
Tale Of A Mummy's Boy

Henry is the only son of his single mother. His mother works in 2 different places during the day and night and hence has no time to train her son properly. she spoils him rotten to compensate for not always being around. In school, Henry is the gang leader of a group of boys who always causes trouble. A rollercoaster of emotions occur after he leaves school. Stay tuned to find out more.

Precious_Ukaegbu · Politique et sciences sociales
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5 Chs


I gathered the gang during recess, I felt both angry and fulfilled at the same time. It was a weird feeling of satisfaction and unsettlement.

"You were really fearless when you spoke to the principal today" one of the gang members Robin said.

"That's why he's the gang leader" another, Tommy said.

"That's why he's our leader, a fearless leader. A critical thinker and strategist" another named Bonnie said.

"Y'all need to call down" said Jack my right hand man, "We all agree that what y'all have said is true but let us hear from him what our next move will be"

I stared at them for a while, "We eat, bills on me."

"Alright!" they echoed in unison.

After school hours were passed, I looked for Margaret to no avail. It was like she was hiding from me. Then it beacon on me that Jack had not yet given me his findings on her. I was finding out about her and it seemed like he wasn't doing anything. I sat on a pavement outside the school premises with my head down. Different thoughts kept running through my head and it was as if I was rolling and falling in a deep endless well. I was brought aback by a gentle tap on my shoulder. I felt a little shiver as I raised my head to check who tapped me.

"Hey hunnie"

"Mum, what you doing here?"

"I closed early, plus I have a 3-day break and decided to get you, I'm lucky I got you here"

"I smiled and stood up lucky indeed"

"What were you doing alone here?" she asked as we walked towards the exit of the school block.

"Nothing, I was just stressed and decided to rest a while there before heading home"

She gently brushed through my hair, "let's head home and I'll give you a massage today"

We entered the cab and I remained quiet staring out through the window of the Uber.

"I'm not going to work this weekend, we can hang out together. Maybe have dinner or go to the park or a Cinema… ummm… we can go shopping for your favorite things?…"

I remained silent. I could feel her getting sad. She remained quiet for a while, I turned to her and gave her palm a gentle squeeze. She looked at me with gazing puppy eyes, I smiled and nodded. She gave me a tight squeeze, I struggled for breath then she let go and rubbed my hair.

I brought out my phone to text Jack:

"I hope you guys have left for home, I left early today and I left with my mum. Yes, I need your report by recess tomorrow about that girl Margaret no more procrastinating"

I placed my headphones on, it was barely a minute since I sent the message I got a reply from Jack.

"I've got everything under control. I'm just heading home and the Margaret is not an issue, I've got valuable information about her. I'll hand it over to you in the morrow. Say hello to mama for me"

Jack was swift to action although sometimes he could be very lazy.

We got home in about 45 minutes, I rushed to the shower, I was exhausted. When I was done I headed to my room to get my assignment done.

"knock knock" was the sound from the door


"Can I come in hunnie?"

" Sure"

You busy?"

"Kind of"

"Well I just wanted to give you this cookies" she said as she dropped a plate of them on my reading table, "I made them". She sat on my bed and watched me work.

"You know I can't concentrate with you watching me that way"

"I'm sorry Hun but I'm lonely In my room"

I chuckled and turned to mum who was behind me.

"How bout you get you a boyfriend?"

"Errr… no hunnie" mum said smiling from ear to ear.

"Or else you already have one and you don't want to tell me ayy?" I teased.

"No darling, I don't think I need one now. I'm already worked up to get one.

"True though" I said as I came to seat beside her.

"How bout the massage or should we go to the spa?"

"Yeah?" I said smiling widely

"Of course!"

I stood up and grabbed some clothes to put on.

"You can leave now, privacy" I said as I gently dragged mum off the bed and pushed her to the door.

"What about the cookies?"

"I'll bring 'em down"

She walked out and I locked door to change in excitement.

It's been ages we did stuff together and now she was on break I wanted to make the most of it.

I walked down to the kitchen. Mum was awestruck when she saw me and I was feeling elegant.

"What do you think?" I asked before mum could say anything.

"You look handsome my baby" she rushed and hugged me.

"When did you become so big?" she asked in tears

"Oh mum, you're over reacting"

"My baby is so big now" she said as she let me go, took the plate of cookies from me and kept staring admiringly.

"What?" I said with smiles all on my face

"You look just like you fa…" she paused

"… My what?"

"Your grand father, he was so dashing just like you when he was younger" she made the sign of the cross on her chest and kisses her index finger when through "May his soul rest in peace… amen"


"Alright" she grabbed her purse," Let's go"

We arrived at a fancy restaurant after half an hour, I was awestruck, the building was massive, lights splendid, crowded with high classed personnel. The cab parked at the entrance and we stepped out, mum paid the Uber driver while I tried to tame my excitement.

"Follow me sweetie"

I followed her like an obedient sheep. I waiter showed us to a table and ushered us to sit. This wasn't the type of restaurants where you'd have to queue up to get your food, here the waiters weren't for fancy. We were given the menu and a fine red wine was placed on our table while the waiter took our orders and rushed to their kitchen. Within seconds our food was ready and brought to us at our table. I was happy eating out with mum again since several years. We went home after dining. I got to the bathroom and freshened up. I decided to spend the night in mom's room.

"Knock knock"

"Yeah, come in sugar pie"

"Erm, mom I was thinking I could spend the night with you" I said peeping through the door.x

"Of course you can hunnie, I'd love that to. That's thought full of you."

I walked into the room, closed the door and slid under the duvet.

"Aww, my baby" she said as she help me in the safety of her arms and we fell asleep.

"Urhh, it's already morning?" I asked as the rays of the sun woke me.

"Yes hunny bunny, get up or you'd be late for school, c'mon get up!"

"I don't want to" I said as I turned against the rays of the sun and wrapped myself in the comfort of the duvet again.

"Oh no no boyy, you don't" mum screamed as she pulled the cover off of me.

"Arghh, fine" I said standing up and heading to shower.

Mum headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"Hurry boy, you're running late!"

I rushed down immediately I was done.

"Take the school bus okay?"


"Eat fast"

I struggled with the food but couldn't finished it, mum packed it up and placed it in my bag.

"Mum I don't want to take the school bus today, I want to take a cab, please?"

"Fine, here's 30 bucks" she said handing over to me the cash, "For the cab"

"Okay, thanks mum, I'm off"

"Alright, be well"

I dashed off, and got a cab.

"That was fast" I said to myself as I hopped in.

"Central high please".

" Alright"

And the cab zoomed off. I got off immediately we got to the entrance of the school. I paid him and went into the school premises. I went to my classroom, sat down and laid my head on my table.


I raised my head, "Jack, what's up"

"I'm okay, I have what you asked for"

I looked around for a while, "let's go somewhere quiet"

"Okay, let's head to the backyard"

We headed there and jack told me everything about her.

"Wow, a lot of details, you did well man"

"Thanks bro, I gat you whenever"

"I'll speak to her today, find where she goes to during recess"

"You didn't read everything now did you?, She goes to the school library, everything is in the file I gave you"

" Ohh, pardon me. I'll get her"

"what do you mean by…"

"Ringggggg" the alarm to begin classes went off and we rushed to have our classes. I kept thinking about what I was going to tell Margaret, she was without a doubt charming and brave.

I dashed out if the class immediately the bell for recess went off. I rushed to the library and luckily Margaret was already there reading. I sat across her to have a better view. She raised her head and looked at me. She looked stunned for a while.

"What are you doing here and what do you want?"

"Hey… calm down hunnie, I came to say hello."

"Are you stalking me?"

"Does it seem like I am?"

"Then what do you want?"

"I just want to talk nothing much."

"Well then make it quick, I'm in the middle of an important project."

"I can help you if you need assistance, you look frustrated"

"I can handle it, please I repeat what do you want again. I don't want to make a fuss here"

"Well Margie, I came to ask why you reported to the principal, I think you over reacted. You saw I didn't give any order, they just acted on their own."

" But you ate my lunch and took my money, plus or minus you are an accomplice to the act."

"Yeah, true but I didn't come to apologize though, I just want to know you better. To be honest I love your bravery."

"How charming of you, mister please leave if that's what you came to bug me with because you are bugging me right now.

I smirked

"Hold on sissy, before you send me packing I'd love to help you with your assignment. I'm not so bad okay" I walked to her and whispered "I can be your prince charming, your Romeo. I find you quiet attractive beauty"

She was awestruck and tried to hide her red cheeks.

"I don't take compliments from jerks"

"Mamacita, I ain't no jerk. From now on I'll be your favorite pest"

I sat down beside her and helped her with her assignment, it was Mathematics and it was quiet easy for me. I explained it to her and she understood it quickly.

"See you're a quick learner and I'm a pretty calm teacher" I said as I gently pushed her hair behind her ear and help her chin.

"Damn you're beautiful"

She was quiet for a while but then stood up and took her books.

"Thank you for the class" she said as she walked out.

I chuckled as I stood up and left the left the library.

"I'mma have you girl."

Henry seems to be plotting something against Margaret but doesn't want to say it, at the same time he begins to fall for her.

What is he planning? Is he really in love with her? How does Margaret feel?

Stay glued to find out!

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