
11. Get Some Coffee With Reva

Reva must be angry with him because Charlos couldn't call Reva at all yesterday. Reva didn't answer the phone, and also the message.

No problem thought Charlos. He didn't dare to go straight to his hotel room. But today, he will meet Reva. He already knew the hotel Reva was going to in Jakarta.

Early in the morning, Charlos was getting ready. He promised Satria to go to church together. He felt bad if he had to cancel it. Charlos chose to look casual. A plaid shirt and jeans will suffice.

He looked at his cellphone; there was a photo of Reva playing the saxophone. Alright, first go to church, second go straight to Jakarta. The driver is waiting. Charlos immediately went to church.

Satria was waiting for him, and together they entered the hall, which was located on the second floor. The congregation began to fill the seats, but the service hasn't started yet.

Satria looks restless. His eyes kept looking around.

"Hey, Sat! What are you doing?" asked Charlos.

"What? No. I was just looking around." Satria laughed. His eyes didn't really pay attention to Charlos. Satria continued to squeal in annoyance. Then idly open the Bible. Charlos knew that Satria was not really reading the Bible.

"Sat! Tell me! Who are you looking for?" Charlos insisted.

Satria was surprised. He seemed to think for a moment, then said, "Okay Charlos, you have to keep this a secret. I'm actually waiting for Carissa. I wonder if she's going to church or not."

Why would such a thing be kept a secret? Basically, Satria is weird. Charlos tried to remember Carissa's name. "You mean the choir singer from yesterday?"

"Ssssshhhh!! Don't be so loud, Charlos! Gezz!"

Charlos was shocked. Satria is too much. His booming voice was so loud that it hurt Charlos' ears.

"So, what's wrong?"

Satria snorted slowly, then looked at Charlos earnestly. "Charlos, I ... Uhm, it seems like ... I fall in love with Rissa. She is so beautiful and lovely. I can't stop thinking about her."

"Oh my gosh. I wonder why."

They no longer discussed Satria's feelings because the service had already started. Then in the middle of the sermon, Charlos's cell phone vibrated. There's an incoming message.

"After the service, I will wait in the parking lot."

Charlos' eyes widened. That's Reva. How did Reva find him here? It turned out that Reva had not yet left for Jakarta. They will meet again today. It's miraculous. Anyway, since yesterday, Reva had not answered his phone at all. He could no longer concentrate on his sermon.

Luckily, they were seated not too far from the exit. After the service, Charlos rushed out of the hall, down the stairs as fast as lightning, ignoring Satria, who called him.

When Charlos reached the parking lot, he could see Reva opening the window of the black sedan. Reva wears black glasses, and it looks very contrast with Reva's white skin.

"Do you want to come with me or not?" asked Reva rather firmly.

Charlos just smiled, then he immediately got into the car without hesitation.

"I thought you didn't want to see me again." Charlos looked at Reva in awe, still not believing Reva could be here.

"Hey! I thought it was you, who didn't want to see me!" exclaimed Reva.

Charlos shook his head. "You never know what it's like…."

"What, Charl?" Reva asked softly.

"You got angry and just left. I don't know how to deal with you, Rev," said Charlos.

Charlos' heart quivered. His face was smiling, and he felt so happy. Reva is really real in front of him.

"Charl, would you like to have breakfast with me?" Reva asked.

Charlos pointed to a coffee shop not far from the church. Reva parked the car, and they both entered the coffee shop. Reva ordered the croissant and a glass of hot cappuccino, while Charlos ordered an Americano coffee.

"Didn't you have breakfast at the hotel this morning?" asked Charlos while watching Reva sipping a Cappuccino. White foam stuck to Reva's upper lip. Reva licked it slowly. Suddenly Charlos' heart skipped a beat.

Reva smiled. "Charl, I can't go down to breakfast with the other guests, can I. I wouldn't put myself in danger by showing up in a public place like that. I can't even call customer service to order food. What if someone sees me? I really can't be seen at all, Charl. Isn't that right?"

Charlos was surprised to hear Reva's expression. "Oh my. I should have taken you breakfast this morning. I didn't think about that at all." He was clearly an inattentive man. Charlos hoped that Reva wouldn't be disappointed in him.

"Don't worry, Charl. I can't be seen at all. I hope this place is safe enough from reporters. I forgot to bring my mask."

Charlos sighed. "You don't have to wear a mask. I think it's fine if someone sees us together in this place."

"Are you sure?" Reva smiled seductively.

"I don't know, Rev. Sometimes, I'm tired of having to act like this." Charlos stirred his coffee slowly. "About yesterday ... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I admit that this was a bit difficult for me. I didn't understand that we would come to this stage. Besides, I also want to be free to do whatever I want. Just me and you, Rev."

"Charl, I beg you not to talk about this anymore. I want us to act normal." Reva looked at Charlos seriously.

Charlos didn't even understand what normal meant. He began to think that Reva just wanted to be friends with him, nothing more.

"I want us to have fun, Charl, not to talk about things like that. It just feels too . . . too much."

"So, you think I'm exaggerating? After what we've been through together?" Charlos frowned.

"Charl ..., come on." Reva grabbed Charlos's hand and smiled. "We don't have much time to fight. Do you want to have some fun with me today?"