
Tale of the Black Sun

In Solentia, where magic intertwines with mystery, and legends breathe life into the realm of reality, a young mage named Saika embarks on a journey of self-discovery and resilience. Trained by the legendary Storm Archmage, Saika has lived in the shadow of her master's reputation, yearning for a chance to carve her own destiny. Drawn by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a desire to make her mark, Saika ventures into uncharted territories of magic. Along the way, she meets unlikely allies and forges powerful friendships that will shape her journey. Guided by her wit, determination, and a deep connection to the spirits of the world, Saika embraces the realm of spiritmancy, a path seldom traveled, yet brimming with untapped power. As Saika delves deeper into the magical realm, she unearths ancient artifacts and deciphers cryptic prophecies that intertwine her fate with the fate of the realm itself. With her trusty staff and matchless wit, she faces the challenges of unraveling forgotten secrets and confronting formidable adversaries. But wait... the enemies of mankind that have long been forgotten are rising from the ashes of war. An original by Entusha.

Entusha · Fantaisie
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19 Chs


I arrived in Agadir, a coastal city known for its vibrant atmosphere and rich culture. The streets are alive with a myriad of colors, as if the city itself is an artist's palette. The air is filled with the mingling scents of exotic spices, fresh fruits, and the salty breeze from the nearby sea.

As I walk through the bustling streets, the vibrant crowds catch my attention. People of all walks of life, adorned in traditional garments and modern attire, hurry from place to place. The bazaars, lined with stalls and shops, offer a variety of wares, from intricate textiles to delicate ceramics and shimmering jewelry.

But amidst the hustle and bustle, I notice a sense of urgency in the air. People are hurriedly moving from signposts to shop windows, posting notices and flyers. The walls seem to be adorned with a collage of missing posters, their vibrant hues contrasting with the somber content. Young women, their smiling faces frozen in time, stare back at me from the posters, their absence casting a shadow over the city.

Lost in my thoughts, I am approached by an old woman with furrowed brows, her wrinkled face reflecting a lifetime of stories. She peers at the missing posters with a mixture of concern and sadness, and I can't help but be drawn to her.

"Lots of ladies are getting snatched off the street these days! What with all these eclipses, ifrit cults, and bandits! Bah! I don't understand you young ones risking your necks day in and day out," the old woman laments, shaking her head. Her voice carries a blend of worry and resignation. "Well, you're not from Agadir, are you?" she asks, her voice tinged with curiosity.

A smile graces my lips as I respond, "Guilty as charged, ma'am. I'm a traveling sorceress in search of the Spiritmancer here in Agadir."

Her eyes widened in surprise, followed by a glimmer of admiration. "Traveling? But you're so young! To embark on such a great journey at such a tender age..."

I chuckle softly, feeling a sense of camaraderie in her presence.

"As one attuned with the arcane, you are special, child. Follow your path, and your dreams will surely be realized!" The old woman's voice carries a mixture of wisdom and encouragement. "I know of a Spiritmancer, but I cannot guarantee he is the one you seek. Shall I take you to him?"

Her offer warms my heart, but I know that I must forge my own path. "I appreciate your kindness, ma'am, but I prefer to find him on my own. However, may I at least know your name?"

"You may call me Kun'na," she replies with a smile tinged with nostalgia. "I've lived in these parts for over... oh... forty years now."

"And this Spiritmancer you speak of—what is his name?" I inquire, intrigued by the mention of this retired sorcerer.

"His name is Burak," Kun'na responds, a hint of wistfulness in her voice. "He was famous in his early years, but he retired long ago."

A retired spiritmancer? How intriguing. I can only hope he still possesses the skills and knowledge I seek.

"Are you sure you don't want me to take you to him?" Kun'na asks once more, a tinge of desperation in her voice.

"I appreciate your offer, ma'am, but I must apologize. I prefer to find him on my own," I reply, standing my ground.

"Fine. Have it your way, then," Kun'na says, clearly annoyed, and walks away.

As I continue exploring the streets of Agadir, I overhear murmurs from passersby. Burak, the Spiritmancer, is missing, and some even presume him to be dead. Determined to uncover the truth, I proceed on my stroll when a young girl catches my attention. She stands by the roadside, selling flowers.

"Miss, miss! You sure are lovely, miss. Wouldn't you like a bouquet? I'd wager you'll like it," she exclaims, offering her flowers to me.

The girl appears to be around my age, her innocence and kindness shining through her eyes. There's no need for mind-reading; a simple conversation will do.

"I would love one, thank you. I'll take this bouquet," I say, handing her the requested payment.

"Appreciate it, miss! My name is Rubi, by the way. I don't think I've seen you around here before. You're not from Agadir, are you?" Rubi asks, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Do I stand out that much? I'm a traveling sorceress," I reply, a hint of amusement in my voice.

"Wow, a sorceress! Are you a wizard?" Rubi inquires, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Not quite. I'm a Spirit Witch," I respond, delighting in her innocence.

"I've never met a spirit witch before, but I do know a few other wizards! I sometimes help them clean their house. Oh, I must go! It's almost time for my next housecleaning job," Rubi explains, a tinge of excitement in her voice.

"All right, take care and stay safe," I bid her farewell, watching as she hurries away.

As I resume my journey through Agadir, a voice calling out to me disrupts my thoughts. I turn to find a fellow sorcerer named Malek, his presence exuding an aura of intrigue.

"Greetings, my name is Malek," he introduces himself, his eyes glinting with a mix of mystery and curiosity. "I, like you, am attuned to all things arcane. I've been watching you for some time now. You've been searching for Burak, a Spiritmancer, correct?"

His words catch me off guard, a tingle of anticipation running through me. But caution tempers my excitement, reminding me to tread carefully.

"Yes, indeed. If I'm to become the strongest Spiritmancer in the world, I must face and learn from my fellow sorcerers. And Burak happens to be on my list," I reply, my voice laced with determination.

"Is dying part of your mission?" Malek questions, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Sorcery showdowns aren't regulated duels, my dear. You are aware of the laws, aren't you?" I reply, reminding him of the risks involved.

"Yes, I am," Malek admits, his gaze shifting to a document he produces—a bounty signed by the Wizard's Guild in Amaranth Town, bearing the face of none other than Burak.

"So the Wizard's Guild suspects Burak's involvement in the missing girls' cases?" I inquire, my eyes fixed on the bounty.

"Rumors have been circulating. Burak has never left Agadir, and all evidence points to him. A skilled Spiritmancer would have no trouble controlling commoners..." Malek explains, his voice filled with conviction.

If that's the case, then I won't rest until I bring him to justice," I declare firmly, determination gleaming in my eyes like twin flames of resolve.

"We are both in pursuit of Burak. Why don't we join forces? The Wizard's Guild has deep pockets," Malek suggests, extending an offer of partnership.

Though cautious about trusting Malek, as his motives remain shrouded in mystery, I acknowledge the potential advantages of collaboration. Despite his apparent disdain for spiritmancers, a sentiment not uncommon among wizards, I decide to accept his offer, believing that together we may achieve more than we could alone.

"That sounds like a wise plan. Danger is better faced as a duo, wouldn't you say?" Malek says, emphasizing the strength of unity. "I have an informant in Northport. We should pay him a visit."

With our minds set on the path ahead, we set off towards Northport, a quaint fishing town whose inhabitants depend on the sea for sustenance and livelihood. The salty breeze and the rhythmic sound of waves guide us as we follow Malek's lead.

In due course, we arrive at our destination—a small dock where fishermen go about their daily tasks. Amidst the organized chaos, we spot our informant—a weathered man wearing a straw hat, his face etched with the marks of time and the toil of his labor.

"Well met, Malek! And look at you, bringing along a pretty lass. I presume..." the informant greets, his voice carrying a sly undertone, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

Malek wastes no time on pleasantries. "Let's get straight to business. I received your message. We're here for information on Burak."

The informant chuckles, his laughter rich with a blend of amusement and intrigue. "Ah, yes, of course. Why else would two sorcerers like yourselves grace these humble parts? But I do believe a little bonus is in order, don't you think? My lips seem a bit tight these days..."

Malek's patience wears thin, evident in the furrow of his brow. "Spiteful brigand! Didn't we renegotiate your price last time?" He sighs, his voice a mix of frustration and resignation. "How much do you want this time?"

The informant's smirk widens, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Oh, not much—800 Taels should do the trick! Look at me. Do you really think I can afford to feed my family by selling smoked fish? Everyone sells smoked fish here! And I risk my life every day for this information," he retorts, his voice a playful melody. Turning his gaze toward me, he adds, "Fair lady, what do you think?"

My resolve solidifies, and with unwavering determination, I lock eyes with the fisherman. "You will tell me everything you know about Burak, and you will do it for free."

Malek's shock is palpable as he witnesses our exchange, his eyes widening with a mixture of surprise and admiration. The fisherman's eyes glaze over, his mind succumbing to my command, and he begins to speak.

"Burak's mother is named Kun'na. She was once a respected healer in this town. Burak, known for his reckless nature, turned to spirit magic after his talent for gambling led him astray. His actions went unnoticed until he targeted a merchant with the ability to repel such spells. The merchant's men captured Burak, inflicting multiple fractures upon his legs. Even Kun'na's healing spells could not mend the damage. From that day on, the mother and son became recluses. Kun'na delved deep into ancient grimoires, searching for a spell to heal her son's legs. Rumor has it that she became obsessed with a ritual known to the Followers of the Ifrit, residing in a large white house in the southernmost area of Agadir. I suspect they may be responsible for the recent disappearances!"

Malek turns to me, uncertainty etched in his features. "Is that spirit magic?"

I nod. "We must return to Agadir immediately. Let us depart before his mind clears."

With a shared sense of urgency, we leave the fisherman behind, his mind still entranced by my power. As I consider his state, a sly grin forms on my lips, a glimmer of satisfaction coursing through me. We make our way back to Agadir, our determination unyielding, with the sole purpose of uncovering the truth and bringing Burak and his mother to justice.

Arriving at the location described by the fisherman, my eyes fall upon a dilapidated white house. My heart sinks as I witness an old woman leading a young girl inside, their presence shrouded in a sinister aura. Recognition dawns upon me—it is the same lady who had approached me earlier, and a chill runs down my spine.

"Damn it... It's her! She wanted to take me to see Burak. Was I almost their next victim?" I mutter under my breath, a mixture of anger and relief coursing through me.

"Fortunately, you weren't fooled. Let's go!" Malek declares, his voice infused with urgency.

With a shared determination, we approach the front door of the house, our footsteps echoing like the resolute beat of a drum. Malek turns to me, his eyes ablaze with determination. "When I count to three, I will kick the door down. Are you ready?"

My grip tightens around my staff, and I steady my resolve. "Yes."

"One, two, three!"

With a synchronized motion, Malek and I kicked open the door, forcefully entering the dilapidated house. The stench of decay and the metallic tang of blood permeated the air, creating an unsettling atmosphere. The room was shrouded in darkness, the feeble light of flickering candles casting eerie shadows that danced upon the walls. As our eyes adjusted to the dimness, a horrifying sight greeted us.

The room was a macabre scene of horror, with body parts scattered across the floor and dark stains of blood splattered across the walls. At the center of the grim tableau stood Burak, his face etched with weariness and suffering. His once strong and agile form now bore the scars of past battles, his legs twisted and mangled.

"Burak, the time has come for you to answer for your heinous crimes!" Malek's voice thundered through the room, filled with righteous anger.

Burak turned towards us, his eyes widening in surprise and resignation. "Ah, Malek, my old acquaintance. I see you've brought company this time."

Stepping forward, I summoned every ounce of determination within me. "You and your mother are responsible for the horrific acts that have befallen countless innocent women in Agadir. Your reign of terror ends here and now."

Burak's eyes narrowed, a flicker of defiance briefly crossing his worn features. "You know nothing of the pain and suffering we have endured. It pushed us to desperate measures."

Malek let out a derisive laugh, his voice filled with scorn. "Desperation can never justify the atrocities you have committed. The wizard's guild has placed a bounty on your head, and we are here to bring you to justice."

From the shadows, Burak's mother, Kun'na, emerged. Her appearance was haunting, her eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and madness. She trembled, her voice shaking as she attempted to explain herself. "You don't understand! All I wanted was to heal my son, to free him from the abyss of despair. The Followers of the Ifrit promised a solution, but it came at an unthinkable cost."

My heart wavered, torn between sympathy and the need for justice. The room was a grim testament to the horrors they had unleashed upon Agadir, yet I couldn't help but wonder if redemption was still a possibility.

"You may have suffered, but it does not excuse the pain you have inflicted upon others," I said, my voice laced with conviction. "There is always a choice, always a path that leads away from darkness."

Burak's expression wavered, a mix of anger and remorse crossing his face. "You think you can judge me? You have no idea what it's like to be consumed by the shadows, to be trapped in a world of cruelty."

Malek stepped forward, his voice unwavering. "We may not fully comprehend your pain, Burak, but it does not absolve you of the consequences of your actions. There is still a chance for redemption, but you must face the repercussions of your choices."

Kun'na, her voice trembling, added, "We will cooperate with the authorities, reveal everything we know, and offer our help to bring an end to the suffering we have caused."

Though a part of me yearned to show mercy, I couldn't forget the lives that had been lost. The path to justice had to be pursued, even in the face of remorse and regret.

The sight of the scattered body parts and the bloodstained walls fueled a fire within me—a determination to bring an end to the suffering caused by their actions.

Burak's eyes narrowed, a mix of defiance and desperation burning within them. With a sudden surge of energy, he unleashed a burst of dark magic, sending tendrils of shadow swirling towards us. I swiftly erected a barrier of pure spirit energy, shielding us from the malevolent assault.

Malek, undeterred, unleashed a barrage of ice shards, pulsating with raw power. The room lit up as the shards struck Burak, causing him to stagger backward, his grip on his twisted staff weakening.

But Burak was not one to be easily defeated. Summoning his remaining strength, he chanted an incantation in a language long forgotten, invoking the forces of darkness to aid him. Shadows thickened around him, forming a protective shield that absorbed the shards' onslaught.

Seizing the opportunity, I tapped into the essence of the spirits around me, channeling their energy through my fingertips. A spectral light enveloped my hands as I cast a powerful spell—a binding enchantment meant to immobilize Burak. The ethereal tendrils snaked towards him, attempting to ensnare his limbs and halt his movements.

Burak fought against the magical restraints, his face contorted with exertion. With a surge of pure determination, he broke free from the bindings, staggering forward. His eyes burned with a fierce determination as he raised his staff, channeling his remaining strength into a devastating attack.

Malek and I braced ourselves as a wave of dark energy surged towards us. The force of it rattled the very foundations of the crumbling house. I countered the assault by conjuring a shield of shimmering spirit energy, deflecting the dark onslaught away from us.

Now it was my turn to take the offensive. Drawing upon the wellspring of my spirit magic, I focused my energy into a concentrated beam of pure light. With a fierce cry, I unleashed the blast towards Burak, aiming for his staff—the source of his power.

The beam of light collided with the twisted staff, causing it to splinter and crack. Burak let out a cry of anguish as his connection to the dark forces waned. The room was consumed by a blinding radiance as the remnants of his staff shattered, dispelling the shadows that had once surrounded him.

Burak stumbled backward, his legs giving way beneath him. The weight of his crimes and the consequences of his actions had finally caught up with him. He sank to the bloodstained floor, his face etched with regret and exhaustion.

Malek and I approached cautiously, our eyes filled with a mix of triumph and compassion. We understood the depths of Burak's despair, but we also recognized the necessity of holding him accountable for the lives he had destroyed.

"It is over, Burak," Malek spoke, his voice soft yet firm. "Your reign of darkness ends here. But remember, redemption is still possible, even in the darkest of times."

Burak's gaze met ours, a flicker of remorse shining within his weary eyes. "I... I am ready to face the consequences of my actions. May my penance serve as a beacon of hope for those I have wronged."

As the authorities were summoned to bring Burak to justice, I couldn't help but reflect on the complexities of human nature. Burak's actions were monstrous, but buried within him was a flicker of humanity that had been twisted and distorted. It served as a reminder of the ever-present battle between light and darkness, and the choices that shaped our paths.

The room, once scattered with the remnants of tragedy, now served as a grim reminder of the consequences of unchecked power and the importance of responsibility. As I left the house, its darkness receding into memory, I carried with me a renewed determination to wield my powers for the greater good and prevent such tragedies from occurring again.

Agadir would heal, its wounds slowly mending, and the missing girls would be remembered. Their lives would not be in vain, for their stories would serve as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the unwavering pursuit of justice.

As I walked away from the scene, I knew that my journey as a Spirit Witch was far from over. There were still battles to be fought, darkness to be vanquished, and hope to be rekindled.