
Tales from Counter-Earth the Spider-Men

rockman_mix · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 0.1 Pilot

Long ago there lived a planet where the human race resided as the dominant species.

Until, an invasion of another race, called the Beastials from another dimension have arisen and attempted to claim rights for the planet's leadership.

this caused humanity to retaliate as another faction head of science created the super human clones.

Decades have passed and the Jackal and the High Evolutionary have been at odds with each attempting to outlive the other.

Eventually, some humans have managed to live with some beastials often originally called the newman because therea new race, some have even decided to join in with the beastial way by going under genesplicing surgery. as all humans have an animalistic trait.

While some beastials have even decided to split into certain democracies while some became even a monarchy in order to get in good grace with the world leaders.

it's clones versus creatures, meanwhile other superhumans have attempted to alter the course but are overwhelmed

some have discovered scientific machinery while others have found Synchronization with the mystic arts.

meanwhile on a different earth reveals too boys who play a major part in that world

Year 20XX. AD

Here, on this realm

at a simple house, A young adult

a young tanned skinned boy walking around