
The parents and their past

In a distant plane, far removed from both the magical plane and the mortal plane—a space now referred to as the loka where Jaegar found himself—another loka existed. 

This alternate space harboured a unique plane, distinct from those familiar to Jaegar. 

Within this plane, an eerie ambience prevailed, shrouded in a thick, black miasma that tainted every inch.

In the heart of this peculiar plane stood a colossal fortress, its sheer size capable of eclipsing vast stretches of land. 

Lokas, intricately woven dimensions of existence, occupied separate spaces, each a fusion of planes with their own distinct physical and astral attributes. 

In the intricacies of the cosmological order, these distinct planes were part of a larger construct known as lokas, where different existences coexisted in separate spaces, each loka containing a unique combination of planes.