
One man army

With a resounding crash and a plume of dust, Jaegar slammed into the ground where the portal had been, cratering the earth beneath him. His impact sent violent shockwaves rippling outward, scattering the nearby soldiers like tenpins.

Standing in the crater he had formed, his eyes smoldering with umbral energy, he glared at the now empty space where Li and his men had been moments before.

Bitter questions and suspicions whirled through his mind.


The fury detonating within Jaegar was like an arcane bomb, rupturing the very fabric of reality.

Torrents of unfettered power flooded through his being, unleashing violent, uncontrolled outbursts. Writhing coils of crackling energy slithered up his arms, dancing across his knuckles in coruscating arcs as the buildup of enraged arcane energies within him vented in erratic pulses.