
A forgotten person

A worried look crossed Shadow's face, but it was quickly traded for a smile.

"You're mistaken, sir. This girl is my sister. She just wasn't living with me until today, that's why you've never seen her."

The man wasn't convinced. Of course, who would be? They looked nothing alike, and were likely many years apart.

However, Red felt like the man had worse intentions than the lady, so she quietly hid behind her.

"I hope you're not lying to me, Shadow. Just because you're no longer under my employment doesn't mean you can get away with disobeying our laws."

The man turned around and left.


Shadow slumped onto her knees, her fake smile replaced with a hurt frown.

"U-um... Shadow, who was that?"

Shadow turned around, her features forlorn.

"My ex-boss."

Seeing Red's worried look, Shadow quickly adjusted her actions.

"But it's fine, he shouldn't be bothering us anymore."

"Though I wish he did." The latter half of Shadow's sentence was barely audible, and Red didn't notice.

"Well, I'll be off to find work now. Enjoy your meal!" Shadow resumed her jovial manner and left Red alone to her devices.


(I'm left to myself?)

Confused and unsure of herself, Red decided to take the keys Shadow left for her and went to go check out her school.

Reaching there took little effort, it was a short distance after all. However, even though it looked completely like her school, she knew she couldn't enter as she wasn't in uniform.

(Welp, I didn't think this through well enough)

Just as she was about to dejectedly leave the school, she saw a familiar face.

Ying Ze was walking out the school gate.

Red was joyous beyond belief, yet there was still a lingering fear in her heart.

"Ying Ze!'

Ying Ze looked up to see the dummy girl running at him in some casual wear.

Sighing, he knew the dummy had probably done something stupid again.

"You do know me right?"

Ying Ze looked her once over, before taking a quick glance around.

(Good, no one is spying on us.)

Ying Ze quickly brought Red into a side alley.

"What happened to you?"

"What do you mean what happened?"

"After the, you know..." Ying Ze gestured with his hands.

Red's eyes widened as Ying Ze talked about what happened that day.

She had been thoroughly erased from existence to everyone other than Ying Ze.