
Tale of a mummy's boy

Henry is the only son of his single mother. His mother works in 2 different places during the day and night and hence has no time to train her son properly. she spoils him rotten to compensate for not always being around. In school, Henry is the gang leader of a group of boys who always causes trouble. A rollercoaster of emotions occur after he leaves school. Stay tuned to find out more.

Precious_Ukaegbu · Politique et sciences sociales
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3 Chs


And I stood, lost in thoughts reminiscing about the past. The chattering of students during the lunch period. One could clearly see them running from poles to poles in the school premises from a distance. They looked like animals that had been released from a long time enclosure.

I walked down the stairs with my friends while we looked for Juniors to bully off their lunch. We were well known for our bad behaviors because we were always found defaulting of one thing or the other.

We were able to stop a young girl who seemed to be in the 9th or 10th grade. She had with her, her lunch. She turned pale immediately she saw me keenly staring at her, she had recognized me. As the head of the gang I ordered them to stop her and take her lunch and any cash she had on her. She gave in as she couldn't fight back. There was something that seemed to bother me, she looked familiar. She just stared at me and left after my minions had emptied her. I could have sworn I had seen her before but that was the least of my problem now.

I knew I had issues remembering faces so I didn't bother thinking much about the girl. But there was something about her that kept my spirit disturbed, I had to wave the thoughts aside because we had to feast.

"Bro! What have you been thinking about? You've just been staring into space for a while now. We're worried, are you sure you're okay? " Jack my right hand man asked.

I was a guy of few words. I believe that action speaks louder than words and I never hesitated in proving that.

"Yeah I'm fine. You all ready to eat? " I asked.

"We're ready. Should I share it or you want to do it yourself?

I nodded giving him the go-ahead signal to do it himself. He shared the food and I was given the lion share.

School closed and I walked down to a restaurant nearby with my friends. We ordered some food and ate. I brought up the topic of that girl again.

"Jack, I'd love you to do something for me" I said as the kept quiet to hear what I had to say.

"Go on Henry" he said

"I want to give me information about the little girl whom we took her lunch today during recess"

"Oh… okay, how quickly do you want it?"

"As soon as possible, there's something odd about her"

"I agree, I saw the way she glared at you. Not to worry my jobs always clean."

I smiled and began feasting on my food.

After eating I headed home alone. I had asked my friends not to tag along. I decided to walk down because a part of me was still bothered about the girl. I couldn't explain the feeling, like a heavy load was on my chest. I was barely breathing. Was this what people called fear? I was scared of nobody and nothing so what's wrong with me?

Thoughts of different kind kept coming into my head. More questions upon questions and still no answers. It all came to a halt when I got to the street of my home. I could feel someone was watching but who. I stopped suddenly and turned to my right with speed: it was the girl from school. She gave me that look again from the window of her room. I could still feel her watching as I went into my house.

I live with my mum: she's a single mother. I am one of those teenagers who never got to know their father. My mum was my world although we didn't always get along. Mum would always tell me that my father left her when he found out she was pregnant for him. Sometimes her stories of my dad sounded so fake and I'd get irritated. Well mum lies a lot and I know why I do it well. Mum worked two shifts to make sure I got everything I wanted so yes I spoilt. The only time I got to spend with mum was during the weekends or holidays. Mum did come back during the weekdays but immediately she was coming in, she was leaving again. It was kind of frustrating but I got used to being alone. Today I waited for mum to get back because I wanted to get some information from her.

Mum rushed in as always, I hurriedly followed her as she went about picking and dropping things.

"Mum, I want to ask you something"

"Ok Hun, go on but make it quick I'm In a hurry"

"well, how bout I walk you to the bus stop to get a cab when you're leaving?"

She stopped and looked at me,

"What's up with you?" she said as she started touching me in fear "are you okay sweetie? Are you sick?" she paused for a second dropped her hands and looked at me keenly. "what did you do this time, did you get yourself in trouble? You need cash…"

"…Mum!" I yelled, "You're not giving me a chance to speak"

"Fine, what's up?"

"I want to ask you something but it's outside, I'll escort you to the bus stop and I'll show you okay?, I didn't do anything I promise."

"If you say so then. Let me freshen up."

I went to sit down on the sofa and put my headset on listening to music. Mum watched me for some time and went to shower, she was running out of time. I paid no attention to her as usual.

I was almost asleep when mum tapped me and signaled me to remove the headset I had on.

"I'm ready to leave"

I stared at her like some one who had lost their memory, I jerked up when I remembered I asked to escort her. We walked out together and locked the door behind us. She seemed happy I decided to escort her.

We walked down chatting, she did most of the talking. On getting to the block of the young girl, I said:

"Mum, do you know who lives in this apartment?"

" Oh yeah, an army personnel lives there with his wife and three kids, two girls and a boy. Pretty nice kids."

"I see."

"The eldest kid goes to your school, spoke to the mum bout putting her kids in the same school but she refused. Well that's her business, why'd you ask?"

" Oh nothing mum, I thought one looked familiar and you just confirmed that."

"Okay, how was school today."


"Well I wanted to ask you something Hun…"

"What's that?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

I looked at her and started laughing, nearly choking.

"What? I'm just curious."

"Why'd you think that?"

"Well I don't know, everyone your age has a partner and you don't talk much and I'm barely at home so it's only proper I ask."

"Well I'll clear you on that, I'm not into those things" I said still laughing.

"Oh come on sweetie, you can stop laughing at mummy now."

"Mum, I'm not laughing at you, but how'd you think that? Like how do I walk up to a girl and tell her that? C'mon now mum."

"There's no harm in trying hun, I can prep you if you like."

"No I don't need it."

"Not yet." She said with a smirk.

"But there must be a girl that catches your eyes… or else…" she stopped walking and turned to look at me.

"… are you gay?"

This time I hit a higher stage of laughter loud enough to wake the community.

"Mum! What's all this? I said I said laughing hard amidst tears

"C'mon Hun, clear my doubts."

"I'm straight mum but I haven't seen any girl that reaches my taste."

"Now that's sad my boy" she said as we got to the bus stop.

"We'll continue from where we stopped when I get back from work."

"I highly doubt it but ok. Stay safe"

A bus came to a halt, we were early.

"Alright, I love you." She said as she kissed my forehead.

"I love to you too mum, bye for now." I said as I turned back to leave.

She smiled as I walked back home.

"Mummy's boy" she said underneath her breath but I heard it and gave a short smile as I kept walking home.

I slowed down when I got to the young girl from school block, I turned and said In my head: "Now I have little knowledge about you."

I increased the volume of the song I was listening to and walked quickly home, it was getting late and I had a ton of chores and assignment I had to do before it got late. I got home and prepared lunch to eat. After doing my chores and assignment I picked up the remote and tuned to my favorite channel. I sat down watching and didn't know how late it had become. I had an urge to look out the window, it was dark late. The clock said 10:30. Mum wasn't back yet. I laid on the sofa and fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. The Television was off, I didn't remember putting it off. I got off of the sofa and walked quietly to mum's room. I gently placed my ears on the door and I heard steps moving forth and back in the room. I pushed the door open and I saw mum getting her things together to leave for work.

"Mum, you're already leaving?" I asked in confusion. "I didn't hear you come in at night. I was hoping you'd wake me up so we'd have dinner together. I was waiting." I continued.

"I'm sorry hunnie but you were far asleep peacefully and I didn't want to disturb it. Well we can have breakfast together."

"Okay, is there food or I should go get something outside."

"No need for that sugar, let's make some pancakes together, been awhile since we last did that."

"Sounds fun, I'll just shower and brush and I'll be in the kitchen there with you in a jiffy." I turned to the door walking out and stopped at the door post, and said "Let's walk down to the bus stop after that, shall we?"

"It's a done deal!" she said with gladness.

I walked to my room, showered and brushed like I told her I would. After that I walked down to the kitchen and saw her preparing the table to eat.

"You already made breakfast?"

"No, I was waiting for you." I smiled slightly as I walked close and gave her a hug. She looked exhausted and I wanted to show her I really appreciated what she's been doing for me.

"Thanks mum… for everything."

"Aww, my baby." She hugged me tighter and gave me a kiss in the forehead.

"Let's quickly make breakfast before we run late."

I nodded. She brought the eggs, flour and other ingredients while I mixed everything together. She just smiled as she watched me.

"Thanks for joining me make breakfast. I'm sorry if I'm not always around, you know everything I do, I do to secure your education. I only want the best for you so please continue to help me ok sweetie?" she said while we had our breakfast.

I nodded and kept eating to avoid choking on the food as I rushed it down.

I dapped my mouth with the napkin on the table.

"Thank you. " I always say that to mum after eating. I took my dishes to the kitchen and washed it.

"You ready to leave now?" she asked as she arranged her bag in the living room.

"Yeah I am." I said as I rushed to get my bag. I was running late.

"Let's go I'm running late!" I said as mum brought out something squeezed in her palms and stretched it out to give me.

I looked at her sternly and confused.

"What's that?"

"Take it and check "

I took it and opened it. She gave me 50 bucks. That was 30 bucks higher than my normal weekly allowance. I looked at her in joy and hugged her.

"Thank you"

" Anything for my baby, now let's go."

We walked to bus stop and ordered an Uber. I usually took the school bus but mom had just gotten her pay cheque and she wanted to take me to school. Felt great though because it's been ages since she last took me to school.

I'm in my final years in high school so yes I'm a legal adult. I'm 19 of age already and I still know nothing about my dad.

I stepped out of the car few seconds as we arrived at the gate of our school building.

"Henry" mum called out to me as I walked towards the main building of the school.

"Yes mum?" I said as I walked back to the Uber. She held my hand and kissed it.

"Be good okay"

"Okay, bye. Have a great day ahead" I said with a little smile on my face.

I walked quietly down to the main building of the school. I met with my friends and as we walked to our class I heard the Uber drive away.

It was half way to recess when I got called to the principals office with my friends. We reluctantly went to her office. I thought of what might had made her summon us but nothing came to my head because I was fully aware I had done a lot and still had numerous more. I vowed torment the principal due to the public humiliation she gave me when I was in the 10th grade. We had a class presentation on sex education. In as much as I was a quiet person, I really found it hard coming to talk in public. During the class, I was called on by the science teacher to give my presentation when the principal walked in. She was still new on the duty then and decided to go around inspecting and getting to know the school properly when she walked into our classroom. I immediately grew cold feet. I had already made my way to the front of the classroom when she walked in. I tried signaling the teacher for me to take permission to leave but she refused because everybody was scared of the principal. She was strict and had no tolerance for indiscipline. I on the other hand found nothing scary about the woman. But I found it weird presenting such a topic with the new principal watching me keenly. The principal gave me a go-ahead signal and I started.

"Umm… good day class, like y'all know I'm Henry Maxwell McAnthony-Ann by name. Err… well… I'm here… to… err… talk about… the…" I paused as I realized that my classmates were already laughing. Damn! I hated them. I slammed the book I was reading from and stormed out of the class in anger. I was called back to class by the principal after the presentation had ended.

As I walked back into the class, I saw her with my book smiling from ear to ear.

"Your research is splendid and elaborate Mr. Henry, I love it. But you couldn't present it to your classmates and teacher because of your stage fright. I'll help you get over it" she paused and was thinking for what seemed like forever.

"Let's make a public presentation on the graduation of the 12th graders. That's in like a months time, plus or minus. I want you to be there Mr. Henry, no surprises. Now that they'd be going to college they need this information as it is vital. I strongly believe we should also enlighten the younger ones coming up." She still with the smile on her face. I turned to look at our science teacher, she also was smiling and nodded in agreement to what the principal said.

"Well I also have a say in this" I said as I was already angry with the principal. "You've successfully embarrassed me in the presence of my classmates now you want to do it to me in the presence of the whole school? No way ma'am, I'm not going to play that game with y'all's no!"

"Mr. Henry please be calm and listen to the principal. I'm sure there's a way we can resolve this issue to benefit everybody "

"Well then, tell me cause I have stated what's in my mind. I won't sit and cross my arms while you play me a fool."

"Hah! Mr. Henry, nobody's playing you a fool here. We just want what's best for the students."

" For the students? What about me?"

"Well you get to get over your stage fright"

" Well if getting over it is by doing what I don't want to, then I'm out. I'm not going to satisfy your need by doing that. Plus it's my work and my research that's enough benefit to you. Forcing me to come and present it publicly is a total no from me. It'll I best you get someone else to present it and I give you my work. It's not fair but it's okay for me."

"Mr. Henry"

" Ma'am, the ball is in your court now"

She thought for a while and then gave in.

"umm, one more thing"

"What's that Mr. Henry?"

"I take the acknowledgment for the work. I'm not going to the stage by the way."

"If that's all I will take my leave."

"You haven't agreed to my condition yet"

"Mr. Henry"

"Will you do it or not?"

"I will"

"Well then, you can take the book with you"

She walked out of the class and I had my seat. All my classmates started cheering me for standing up to her.

Another incident I had with her was when I put rotten egg in the bag of our gym teacher. She was always being partial. That particular day I was ill and she had forced me to going in the relay race. I landed in the hospital for a week and my come back was sweet. I gathered some boys to beat her up on her way home. When she came back to school we put rotten egg in her bag and locker. A snitch ranted me out after the principal promised a slash on school camp payment. I got detention for a month.

"Mr. Henry a report came to my desk today that you and your gang of friends bullied a 7th grader yesterday of her lunch"

I just stared at her sternly.

"Is that true Mr. Henry?"

"I don't know"

" Mr. Henry can you concentrate here"

"It seems like you're accusing me already because of the way you're staring at me."

"I'm just asking harmless question here*

"It would have been harmless if it was just between us and you or with a teacher, I don't see why there are five teachers here and you claim not to be accusing us?"

"Well I can't send them out now since they are already here"

I looked at her and the teachers there I'm complete silence.

"Wont you say something Mr. Henry?"

"I have nothing to say because it seems like you have made your decision already"

She whispered into one of the teachers there. The woman got up and left. I remained silent until she came back with a girl. I looked at her with no facial expressions.

"Do you know him?" the principal asked

"Yes ma" the girl replied with a tiny voice.

I looked at her and she got frightened.

"Can you tell us what happened yesterday?"

The girl narrated everything.

"Thank you Margaret, you may leave now"

"So Margaret is her name" I whispered to myself

"What do you have to say for yourself Mr. Henry?"

"Like I said before you were accusing me, now it's her word against mine. I mean everyone knows me she's making a mistake probably "

She remained silent for a while.

"You may leave now Margaret" and the girl walked out of the office.

"Mr. Henry I am trying to protect you here but you're not helping. Her father is commander in the force and it would be very bad if you got on the wrong side if her father, and that goes to you boys too. Let this be a warning to you, don't mess with that girl or her siblings. Moreover I can't let this slide because you all are fond of doing this. It's not the first time I'm hearing this but I can't over look this one not only because of the girl you bullied in person or her father but I want this to be a lesson to you all. No crime goes unpunished. Therefore we have all agreed that you boys will have detention for a month"

"Pardon me but what we did does not deserve a month detention"

The teachers started to mummer amongst themselves, one sprang to his feet and yelled

"You don't have a say here boy! Show we the teachers and the principal some respect here. We have made our decision don't question us"

"With all due respect sir, I didn't speak rudely I'm just stating a fact. A month is too much"

"Please calm down Mr. Jude" the principal said.

"I think the fact that the principal calls you with Mr. Is intoxicating you"

I smirked at him.

"Can you look at him, no atom of remorse!"

"Please have your seat Mr. Jude, we can't resolve things with shouting and he's not wrong, I'll reduce your detention to 2 weeks starting from tomorrow any more act like this and you get suspended"

I looked at my boys and back at the teachers and principal in silence.

"You may leave now"

We all matched out. Leaving teachers and the principal to commute.

Here we take a peek into the life of the leading character Henry and his 2 faced characters.

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