
Devouring Yun Che [Old] Soul Unintentionally!~

Edited by: Scarlet5ky

(3rd person POV)

Blue Pole Star Planet - Floating Cloud City, Xiao Clan.

Above one of the homes that seem to be excluded from others, Asep's soul appeared here out of nowhere. Then with little confusion Asep checking his surroundings, which is foreign to him.

Then he felt there was a living existence in which he detected below him. Curious about, what is the current location. He descended while creeping into the room where the presence he detects earlier to check it. Or maybe ask about this place.

What he sees is a boy who is about age 15-17 is going to eat his food. But when Asep sees food, he felt goosebumps since there's a hostile element mixed within.

Being Confused, he didn't know what to do. In meantime, boy consumes everything in his plate. Soon the boy lost consciousness after feeling pain.

Asep started thinking fast, so he can help the boy. Without finding a solution, first, he chooses to pull the soul of the boy without hesitation since it's better to think a solution while preserving the soul.

Suddenly there's a soul which is dashing into the boy's body. Which seems hostile one, so he attempted to devour it, to prevent harming the body, which was already poisoned.

Then he felt little struggle from it before he devours it fully. After devouring, he got new foreign memories from the soul. But the result is startling to him and he felt sorry for the soul which he devours earlier.

"Ugh, so this is the ATG universe? How did I arrive here without meeting some geezer who told me he's a god or some beauty who calls herself a goddess?"

The soul he devoured earlier is Yun Che[old] which should take over the body. But now his soul has been devoured by him meaning that he gets Sky Poison Pearl and Mirror Samsara Pendant.

"Really pitiful fellow, sorry man! I didn't mean to eat you but I can't be a hypocrite here, so I will thank you for a delicious meal!"

[Imagining himself to bow somewhere he thinks it's a decent direction to bow]

Feeling sorry and thankful for Yun Che, he decided to do something to help the young version of Yun Che to lessen his guilt.

Remembering that he got Yun Che's artifact, he felt that Mirror of Samsara isn't useful for him since he can possess anybody he wants with his soul ability. So he chooses to give it back to Yun Che[Young].

"Okay Yun Che, here I will give this back to your younger version! Hopefully, you will become a responsible man who will not jump leaving your wife, to get another, then go back to save your wife who almost dies for nothing"

Although he didn't like Yun Che[Old], he didn't hate him either. What he hates from Yun Che[Old] is irresponsibility. So maybe he can make new Yun Che which should be more presentable in his eyes from this Yun Che[Young].

"Although you are kinda Rapist, you're only a low-grade Rapist if we compare you with psychopath Chu Feng! So I will help your younger self, although I will not help him fully since I will leave it to Jasmine as little payment for curing her poison later."

Remembering the urgent situation, he approaches the Body of Yun Che which is still poisoned and almost becomes a corpse.

"Hmm, such a handsome face! Well, I don't have to think hard about which grade of handsome since my past life is miserably average haha."

With him receiving memories from Yun Che[old], he knows how to use Sky Poison Pearl. So he used it to absorb the poison from Yun Che's body while using plunder ability to extract it into liquid form so he can use it later.

After a minute or so, the poison was extracted from the body. With his command as Soul Devourer, the soul of Yun Che which he pulled earlier, was pushed back into his body.

While waiting for Yun Che to awaken from his unconscious state, he thinks that he should make him enter a dream world in which he would use the memories of Yun Che[Old] as a way to give him experience and knowledge.

Of course, he removed part of Sky Poison Pearl Knowledge and kept his naivety and current personality intact, since he didn't want to make a copy of Yun Che[Old] but completely new Yun Che.

Although he almost gave full memories while altering the flaw here and there. In the end, he altered the cause of Yun Che[Old] 's death, where he dies after failing to escape from the clan which belongs to the group who killed his teacher for a petty reason.

Everything is easy by using one of his innate abilities [Memories Manipulation], although he didn't know how he got seven abilities after he devours that rapist's soul and merging with a smartphone.

He didn't think much about it since there's no harm done to him, so he didn't care about the reason, detecting 7 ability within his soul makes him know that he has this ability.

1. Devour.

2. Smart-brain [from the smart phone]

3. Soul Imprint

4. Soul Possession

5. Memories Manipulation

6. Soul Manipulation

7. Plunder

Although he knows that he's transferred here, he still doesn't know whose body will he possess since he didn't want to become a floating orb forever.

But he thought for a while. He would find some villain who has a good body here, maybe he can get a harem too within this world while monitoring this boy until he finds that his personality is acceptable before leaving him.


(Asep POV)

My life as a soul devourer in the following days only becomes a spectator of the new Yun Che living his life.

It makes me glad since he didn't become like Yun Che[old] so its decrease my worry.

I did some action which should be done by Yun Che, like approaching Jasmine's location where she fell. Also, taking the grass which should help Yun Che's disguise.

I've succeeded in extracting the poison from her soul by using my abilities [plunder]. I felt this poison will be useful later or maybe I will give it to Yun Che? I don't know about it so I will think about what to do about it later.

Jasmine is still arrogant as always even though she's cured but her cold voice didn't feel too cold since I feel there's gratitude from it.

Although I did know from the novel description, her beauty is really unparalleled, I'm in a daze just to be awoken by her cold angry voice.

It's a relief that I'm in soul form, so she didn't know I was drooling while my inner voice telling me that I'm not pedophile countless times.

She asked me what I wanted as payment since she didn't want to owe something to me, so I told her that she only needs to become Yun Che's master.

At first, she didn't agree but seeing the current Yun Che who's living a pitiful life made her really angry, so she agreed with my request while promising to make a man out of Yun Che.

Although I feel sorry for him, to get sadist master. But this is for his own sake so I didn't think too much about it and even though he wants my help it's impossible since he doesn't know my existence.

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