
Tales of Broken Reincarnations(Dropped)

A very long time ago an evil Goddess made a contract with other Gods. As long as even one of her descendants are good she wouldn't create chaos in multiverse. In a time when that contract is broken a demon opens his eyes. Seeing dreams from a time he wasn't who he is now he looks for answers.

TheBarak · Fantaisie
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49 Chs

How I died.

Every arrow of light were as big as half of my body. When they hit my spear I was pushed back due intense impact. It fired around 10 of these arrows every second. I had several choices. First one was to wait it out. It couldn't had infinite magic energy. It was bound to end. But that wasn't a option I had. The reasons were: One it had an immense reserve of magic power and I would ran out of stamina and aura before it. Second, I would fall out of this place. Other choice was trying to dodge and reach to him. If even one arrow hit me I would take too much damage. Also it was flying very high up. Even without those problems I wasn't even sure if I could defeat it in close combat. I looked at the floor boss it killed. As I looked at it I came up with a plan.


Scarlet energy rose from my body as my muscles swelled even more.

"Lighting Clad."

Red and black sparks zapped around my body. My skin felt tight for my muscles. As I grunted and clenched my teeth. I timed by block and got out of its attacking range. Alarmed it tried to change its attacks directions. I rushed towards bosses corpse.


It's been more than a day since I used it. Just as I finished my sentence, corpse vanished.

(You absorbed King Thunder Eagle. Active skill Wind Blade or passive skill Sonic Flight can be acquired.)

(Error is found… Calculating… You cleared 8th floor. Do you want to proceed to 7th floor?)

I looked at the owl flying. I stuck out my middle finger. As it opened its beak.


I was teleported away.

(Clear 8th floor. Difficulty B. Cleared. You gained 5 skill points and 10 stat points. )

(Nocturnis, are you okay?)

Static was gone.

"Yeah. My arm is a little bit numb because of blocking those arrows but I am okay."

(Quick thinking.)

I felt weird talking to her.

"You know that I got some of my memories back, right?"

After a short silence she talked.

(I did realize it. This part of your soul is connected to me, after all.)

"What do you mean by this part? Hey, I have a lot of questions!"

(I know. But I can't answer them. Not now. Athena knows where you are. It is hard to block all Olympians at the same time.)

"Then you shouldn't have pissed them off! What's this got with me?"

(Not now. Be quick. All will support you best I can. But that owl will follow you. Good thing you didn't tried to fight it and ran away.)

"Is it that strong? I mean, it was strong but not to point I didn't had the change."

(He is called Athene Noctua. He has access to Athena's godly authorities. Best warrior in entire Greek pantheon.)

"In which floor I can kill it?"

(Are you crazy? I am thinking of pulling you out of there!)

"No." I said as I gripped my spear tightly.

(I can't lose you again.)

"I know. My human memories doesn't want to hurt you. But I am not that human anymore."

I moved in the environment I was in. It looked like a swamp.

"I don't remember my name. I don't remember my family's names. I don't remember any of my friends."

I looked at the monsters surrounding me. Even with fog I could see remarkably due Clairvoyence. Wrath still was active and I was in mine demonic beast form. I created an arc with my aura.

"So I can't return to who I was. I can't return to human you loved."

The arc I drew ripped countless monsters to pieces.

"Since I can't return back only thing I can do is go forward."

I moved my spear effortlessly. It felt like part of me.

"If you choose to hate me that's fine. If you punish me that's fine too."

(Kill 100 monsters in one hit. Difficulty B. Cleared.5 skill points and 10 stat points were given.)

I kept swinging my spear. Swinging didn't felt like the correct word. It was more of a dance.

(Skill Weapon Aura became level 7.)

(You don't understand Nocturnis. I'll get what I want. I'll do what I want. Your safety and life isn't your choice. It is mine. You are mine.)

"No, Lucy. People are not anyone's property."

I called her the name popped in my head.

(You learned to bark back.)

"I had a lot of time to think comebacks."

(You will be transported to Hell.)

I felt my body slowly change planes.

"Lucy! No!"

I couldn't do jack shit if I returned in this condition.

"No! No! No!"

I desperately tried to anchor my existence to this plane. When I realized that it was not effective I put my fingers to my head.

"I'll blow my head off if you keep this!"

(Nocturnis Regius, put your hand down.)

My hand went limp without my consent.

(I could have done this in beginning. I wanted to respect your wishes. But play time is over. Now, be a well-behaved boy and return to Hell.)

I tried to scream. I tried to claw the ground keep myself here. But my body didn't move. No, I have to save her. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't.

(You are not going to kill yourself again to save another woman.)

My mind was plunged back to memories of my past life.

I stepped out of library I was in. I stretched. I was satisfied with cracking noises and feeling of my joints moving.

"Are you sure that's normal?"

Lucy asked to me.

"I don't know. Why don't you answer me with your godly wisdom?"

She just yawned as answer before talking.

"Those nerd stuff is for boring gods."

Never giving me an useful answer as usual.

"That was boring. Why I have to stuck with you in a library? Libraries suck. They are suck so much that I made one person burn one of them."

She said as if it was a normal thing to do.

"So which one?"

I asked. Trying to argue that libraries were cool was pointless with her. They were places you can freely access information and literature. If that didn't made a place cool I don't know what would.

"Alex… Alexand…. Alexandria?"

I stopped walking and looked at her with wide eyes. With wide, judging eyes.

"You caused destruction of one of the biggest sources of information at the time?"

"It wasn't as impressive as people believe. Completely overrated, believe me."

I put my hand to my face. I shooked my head.

"Of course you think like that. You are a nerd."

"And what are you?"

"A goddess."

She said as she leviated. I ignored her antics and turned to right.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Shortcut." She looked me with a puzzled face.

"That road doesn't go anywhere. It is a dead end."

I sighed very, very deeply.

"Lucy I have Linguistics exam at 9 morning. I been studying for 5 hours straight. Don't try to trick me."

"Studying for 5 hours fried your brain my dude. You are remembering wrong."

I ignored her and kep walking my way.

"Hey, don't you trust me?"

"No." I answered at instant with a sure voice. If there was one thing I trusted her to do is lie. Only time she didn't lied was when she boasted. Truly an evil Goddess.

"Okay, I lied. Yeah, that road is a shorcut. But don't go there. There is an evil spirit there."

I pointed to her.

"There is an evil spirit just beside me."

I said as I walked.

"Now, that's just rude. I am an evil Goddess not just a spirit."

"Is this what you really stuck on?" Not the evil part but spirit part? I kept walking while ignoring her. When you live with someone for nearly 20 years you become really good at ignoring them.

"Hey." Her voice became serious. I stopped and looked at her.

"What is gotten into you today? You are behaving more annoying that usual."

"Don't go there." I expected her to answer with snarky remark or an insult. But she kept talking with serious tone. As I wondered why she behaved so strangely I heard a scream. A woman in distress. I started to sprint where voice came from.

"No! Don't go there!" Lucy shouted but I was too busy looking for source of the voice. She was a Goddess. She would be fine. My search led me to a darker and shadier backstreet. It was dirty and poorly lit. But even without much light I could see them. Three man stood before a woman. Her face was covered with blood and clothes were ripped.

"Hey!" I shouted. They turned to me.

"What are you doing to that woman!?"

Biggest of them spat on ground.

"Go on to your way. This doesn't do anything with you." He told me in threatening manner. I dropped my backpack to ground.

"Oh, yeah? I think this does have things to do with me." I walked towards them.

"Fuck off, faggot!" He pulled a switchblade from his pocket. I felt my heart racing.

"I already called the cops." My voice didn't shook. First part of my bluff was successful. Other two looked at me with hate in their eyes.

"I told you to fuck off, bitch." Other two also pulled knifes. I kept my breathing under control. Biggest one charged me with the knife.