
Training ground

I spent the week here and there. Sleeping in the alleys, eating my food and practicing my Ki mode. After the week had passed I went to the training grounds to meet up with the other trainees. It was currently 7 am.

"Pay attention everyone! My name is Sergeant Mathew. I have been tasked to supervise your training for the next 3 months. I don't plan to take it easy on you. I hope each and every one of you give everything you have to your training. Now let 's start. There are a total of 40 kids here today. We will divide you into 4 groups of 10. Each group has been assigned a Cabin with bunk beds. The food will be served in the lunch hall. Dismissed. "

After the sergeant's brief introduction, me and my group left for our cabin. The cabins are one next to the other. Not much difficult to spot either. They were located in the middle of the training grounds. In every direction from the middle were training stations, running tracks, climbing structures and so on.

"I guess these next 3 months will be very tiring."

"Don't even say it. My big brother told me that they grind you to your bones here. He said that with him only 9 other trainees graduated from this training ground."

"Really. I guess we can only give it our all."

I overheard some of my group gossiping and found the numbers of trainees to graduate quite low. I guess it really will be hard. Getting to our cabin each one picked his bed and organized his stuff.

'Trumpet sound!'

As soon as we heard the trumpets everyone left the cabins and went to the front of the cabins. Outside were the sergeant and other people.

"Everyone gathered in two parallel lines in front of me. I want to present some people to you all. These are going to be your teachers from today onward. Each one of them are an expert regarding their battle weapon. We have the sword, bow and arrow, daggers, axe and martial arts. Everyone, if you could please select your teacher for the next 3 months, go and stand behind them."

Everyone went and selected their respected weapon of choice. I had been using the dagger for the past 4 months, but seeing all the soldiers and mercenaries using a sword I was eager to test it. So I went to the sword teacher, as did most of the trainees here.

"I guess the sword is a really popular weapon here." I said to myself.

"Okay perfect. We will have 2 hours for each teacher to introduce himself and tell you all about the next few weeks. Dismissed."

"Everyone that chose the sword please follow me."

The sword teacher then went and lead us to a training ground with a bunch of wood puppets and some wooden swords.

"Everyone my name is Boris, you can all call me teacher Boris. Since we don't have a lot of time let me introduce you all to your first training ground. This is what we call the sword grounds. The training will start here every day at 9am. That means that it is starting, I don't want anyone getting here at 9am. I want you all ready and warmed up for the lessons to start. Sergeant Mathew already said it was going to be hard and I will make sure that it stays this way. I don't take favorites, work hard and you will pass, slack off and I will throw you out of my training ground. Is that understood? "

"Yes Teacher!." Everyone answered in union.

"Okay, you can go now. I hope to see you all here in an hour."

On our way to the Lunch Hall.

"Wow, that guy is going to work us hard."

"Man, I am already tired. Can't wait for the food we will be eating here."

Getting inside the Lunch Hall we were met with many rows of tables and seats. At the opposite side to the entrance were some workers that were serving the other trainees. I hurriedly made my way over there because I was very hungry too.



The Lunch lady gave me my food. It was kind of a mix of everything. Didn't look very tasty but I guessed I could handle it . I sat down at the far back, alone.

"Can I sit here?" one student asks me.

"Yes, of course."

"Nice, all the other places were already filled with people. My name is Alex. What's yours?"

"My name is William. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. We are in the same group I think. What weapon did you pick?"

"I picked the sword and you?"

"Ahh, the sword is a classic, I was also tempted to choose it but all I could see was myself wielding a giant axe and killing beasts, hahahahaha."

"Are you in group 1?" I asked Alex.

"Yeah, so are you right?"

"Yes, I'm there as well."

'Trumpet sound!'

"I guess time is up. I'm going to be on my way. See you later."

Alex left the Lunch Hall and went to his training grounds. The trumpet always sounds ten minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. But it also sounds 10 minutes before our training starts.

"I should be on my way. Don't want to be late on the first day."

On the sword grounds.

"So I see everyone here wants to learn how to use a sword. By putting your hand up can I please know how many of you have already used the sword? One, two. That's what I thought. Here at village Stic the only way for you to come into contact with a sword is if you have money or you are the son of a soldier. Okay. Everyone grab a wooden sword and come here."

We all went to grab a sword and met with our teacher in the middle of the field.

"Okay. I will show you all some movements with the sword that I want you all to repeat after me. I will then go around and correct your mistakes."

Teacher Boris showed us some defense and attack moves that we all tried to copy. It's safe to say that he was very dissatisfied with our performance. He was a little happier with the other two who had already used the sword but he didn't show a lot of emotion on his face. He had a good poker face.

"Okay, I have now grasped a little bit about your level and will devise a training for three groups. Beginners, Intermediate and advanced. As of now all of you are beginners. After each month there will be an assessment for you to pass. If you pass you get to go to the next level. At the end those who graduate being in the advanced class get a prize. Those in the intermediate get to graduate and those who stay in the beginner class will have to retake the training grounds again. Dismissed."

Each one went towards their cabin to rest. This was the first day. Tomorrow we will continue.

"Hey William, how was your first day?"

"Hey Alex, it was nice. I'm looking forward to learning how to wield a sword. And you?"

"Yeah, I am all pumped up. Can't wait to graduate and use my Axe freely."

"By the way Alex, have you ever seen a core beast in the village?"

"A core beast in the village? No, our Soldiers are very good. And you know that Captain Louis was selected to be a chosen one by the King. They gave him a gift that allows him to fight against a core beast one on one."

"Really? I heard core beasts are very difficult to kill. He can fight one alone?"

"Yeah, he is the strongest in the village right now. They say he can break a tree with his bare fists. Can you imagine that?"

"Yeah, seems really crazy to me."

"Anyway there haven't been any core beasts in the village. But I know for a fact that the captain has killed at least 4 of them in the past 3 years."

"I would like to see one of these core beasts. Anyway we should go inside to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day. Good night."

"Night William."