
Take’s Hidden Path

Yo, I’m back and just as broke so definitely don’t own Naruto, Danmachi, or any of its assets... like cmon if I did would I be writing trash novels on here? IF YOU RECOGNIZE ANYTHING IN THIS NOVEL FROM SOMEONE ELSES WORK I DO NOT OWN IT WHAT SO EVER...DONT AND I MEAN DONT COPYRIGHT STRIKE MY SHIT YAAA HEAR ME? Have a nice day

Oofdiditagain · Anime et bandes dessinées
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42 Chs


Take was standing outside the room at the door while his master was inside dealing with business, he was told that he had a mission and he is curious as to what it is... wait curious... as he thought long and hard about what he was feeling keeping his stoic expression after a few minutes it hit him... like a dam bursting or the floodgates opening all of the supressed feeling came flooding in wrecking havoc in Take's mind granted there was no guilt within these feeling due to being desensitized to death at a very young age but then something else entered his mind

It was almost like a picture with a note attached, the picture showed both a man with red hair, a woman with dark hair and pale skin, and a old man with pitch black hair and black pupil less eyes he didn't know who they are but yet they seemed familiar, turning his attention to the note, the moment he thought about the note a mind splitting migraine assaulted him as a hundred years of fuinjutsu experience clouded his mind followed by a name and a few words

'Hikomori Uzumaki, that is the name I was born with... you may not be an Uzumaki or a Yuki or a Uchiha but you are a child made from us, with this knowledge on fuinjutsu break free of your shackles and become not just my legacy but also Ken Uchiha's and Loe Yuki's as well... you may not know what you are currently feeling but know this is your true strength as Ken would always say 'A sword without feelings is a useless sword' spread your wings and be free my child... We will be watching from the afterlife'

Meanwhile Homun was currently smacking Take's face repeatedly due to his little servant not answering when spoken to when suddenly his hand was caught and two white and blue heterochromic eyes staring directly into his own

"From now one I'm not your servant I am a hired hand, From this point on I will receive 50% of all assets gained through my work or no work will be done..."

Still gripping the plump mans wrist as he stared him down waiting for an answer as Take's free hand was slowly snaking towards the short sword sheathed hilt down on his back under the cloak

Snatching his hand away with a disgusted look

"How dare you disobey your master...you will feel my wrath-"

"You are no master of mine..." charging forward stabbing straight through the plump man Take quickly turned towards Fu who despite his frail frame and lazy attitude he is fairly quick and decent in kenjutsu but before he could register that Take was doing hand seals 'D. Water: Piercing Rain' as small pellet sized balls of water shot through Fu's body slowly rotting it from the inside out he turned towards Momozi who was slightly shaken seeing his two lifetime friends fall because of this stupid kid they picked up on a whim but before he could continue that thought a thunderclap resounded as a streak of light burned through his body 'H. Lightning: Thunderclap Arrow'

As for Gato seeing these three he just had a business deal with die In front of him by the kid he got loaned terrified him as he watched the boy place the bow back on his back and retrieve his short sword wiping the blood off with his bear hide cloak only to flinch when he meet the boys eyes

"You... Gato? If your willing to pay for my services I may carry out an assortment of missions... But at any point I can and will refuse if I don't want to do a mission and I will leave as I please"

"Ve-Very W-W-Well... Um Take was it... how about we go over the details immediately..."

"That will work, after this I will be returning to My ship to fetch a few things once I'm done your free to have the ship and whatever is left..."


After dealing with the logistics which included Take's pay which was fairly cheap if you ignored the instatement fee which was a chakra metal short sword and a Chakra Maple(1) semi recurve longbow after their little meeting Take started heading towards the ship while sorting through various things in his mind namely his purpose

Ever since his heart felt something other then the rhythmic beat a sense of lost seeped into his being as thoughts clouded his mind 'What Am I' 'Who Am I' 'What's my purpose' 'What is my goal' thoughts like these continuously attacked his mind until he suddenly found himself in front of the unmanned ship since the whole crew is still within the Gato compound quickly boarding the boat he headed straight for the captains room... his former master... and grouped together all of the mans earnings he has brought with him finding a few empty storage scrolls along the way

After scouring and picking the boat clean of anything that caught his eye he jumped down from the boat and ran towards land thinking about everything he got


100000 Ryo (In a Storage Seal)

20 Kunai (In a Kunai Pouch)

200 Kunai (In a Storage Seal)

150 Shuriken (In a Storage Seal)

300 Metal Arrows (In a Storage Seal)

1 D Rank Jutsu


Although there were also some random commodities that Take grabbed he didn't pay them much mind they were simply some clothes and such things after all


A few weeks have passed since then and Take is currently putting on a bear hide hooded cloak and a white swirled mask with purple tendrils snaking across it (Like Tobi's mask except different color obviously and 2 eye holes...) Currently he has an assassination for a noble on the other side of the land of waves closest to Mizu no Kuni (Village Hidden in Mist... I believe) from what he has been told plus what he has found out for himself the noble is a land lord who owns a majority of the rice fields in the area and has made quite the fortune doing so the man himself doesn't have to many enemies but there are always some that come with being in a high position

The guards he has hired are estimated to be around genin level but Take wouldn't believe it unless he saw it, one of the biggest land owners in the land of waves simply has some genins guarding him it just doesn't seem logical... pressing two fingers against his forehead despite it being covered by a mask and slowly breathed out as he used Shunshin (Body Flicker) and disappeared from him spot leaving only a black transparent figure almost like an after image in his spot

(A/N: (1): Something I completely made up get over it - Dark Wind + Shunshin)

1136 Words Including A/N

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