
191. Apply For Job (2)

"Hmm… actually, yes. I was joining a jazz band in Batam, but now I'm out," said Rissa.

Mr. Danang widened his eyes while nodding. It seemed that Mr. Danang was stunned to see Rissa. "You must be very famous."

"No, I'm not a famous singer." Risa smirked.

"I can't help you work as an employee at Calipso, but if you want to apply to become a singer, maybe I can help you. I can recommend you to the band manager. What do you think? Are you interested?"

"Are you sure, Sir?"

"Yes, I'm serious. If you want it, you can come here at seven pm tomorrow. I mean, six pm. Usually, the band has been here since six pm. I will introduce you to the band manager. Who knows, they like you and accept you," said Mr. Danang with a smile.

"Well. Thank you very much, Sir."

Rissa shook Mr. Danang's hand again, then went home.