
Talent Copying System : Copying talents in cultivation world

Emir a high school student gets Reincarnated in the body of Emir a cultivator in a different world where strength reigns supreme with a Talent Copying System with this system follow his journey of becoming the ruler THE COVER ISNT MNE IF YOU WANT ME TO REMOVE IT PLEASE CONTACT ME

KingArsh · Fantaisie
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As the young sun was starting to soar through the sky its brilliance embraced a wooden cabin that was standing on a mountain peak following a huge mountain range covered with dangerous cliffs all covered with the shades of beautiful plum blossoms.

Inside the wooden cabin a fairly handsome young boy who had long white hair he only looked to be 15 or 16 years young enveloped in a cozy blanket enjoying his sleep. Suddenly his face covered with calmness swapped with a look of uneasiness his vibrant blue eyes opened.

"Where Am I?"He asked as he sat on the bed in an unfamiliar yet familiar room and started looking here and there with a look of confusion. He looked very scared then suddenly heard a voice inside his head

[Unparalleled Copy System Awakened]

'What is happening don't tell me it is like those online web novels, where the mc is transmigrated in an unknown world with a system?, Don't tell me my fantasy is finally coming true.'

[Hello Host, Would you like to obtain the memories of this body and all the knowledge about how to use the system?]

"Yes course "Emir Agreed without a second thought as he was already familiar with these kinds of happening as he read a lot of web novels

Suddenly a lot of Knowledge about everything Came into his head and he understood his situation just as fine. after almost 30 minutes of trying to get used to this body and sorting his memories

"Hmm Looks Like I AM in a Cultivation world and the name of This Person was also Emir he was an orphan and with my system, I Can Copy Other People's talents, "Emir thought as he started to sort up his thoughts.

'Hmm, so this person named Emir was a new disciple of THE GREEN WOOD SECT OF WOOD CITY which is in the FOREST CONTINENT. This world is much larger than Earth and it has many sects and it is a cultivation World THE GREEN WOOD SECT is one of the three great sects of the whole FOREST CONTINENT. Emir joined this sect not very long ago he joined this sect just 1-2 months back

After that, He sat up and got near the mirror where he looked at himself and said "Aah What a good face it is"After admiring himself for some time He began to plan things as to what to do Now In this new reality.

'hmm so with this system of mine, I can copy other people's talents by just coming in physical contact with them.to start with let's go and find some talents so I can start my plan of becoming strong. this world is ruled by strength there is nothing such as justice if you have straight your words are right and if you are weak you can do nothing but just endure. to survive in a world like this. I will have to become strong

'Let's Go and Find some Talents To Copy Their Talents.'

After making his plan Emir Left his house as he started to look for some talents while Not Forgetting to check his status on the way as he said 'Status' and a Light Green transparent Panel opened in front of his Eyes.

[System Status

Name: Emir

Age: 16

SP : 0

Talents: None

Cultivation: Qi Condensation 7th Stage

Trigger: Come in physical Contact to copy

Cultivation Techniques: None]

'hmm.. the cultivation he has is above average for his age considering he didn't have any talent but he wasn't a genius'

The Green Wood sect is located in the wood city of the FOREST continent it is the ruler of the wood city the whole world is like the Chinese medieval period THE GREENWOOD SECT is considered one of the biggest powerhouses of the whole continent which was a subject of both admirations from its people and terror from its enemies the whole sect walks the path of being Righteous.

'system what does this talent mean can you explain?'Emir Thought

[host talent is something a person is born with inherently and with the help of this system you can copy those talents and become the ultimate there are mainly three types of talents

1, Elemental: with elemental talent one can freely use that element and if a person has an elemental talent they don't cultivate with normal Qi they cultivate with elemental Qi which is much purer than normal Qi it helps in their cultivation speed and makes the person born with elemental talent stronger than other people In the same Realm. some types of elemental talent are: fire, wind, ice, etc

2, Weapon: with weapon talent one can easily use the weapon whose talent they have very easily and with much more refined moves and strength than those without the talent.

3, Bloodline: with this type of talent one is probably from those very old ancient clans that had existed thousands of years ago their Qi is very special which boosts their cultivation speed a lot

NOTE: Normal people are also able to use elements but again they find it a lot more difficult than people who are born with elemental talent and the person with elemental strength is one with the element itself.

there are 5 tiers of talents in which they are divided are :

1, low-level Talent

2, Mid-level Talent

3, High-level Talent

4, Superior-level Talent

5, Supreme-level Talent

being born with just one of those low-level talents is also very rare those who are born with even the lowest level of these talents are considered genius]

'woah so it looks like I have a long way to go'

just as Emir was wandering around the sect thinking from whom to copy talents he suddenly thought of going to the library of the sect. the sect library was a very precious place where the essence of a sect which is the martial manuals was kept and he needed a technique too so that's why he wanted to go there as soon as possible.

after walking from the cliff to the cliff Emir finally arrived at the library, The library was like a huge building which has floors that looked very majestic Emir then entered the Library and saw the library elder sitting in the reception. the library elder came on the list of the top 10 strongest martial artists of the whole sect. 

'system can you show me his status?'

[Surely Host]

[Name: James Miller

Age: 100

Cultivation: Nascent Soul 1st Stage

Talents: Mid-level Fire Talent]

[Host' this is all the information which I can show you right now]

'So he has fire talent but how do I come in physical talent with that elder? it's rude to just go and touch the elder, I surely can't do that. Hmm let's first go and Find A good sword technique'Emir Planned 

After all that thinking and searching the whole library for more than 2 hours going through all the shelves and all floors of the library, he found a technique that suited his taste this technique was a technique that used fire elements.

'This book titled HEART-PIERCING SWORD ART suits me it's not very complete but very powerful' After taking this book he headed towards Elder James to get his permission to borrow this book.

"Elder, Can I borrow this book?"Emir asked 

"Surely give me this book so I can put it in the sect records"Elder James Replied

after that Emir passed his book to the library elder and while passing the books his fingers touched the elder's hand a little and just as planned it triggered the system'

'yes it happened all according to the plan'

[Host, Do you want to Copy?

Talent: Mid-level Fire Talent 

From: James Miller]

'Yes ofcourse'EMIR Said

[Talent Copied]

After Coping the talent Emir wanted to jump with joy but he refrained from this. Just as all this was happening the elder had already issued the book.

'Nice Now Let's go Home'After this Emir headed straight to his Cabinn and by the time he arrived at his Home the Night had Already fallen. Emir headed straight Inside the home

'It is already time to sleep' and just after that Emir lay on his bed and started to sleep awaiting excitedly his next day when he finally would be able to use his NEW TALENT

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