
It’s you all this while...

"Is this your house?" Shedrach asked as he came down from the car.

" Yeah everything you see here is mine" Dr Gabriel said as he went inside. Shedrach followed him in as he was glad that someone was willing to help him.

"Why did you help me?" Shedrach asked as he was about to sit on the couch

"Don't stain my couch, get up" Dr Gabriel spoke out

"Is it because of my clothes?" Shedrach asked

"Yeah exactly, you're looking dirty and stinky" Dr Gabriel said

"Is there any clothes I can change into?" Shedrach asked

"Before that, you have to take your bath first. Go to the left side of the passage, you will find the bathroom and don't worry I'll leave a clean clothes outside for you" Dr Gabriel said

"Alright Thank you sir" Shedrach appreciated

"Don't thank me yet, when you're done taking your bath, you'll explain to me what's going on " Dr Gabriel said as Shedrach stayed quiet and left to the bathroom.

Cynthia was outside in the field as she saw Phillip comimg in through the gate.

"Have you find anything?" Cynthia asked as Phillip was coming towards her.

"Not yet but I think I might find a clue" Phillip said

"And what's that?" Cynthia asked

" I went to Shedrach's house and I tried to calculate how Shedrach escaped when the cops came to take him" Phillip said

"So what did you find?" Cynthia asked

"Well I found out Shedrach escaped through the back door" Phillip said

"Isn't that obvious, don't tell me that's all you gathered" Cynthia said

"Listen to me, I followed that path and I believed he jumped the fence and came out at the other street. So I asked all the neighbors around if they saw anything and with the information I got from all of them, I got a clue" Phillip said

"Which is?" Cynthia asked trying to know what he'll say

"He should be at Edward town" Phillip concluded

"EDWARD TOWN?!" Cynthia exclaimed

"Yeah exactly" Phillip said

"Isn't that very far?" She asked

"Yeah it is, I'm very surprised that Shedrach went that far" Phillip said

"Are you really sure he went to Edward town?" Cynthia asked

"Well I'm not hundred percent sure he went that way but that's our only lead" Phillip said

"So when are we going there?" Cynthia asked

" it's there anytime your father won't be around for a week?" Phillip asked

"Hmmm why did you ask?" Cynthia asked as she smiled

"Or do you have any excuse to give your dad because it will take us more than a day to find Shedrach " Phillip said

"Don't worry about that, I'll handle it. So who's going to pay for the lodge and transport?" Cynthia asked

"My uncle leaves at Edward town and I'll take care of the transport" Phillip said

"So when are we leaving?" Cynthia asked

" I'll meet you here next week Saturday morning so get ready before then" Phillip said as he left.

Back at Dr Gabriel's house, Shedrach was done bathing and he put on the clean clothes that Dr Gabriel left at the entrance of the bathroom. He looked around and walked into the kitchen as he checked the refrigerator. He saw three slices of bread that was in a fancy sack, he took it and ate the whole three slices of bread.

"I see you're very hungry and also don't have manners" Dr Gabriel said as he watched him from a distance.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it" Shedrach said

"So tell me, why are the cops after you?" Dr Gabriel asked

"I can't tell you" Shedrach said as he dropped the leftover bread in his hands.

"Why not? Did you steal something?" Dr Gabriel asked but Shedrach stayed quiet

"You have to answer me unless I have no choice but to send you away" Dr Gabriel said

"You will send me away if I tell you also" Shedrach said

"I promise I won't send you away, did you kill somebody?" Dr Gabriel promised and asked. Shedrach turned to him and was nervous.

"Did you?" Dr Gabriel asked again as he saw his body movement

"I didn't " Shedrach replied

"So what did you do?" Dr Gabriel asked

"I pushed someone off the window in school " Shedrach said

"But that isn't enough reason for the cops to chase you or did the person die after falling from the window?" Dr Gabriel asked

"No from what I heard, I believe he's in coma" Shedrach said

" ohhh that's bad, so why did you push him?" Dr Gabriel asked

"He bullied someone I care about " Shedrach said

"Was he close to the window when you pushed him?" Dr Gabriel asked

"No he wasn't" Shedrach answered

"So how come he fell through the window?" Dr Gabriel asked

"I'm a monster " Shedrach said as he fell on his knees and cried

"I'm sure you didn't mean for it to happen" Dr Gabriel said as he went to console him

"I just wanted to push him to the floor but he flew through the window and I ended up injuring so many students" Shedrach cried

"How did you do that? Where you really that angry. How far was the person to the window?" Dr Gabriel asked

"He's like 15 feet away from the window" Shedrach said

"Okay I'm confused, how is that even possible?" Dr Gabriel asked

"I have powers" Shedrach confessed

"Wait hold on, so all this while you were just bluffing" Dr Gabriel said

"I'm not, I'm telling you the truth " Shedrach said

"Does this look like a joke to you?" Dr Gabriel asked

"If you don't believe me, I'll show you" Shedrach said as he stood up and went outside as Dr Gabriel followed him.

"Can I blow up that storehouse?" Shedrach asked as he points at the storehouse

"Oh my God, so you have the powers to blow things up, okay I see you're really a clown?" Dr Gabriel said as he laughed

"Should I do it?" Shedrach asked again to show his seriousness

"Okay fine do it , that's if you have the wonderful superpowers" Dr Gabriel said as he demonstrated

Shedrach really got pissed off as he stretched his hands towards the storehouse which was 30 feet away from him. Dr Gabriel watched him as he was wondering what he'll do. Shedrach closed his eyes and focused, suddenly all his veins popped up and his hands were vibrating, he opened his eyes as it turned to ash color and he exact pressure from his hands as shockwaves blew out pushing Dr Gabriel ten feet away. The storehouse got destroyed in seconds as all the windows and glasses around shattered into pieces, materials and furniture from the storehouse were flown around the premises.

Shedrach turned to Dr Gabriel who was on the floor as he was reminiscing in thought and also terrified.

"what the hell!" Dr Gabriel exclaimed as he saw Shedrach's eyes.