
chapter two


when I woke up I felt weird like something inside me was trying to get out but I couldn't let it out all I know is that it's bad and I can never let it out because I'm scared if I do it will be hard to let out,

'LET ME OUT WILL YOU' the thing said to me.

'What are you?' I asked it

'I'm you're other half, you're half werewolf/ half vampire' it told me

I didn't say anything because I was freaking out how could this happen to me and on my birthday and I really want to know how this could happen but both my parents are werewolves how can this happen to me,

"MHM Baby calm down go back to sleep" Wait what happened last night

'We found our mate' my wolf told me

'Yeah the mutt' my vampire side told me

'You shut up he is not a mutt' I told her because I know that he is not a mutt and he is our mate

"Baby?" my mate asked me he looks so sexy when he's got bed hair,

"It's alright baby" I looked at him with a smile

'I think I'm going to be sick' my vampire told me

'Shut up will you he is our mate' I told her

'He maybe you're mate but he is so not mine' she hissed and I know that she is pissed off

"Baby what's wrong with you're eyes" my mate told me

"it's just I found out that I am a hybrid part vampire part wolf" I told him the truth because I'm a bad liar.

"Don't worry I don't care If you're a hybrid or a pure bred you are my mate and you mean the world to me" he smiled at me

'He is not our mate we have another mate' my vampire told me and I growled at her

'I have a mate and he means everything to me' I told her.

'And I'm telling you we have another mate and I won't love this mate until we find our other mate' she told me and I know that this is true I have another mate but I can't tell the one I have now because I know that if I tell him he will be upset and I can't have two mate's I only ever wanted one and that's all I need is one mate but no I have two fucking mates and I've already mated with one of them,

'But what if our other mate doesn't want us because I've already mated to someone else?' I asked her

'Don't worry he will want us and we can have both of them you don't have to chose who you want' she told me.

'But what if our mate leaves us because we have another mate?' my wolf asked me sounding sad

'I don't know what's happening because well I thought that I was only a werewolf and now that I find out that I'm a vampire and that I have not just one mate but I have two mates' I felt like crying because everything is getting to me and I can't handle everything all at once everyone is telling me one thing and someone is telling me another and I don't know who to believe any more because well If something bad happens to my mate I don't know what will happen to my wolf I know that my vampire will be happy but what if I have kids like who will I have them with there are so many things that I need to think about but I can't because it's just everything that's been going on and it is still my birthday and I really don't want to celebrate right now as I just have way to much stuff to sort out,

I'm a freak and no one will love me when they find out...

"Baby stop worrying you will be fine everyone will love you because you are going to be Luna of this pack" he smiled and I just can't bring myself into telling him that I have another mate but then again I can't just lie to him can I?

"Baby there is something that I need to tell you but you have to promise me that you won't get mad" I looked at him and he sat up on my bed

"What is is?" he looked really worried

"My vampire told me that I have another mate who is a vampire and she wants me to find him/her but I don't want to leave you because you're my wolf's mate but I don't know what to do right now so I'm just going to go and try and find myself but I will come back if I do, but If I need longer then I will take longer I know it will kill you and my It will kill me as well but I need to do this for me so I know what I am going to do" I told him the truth even though it's my birthday I'm going to get my answers.

"Alright baby but promise me that you will be safe and you will come back to me even if you find you're vampire mate I need you" he told me and I smiled because I love him so much but I really need to find myself first before I do anything else I need to learn how to control my vampire because it took me a while to take control of my wolf and she was a hard head just like me I'm just hoping that my vampire isn't like that,

"Ok I better leave while everyone else is still sleeping just make something up please I'm going to write letters to Bell and Lisa so they will know the truth but everyone else will have to be told something else" I told him and got up and got ready so I can leave as soon as I write these letters.

When I finished getting dressed I walked over to my table and chair and sat down and started writing Lisa her letter,

'Dear Lisa,

I'm sorry I had to do this to you and Bell but It's just I found my mate and he is the Alpha but I also found out I have another side a vampire side that's right I'm half vampire half wolf I don't even know if my parents are my real parents but I am going to be getting answers and on the way I'm going to be finding myself I also need to control my vampire side because I don't if I can control her yet and I don't want anything bad happening to anyone do me something I want you to keep an eye on my mate he means the world to me and I just want you to make sure he doesn't go crazy and tries to kill anyone and please make sure that the pack slut doesn't try and touch him because I know when she finds out that I'm not around she will try and get with him and he will be very vulnerable without me being there,

But I promise when I find myself and I get answers about who my real parents are and I control my vampire I will come back but I don't know when they will happen also look after Bell for me she will be a mess when she finds out that I'm not here and I think she will try and find me just make sure she doesn't try and find me I don't want anyone to try and find me because I don't want to be found I just want to find myself and If I know that people are looking for me I will stay away longer so please just make sure everyone stays away from finding me I don't want to be found not until I want to be found

I love you dearly xoxoxox'

Once I finished writing the letter to Lisa I was about to cry but I didn't I put it in an envelope and put her name on it then sat it aside and stared writing Bell's letter

'To my dearest Bell,

I'm sorry to do this to you but I have to go I found out that I'm a hybrid and Lisa already knows about it and I made her promise me that she will look after you but I also need you to look after her as well I also need both of you to look after my mate because he will go nuts without me being around and I need you both to look after him and make sure he doesn't come after me because I need to learn how to control my vampire side oh I forgot to tell you that bit I'm half vampire half werewolf and I already know how to control my wolf side I just need to control my vampire side,

I also need to find my parents if they are alive because I need answers and I can't get them just sitting here doing nothing I just need to find myself as well.

I know that I only just got here last night but I need to do this because if I don't then when will I do it?

I just need you to do one thing and that is make sure no one tries to find me because if I find out that someone is coming after me I will stay away longer and I don't know when I'm going to come back but I will mind-link you when I know when I'm coming back.

Take care of you're self my dearest friend xoxoxoxox'

I put Bell's letter in an envelope and sat it with Lisa's letter because well I know that

my mate will give them to them I got up and turned to see my mate I know that he is fighting his wolf but he is going to have to let me go because I need to learn how to control my vampire and my wolf at the same time because well I know that if I stay I won't be able to control them and I will lose it.

"Baby you know you have to let me go and I will mind-link you every day so you don't go crazy while I'm gone" I smiled at him because he needs to know that I will come back to him when I find myself and I can control everything,

"I know that baby but promise me something" he looked at me

"I will come back and I will look after myself and I will be sleeping in tree's so I will be safe and I will hide my scent" I told him with a smile so I can convince him that I will be safe.

"Alright then you better go before everyone gets up I love you" he came over and kissed me and kissed him back

When I pulled away from him I smile and gave him a hug goodbye and walked over to my door and ran down the stairs and out the front door and shifted into my wolf and ran away as fast as I can I need to get away from here as fast as I can but I know that I can't go onto other packs territory because I know what will happen if I do and I will die,

'Where are we going?' My wolf asked me

'I told you sweetie we are going away because I need to learn more about me and I need to learn how to control my vampire side and I need to find my other mate' I told her and she whimpered,

'Don't worry we will be back in no time' I told her and she still wasn't happy she just doesn't want to leave her mate behind

'Come on let's go I have a feeling we should go to the vampire clan because they might know something about us and they will be able to help you control me and you might find our mum and/ or dad,' My vampire told me and I smiled and stopped and walked over to a tree and shifted into my vampire side lucky enough I can shift into my vampire side with clothes on,

'Do you know the way there?' I asked her

'Yes don't worry I will take you there' she started running fast and I knew that no one would be able to catch us or see us all they will be able to do is feel the wind.

'Were here' she told me

I didn't say anything I just took over still staying in my vampire form and hiding my wolf side because I don't want anyone to know that I'm part wolf.

"Who are you and what are you doing here" I heard someone say to me and I turned around to see someone standing behind me when I turned around and I was shocked to see someone that looks like me,

"Sapphire?" he asked me

"Yes It's me but who are you?" I asked because I don't know who he is but he might know who my parents are

"I'm you're Brother mum and dad have told me all about you they want to meet you so badly they can't wait to see you" he smiled and grabbed my hand and started running I don't even know what's going on because well I only just got here and someone is telling me that he is my brother and that 'our' parents will explain everything to me.

When he finally stopped outside a house he walked in and I was just standing there I don't know what to do, Like do I go In and talk to them or do I just stay out here like an idiot?

'Just go in come on we need to meet our parents' Kally my wolf told me and my vampire was agreeing with her it's the first thing they agreed on.

"Sapphire Come on in" my so called 'brother' called my into the house,

I started walking into the house and when I did I knew something felt right and I wanted to know more about all of this.

"Sapphire?" when I walked fully in the house and turned to my left to see two older people that look like me,

"Mum? Dad?" I asked them and they nodded and started crying

"There are so many questions I have to ask you" I started crying because I needed to know everything that's happened,

"come and sit down and we will tell you everything" my mum told me and I walked over to them and sat down so they can tell me.

"Fist off We know that you're a hybrid because I'm a hybrid and you're mum is a vampire but you're brother here is part wolf but more vampire, where with you, you're half wolf half vampire and it's balanced out like ying-yang you will always have that bit of something with you and yes you do have another mate and he is a vampire I know that you've already found you're werewolf mate because I can see you're mark don't worry only werewolves can see them and not vampires." Dad paused before he continued

"When I found you're mum we weren't meant to be together but even thought I'm a hybrid I can chose ether to have a werewolf mate or my vampire mate as soon as I saw you're mum I didn't have to choose I chose her she was beautiful and she didn't find out that I was a hybrid until I told her before me mated,

you were our first born and once we found out that you were a hybrid we tried to protect you we really did, but you got kidnapped we kept on trying to look for you we never stopped looking but then you're mum told me that she was pregnant that's when we had you're brother I never stopped looking for you either way I wanted you back" he was crying and I know that I just got told everything I wanted to know.