
Making father angry

~Xiao zhan came to check if Wang yibo was ready~

~Xiao zhan knocked on Wang yibo's door~

~Wang yibo came out in a black leather jacket with a brown turtle next and a black ripped jeans~

The ripped jeans was just too ripped

Xiao zhan: Young master. Are you sure your father would liked if you wore that?

Wang yibo : why is anything ugly about it?

Xiao zhan: no no. I didn't mean that. I was saying I don't think you should wear that to your father's company.

Wang yibo: that old man should be just happy that I am going there. I have went to the companies in even shorts so I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

Xiao zhan: okay if you say so. If have no problem with it than.

Wang yibo: yeah you better not. Now move didn't you want me to hurry?

Xiao zhan: oh right I am sorry.

~ They went down ~

??? : Mr. Wang yibo would you like me to drive you?

Wang yibo : no I didn't ask you. And where are my bike keys?

Xiao zhan: you want to take a bike there?

Wang yibo: Why would I have asked that if i didn't want to go?

Xiao zhan: No it's just I never rode a bike before.

Wang yibo : well let it be your first time then.

~The guard brought over the bike and his keys~

Wang yibo: took you long enough to bring it here.

??? : I am really sorry Mr. Wang yibo.

Wang yibo: yeah yeah. Whatever now bring me my helmet.

??? : yes sir

~ after 5 minutes ~

??? : here you go sir.

Than wang yibo took the bike outside. Xiao zhan walked behind him as they got out of the Mansion.

Wang yibo: now hop on.

Xiao zhan: *nodded*

Xiao zhan sat behind him but didn't hold him. So Wang yibo suddenly started the bike. Because of this Xiao zhan hugged Wang yibo from behind.

~Wang yibo laughed~

Xiao zhan : That wasn't so nice Young master. I could have fallen.

Wang yibo: Even better.

Than they started going to there destination. Wang yibo was driving very fast and scaring the $hit out of Xiao zhan. Than they stopped at a red light. If Wang yibo was riding alone he would have had broken the red light but didn't.


[Xiao zhan: This kid drives too fast I am trying to get over this day to meet my Ah yuan. Not to heaven]

Than the light became yellow.

Wang yibo: hold tight. It's gonna go wild now.

Xiao zhan: wha-

Wang yibo started again but more faster than before. And Xiao zhan's life started before his own eyes. Than after a while they finally arrived at there destination.

~Wang yibo stopped his bike and looked at Xiao zhan who was still holding tight to him closing his eyes. ~

Wang yibo : Not gonna let go? I don't mind.

Xiao zhan: Oh I am sorry i didn't realize.

~ his face was red from Wang yibo's sudden word attack. They both got of the bike~

A worker came running there way after seeing Wang yibo.

??? : Good after noon Mr. Wang yibo. I hope you had a nice ride here.

Wang yibo: yeah yeah

While the worker was talking to Wang yibo they got in the elevator. Wang yibo was just checking himself in the mirror. The only one paying attention to the worker's words was Xiao zhan. They arrived at the floor that they needed to be at. Before the meeting Wang yibo had to do some work in his / his father's office. So he went inside as the worker told him he had some work in there. Xiao zhan didn't go inside and the just decided to stay outside.

Xiao zhan sat outside the office on the couch that was just right outside the door. And a beautiful Young girl saw him sitting alone as she was passing by so she decided to talk to him.

??? : hello!

Xiao zhan: ummm. Hello!

Yue tai: I am Yue Tai! And you are?

Xiao zhan : I am Xiao zhan.

Yue tai: so which department do you work at? I haven't seen you here before.

Xiao zhan: I uh don-

Suddenly Wang yibo came outside all looking angry.

Xiao zhan: Young master are you okay? Did something happen??

Wang yibo: *glared at yue tai*

Yue Tai : I am sorry Mr. Wang yibo I will get going now.

Yue Tai looked scared and bowed to Wang yibo before she left the place. She left like a ghost not even looking back. Xiao zhan could see that Wang yibo was a scary boss by how people reacted to him.


Xiao zhan : *flinged* n-no I don't know what this meeting is for..


~Wang yibo went back in his office. All angry and the worker from earlier ran out crying. ~

After a while Wang yibo called his father. To consult him about his actions. And why did he make decisions about his life without even asking him. After he was done with his call Xiao zhan got a call from his father.

Wang qurian : Mr. Xiao zhan?

Xiao zhan : oh hello Master.

Wang qurian: listen here kid. You have to make him go on the date I planned for me him. I want him to get married have kids not just sit there and live on video games. And go in gaming contests.

Xiao zhan: Yes sir. I understand.

Wang qurian: I am already so furious at him. He is just a spoiled brat. His mother spoiled him too much and left me.

Xiao zhan : Sir she loved her son. She couldn't do anything else as well. I have a son too I spoil him as much as I can.

Wang qurian : you are right. But please make him go on this date it's really important.

Xiao zhan: yes sir. It's my job to follow your orders.

And the call ended leaving Xiao zhan in. Bad situation. He didn't want to die in Wang yibo's hands nor get fired By Wang qurian.

Xiao zhan went inside the office.

Xiao zhan: Young master?

Wang yibo: WHAT!


[Xiao zhan: I am ready for my death.]

Xiao zhan: What about we settle things down and listen to your father. And go one the date he planned for you?

Wang yibo : oh right you are so positive. Are you f***Ing kidding me? I DON'T EVEN LIKE HER!

Xiao zhan: well think like me? You go a date and reject her on her face? Than your father won't have anything to say to you too?

Wang yibo: oh right.