
Tale Of The Sorceress

An eye for an eye. He wanted revenge. She wanted peace. Those who wronged her were on his blacklist. And because all he wanted was vengeance, she became someone further from his reach. --- Prosecutor Yuan Weisheng gets into an accident, unlocking the ability to see the paranormal entities of the After-Realm. His superstitious mom hires a sorceress to ward off the evil spirits. The sorceress, Ren Xiaoling, diagnoses Weisheng with the Cursed Eye, a rare curse created by the Supreme Demon Lord 10,000 years ago. XIaoling takes Weisheng under her wing, training him to suppress the curse with cultivation. However, Weisheng experiences a split personality similar to the rumored Supreme Demon Lord during their training journey. His split personality emerges as his past incarnation and has some history with Xiaoling - a fated, yet cursed history. Cursed with the memories of his past incarnation, Weisheng's only goal in life becomes vengeance. To exact revenge for the sake of his peace-loving Master, he must go against her wishes and throw himself into the ring of war - A war against the Heavens. --- [Excerpt] Xiaoling’s heart skipped a beat. He rested his head on her shoulder often, but her heart pounded as if this was his first time. “Isn’t it funny?” Weisheng asked as he scoffed in amusement, “I vowed to protect a woman named Xiao Hua with all my life, but here I am, insanely in love with a woman named Xiaoling.” “You…” Xiaoling tried to speak but ended up silent. “It doesn’t matter who I am,” Weisheng murmured, “All that matters is you stay by my side forever.” He raised his head from her shoulder and looked into her eyes, “Because you’re the only one I have in this world.” **** “Then you deserve my forgiveness,” Xiaoling smiled brightly, “Even though you ruined my life, you came back to make it up to me, didn’t you?” “That’s just my selfishness,” Weisheng shrugged, “I don’t deserve you, but I will die before witnessing you with someone else, so…” He rolled his eyes, “You just fell into my trap.” Xiaoling chuckled, “It’s okay. I like this trap.” --- Cover Artist: https://www.instagram.com/alina._.smthng/ My Linktree: https://linktr.ee/Haru.is.cuter.than.you

Haru_Catty · Fantaisie
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317 Chs

Three Years

The trees fanned around violently as the heavy rainfall flooded down on them. Dark clouds engulfed the sky, covering every bit of sunlight. Weisheng sat on one of the stone seats circling the stone table. His attendants stood all around the pavilion, caring less for the showers of rain that drenched them. 

The anonymous man stood right next to Weisheng under the shade of the pavilion, "Your Lordship, what do you think of the rain?" 

Weisheng grabbed the cup of warm tea, sipping some of it before looking up at the man, "It's inconvenient, unnecessarily cold, and ominous. What else is there to think of it?" 

The anonymous man grinned widely, "That's more like it! The more you act like yourself, the better life will treat you." He expressed joyously, "Your Lordship," He enthusiastically addressed Weisheng before kneeling on one knee, clasping his hands and looking up at Weisheng. 

Weisheng quietly stared at the man.