are you here to obey me?"

Rosalina cringed with disgust. Despite that her face was smiling.

"Of course, His Majesty."

She got closer to him. He opened his arms. When he started to grope her body.

"Heart Breaker."

A pink energy shaped as heart sent Zahrith flying.

"Not in a million years."

She turned her companions.

"We need to start working toge…"

She was cut due a claw nearly slashing her face. Alastor blocked it. Behind him, Jusdas chanted his magic.

"Thunder Clap, Lightning Storm, Lightning Ball, Fusion Magic."

An immense ball of lightning roared. Engulfing Zahrith in an instant, countless loud voices shooked the entire space they were in.

"This should hold him in place for 1 minute."


Despite Jusdas's confidence, Alastor looked tense. His worries came true when Zahrith tore the huge lightning contained him.

"Nice job, Jusdas! This time it was better!"

"We can't take him on. We need to find a way to escape."

Rosalina said in her usual voice. Despite that she felt the immense terror coming from the monster in front of her. There were 4 Demon Lords here yet, she couldn't felt confident

"Escape? There is no escape!"

He swiped his claws. Claw marks made out of green energy flew towards them. All of them were bigger than Zahrith.

"Red Mountain!"

Coming forward, Alastor covered his sword with red aura. Blocking Zahrith's attacks with quick swipes, his eyes burned with hatred.

"You got stronger, Alastor! Did you trained after your son's death?"

Zahrith giggled.

"What was his name? I don't remember! You know what I remember? I remember him begging me! Your son cried like a bitch before dying, Alastor!"

Pointing his hand towards sky, Zahrith created a ball of green flame 10 times bigger than himself.

"Don't worry, I will send you where he went!"

Launching fireball towards Alastor, Zahrith's laugh filled the entire space.

"I don't really know who you are. But speaking about dead like this isn't something I can stand. Black Abyss: One Man War."

A black flash destroyed the fireball Zahrith created and carved a hole in his chest.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

TheBarakcreators' thoughts