
Going for the date

Wang yibo : are you gonna come on the date with me?

Xiao zhan : no. Young master. It is a date for some reason.

Wang yibo : well I don't even like her so can I even consider it as a date?

Xiao zhan : it's still not appropriate.


Xiao zhan :..... You should get going now:)

Wang yibo : yeah yeah no need to tell me.

Wang yibo left to go on the date that he was set up for. He went inside the place that his date was. He knew which table they were sitting at because his father told him that the place he was going had table numbers. It was a very fancy place.

Wang yibo than sat at his table waiting for his date to arrive. After 5 minutes his date finally arrived.

??? : I am so sorry for keeping you waiting.

Wang yibo : mn.

??? : you are even prettier than your pictures.

Wang yibo : mn.

??? : wait! You are that one person that has won alot of game challenges right??

Yes Wang yibo plays video games competitions and has won every single one that he participated in.

Wang yibo : mn. Yes I am Wang yibo that plays in ____ team.

Shi run : I am Shi run! And I am 20 year's old.

Wang yibo: yeah I am 20 too.

Shi run: you are exactly my type!

Wang yibo: well how can you say that? We just met like 10 minutes Ago.

Shi run : well maybe love at first sight?? :)

Wang yibo : well looks like it's one sided love:|

Shi run:... Well it's okay we can still give it time. Let's order something?

Wang yibo: let's just get it straight! I don't like you and you don't have a single chance with me! So you better stop trying! You understand?

Shi run: what? What do you mean?

Wang yibo : you know what I mean. so stop wasting your time. And go on a date with someone who actually likes you! Not a person you saw before at a baguette. And liked him. More over that person didn't even knew you existed before today. Now have a good meal alone or just just leave. Your business doesn't have anything to do with me!

Wang yibo left. Putting some money on the table to pay for her meal. Even though she didn't order anything yet. Shi run was very upset at Wang yibo's actions. She started crying right then and there.

Wang yibo came back at the office to take Xiao zhan back to the mansion. After he got in the building a worker came up to him and said that he was a big fan of him only to get the silent treatment. After this Wang yibo got in the elevator and glared at the boy who was following and trying to have a chit chat with him.

Wang yibo : Xiao zhan???

??? : Sir he is sitting in your office.

Wang yibo :yeah thx for telling.

The worker felt so gud for being appreciated by Wang yibo.

~Wang yibo entered his office ~

He saw a sleeping figure on his office sofa. And it was Xiao zhan.


[Wang yibo :.... You are pretty....]

He walked closer to Xiao zhan's sleeping figure. He was amazed by his pure and innocent face.


[Wang yibo: He looks comfortable. I wonder how he looks in bed]

( if you know you know if you don't you don't)

Wang yibo: WAKE UP! YOU F***ING IDIOT!

This action woke Xiao zhan up of course.

Xiao zhan: Oh. Young master you are back so fast?

Wang yibo : What did you expect? I was just going to be rejected her. Or did you expect me to fall for her after I saw her face?

Xiao zhan:..... I have no answer for that.

Wang yibo : it's just a simple yes or no question. But what ever let's get going back now.

Xiao zhan : okay Young master.


[Xiao zhan : oh well. Looks like I have to go through hell again.]

They went in the parking lot. Wang yibo sat on his bike and wore his helmet. Xiao zhan hoped on with him holding him tight. Wang yibo place his hand on top of Xiao zhan's tiny hands.

This made Xiao zhan blush. And very confused why he was doing that. So he lossened up his hands a little bit. After this wang yibo took his hand off his hands. Xiao zhan knew now that he was holding too tight which made him very embarrassed. Because he was very embarrassed he engraved his face on the back of wang yibo.

This made Wang yibo's ears to turn red but no one could tell because he was wearing a helmet.

After this Xiao zhan went to the kitchen and cooked a meal for them and left when it was 11:30. He was tired and he was missing his son. But knew he couldn't meet him today because he did have any time to bring him back. And because of his job he can't even spend time with him any more he was missing his son a lot. He was considering asking Mr. Wang if he could bring his kid to work too. He only thought to do that because ah yuan wasn't that much of a bad kid he would stop if you tell him. He simply just can't live without spending time with his son.

He called Wang qurian

Wang qurian: hello?

Xiao zhan : I am so sorry for bothering you at this time. But I have something very important to ask you.

Wang qurian : it's okay. Go on please tell me what is it?

Xiao zhan : sir it's that you know I have a son right?

Wang qurian: yes I know?

Xiao zhan : it's just that he is very young and he can't just stay home alone nor I want to be away from him too long. Is there any possible way you can allow me to bring him to work with me?

Wang qurian : of course you can :) he is just 4 years old you can put him too much pressure. Bring him here from tomorrow I don't mind. And maybe my son can learn something from him. *Laughs *

Xiao zhan:*Laughs* you are so nice sir. I appreciate you. Thank you for agreeing you don't know how much ease this is for me.

Wang qurian : it's okay. It's no big deal.

Xiao zhan: thx you sir again. Have a good night.

Wang qurian : yo too.

Call ended

Xiao zhan after this went to bed