
The Old Warning about The Full Moon

From an passing Druid.

"Beware o' traveller,

For the night that

The moon is full...

For alone, you will not

Travel solo for long.

For the night that

The moon is full,

For creatures and spooks

Doth spir and play...

Seeking and hunting

That of their favourite prey.

Beware o' traveller,

Of the night the moon

Is full...

But most of all,

Beware the season

The moon is full too.

Beware the season of...

The Wolf, the Snow and the Worm (otherwise known as the Serpent moon),

For the crown that does follow,

Be that of Death.

Beware o' traveller

Of the season to follow,

The season of

The Pink, the Flower and the Strewberry,

For the court of the fey

Does come to play.

But as for the season of...

The Buck, the Sturgeon and the Harvest,

Mild this season maybe

But not to upset those

Who gather within this season...

For disaster will fall upon those foolish enough,

To play with elements outside of their realm.

However o' traveller,

Remember most of all...

Remember the season of the beast,

The season of...

The Hunter, the Beaver and the Cold...

Upon this season

Be careful of all...

For life can drive away death,

And the wise can fool the fey...

Man and beast never mixes well.

And the little folk whom

Remember the old ways,

That of the hunter and hunted...

Remember the old grudges of a long time ago.

Beware o' traveller,

On the night

The moon is full...

Do not be so willing to

Travel alone."