
Tainted Salvation

In the Kingdom of Galsbourg, Rainier Hansen ruled as an absolute Tyrant. Having known nothing but loneliness and power, he's used to getting what he wants. He felt that his days all blurred into one infinite hollow of duties and boredom until he randomly traveled worlds and stumbled upon a certain carefree female detective, Gwen Hamilton. Soon, she turned out to be his obsession. He had always got his wishes, and that year, he decided he'd present himself a queen. Warning: Mature content

LadyAzalea · Urbain
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46 Chs

The Museum Visit

According to plan, Gwen and Rainier spent half a day with the Prince and Princess Consort of Jarmania, and also the Vice President of Circaria and his wife.

They all met at the museum. It's the first time Gwen sat together with the King in the backseat of a car, with Steve and Jake in front of them.

Their stylists matched their clothes. His jacket and her dress were mocha, and Gwen could tell they would be on the papers the next day.

To be honest, after what happened two days previously, Gwen wished to be as far away from him as possible. Then again, she had no choice. It also helped because he acted like there was nothing to be concerned about.

The Princess Consort of Jarmania, Ayris, and the wife of the Vice President of Circaria, Ruby, were keen to know more about Galsbourg, mainly because the museum curator himself guided them along.

They could only spend one hour at the massive museum, so based on the request of the king, the curator prepared a concise tour of Galsbourg's history only. The museum actually held an incredible collection of the world's history.

The curator guided them briefly along the history of ancient Galsbourg and remained longer on the last 100 years parts of the exhibitions.

The royal guests all nodded and asked questions. The curator answered them all in fluent Common Language.

It had been ages since Gwen last visited a museum. She wished she could read all the white caption cards, but alas, they had to keep up with their schedule.

The last five generations of Kings had each their own exhibition.

Rainier's grandfather was remembered for solidifying Galsbourg's name as a resourceful kingdom and gave the kingdom its basic foundations for its modern economy, education, defense, and art.

Like what Gwen had learned for the past weeks in the royal library, his grandfather strongly brought Galsbourg from the tumultuous political era in the 50s to the more stable era of the 70s.

When they were about to enter King Horace's exhibition or Rainier's father, the king shocked everyone by saying "I'll skip this one. I'll wait at the atrium."

They all suddenly remembered that King Horace was a murdered father for him.

Gwen was surprised he even showed his emotions in front of the royal guests.

"Take your time," he said to the curator, before leaving the room as the curator bowed deeply at him.

The curator then began.

"King Horace brought the kingdom to better recognition of technological advancement. The precious mineral owned by the royal family were manufactured on a larger scale, giving more job opportunities to the people."

"He was also a dedicated patron of various levels of schools and universities in the kingdom. In his time, more foreign students come to Galsbourg to learn about science than the previous decades."

"His hobbies included archery, playing violin, and gardening. He rearranged lots of gardens in the royal palace during his lifetime."

"He had a very close relationship with His Majesty until he was murdered. The late queen passed away when His Majesty was five years old. They spent a lot of time together. He was murdered by the traitor when His Majesty was ten years old. His Majesty witnessed everything."

Gwen had already read about it in the history books, but it hadn't felt real until then, with the way he skipped this specific exhibition.

The curator went on about King Horace's achievements. The books of poems he wrote, how he got a master's degree in Philosophy, and his stamps collection.

All of these explanations sounded far away for Gwen. She lost her focus ever since she saw the pictures of 10-year-old Rainier leading his father's funeral ceremonies.


The exhibition dedicated to Rainier was quite comprehensive. From his pictures as a baby, held by his late mother, learning violin with his father to his pictures winning science and equestrian competitions.

His graduation pictures were from elementary, junior, and high school. From the Naval Academy and later for his master's degree in Applied Mathematics, they were all of him alone, without a court lady or even Jake beside him.

The curator went on about his achievements. Making Galsbourg a country with the third highest GDP in the world. Defense-wise, Galsbourg was the strongest in the continent, often sending its armies to help the United Nations and pacified wars around the world.

He made education free for the whole kingdom until doctorate degree. He also made a better welfare program for the poor.

There were pictures of him meeting with the leaders of various countries, of him opening conferences, and many other proofs of his achievements.

When they finished the exhibition, he was waiting at the atrium with Jake and his guards. The citizens who were coincidentally at the museum took his pictures from a respectable distance, while the press took his pictures with professional cameras.

Another group of the press followed her and the royal guests as they watched the last two exhibitions.

"Thank you," Rainier simply said to the curator.

The man bowed deeply, "It's my honor, Your Majesty. May you live long and in prosperity."

The king nodded and exited the vast museum with his entourage.


On the way to Oriel Beach, Gwen said, "I'm sorry for your loss. For both your parents."

"Thank you. But I don't need your pity."

She turned to him.

His face seemed to have been chiseled from marble, as his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"I don't pity you. It's just basic decency."

He said nothing to that.

"It's a great museum. I want one day to explore the whole place."

"If you behave well today and you don't try to run away, I'll think about it."

"Can I go back tomorrow, then?"

"I have no time to spare tomorrow."

"What do you mean? Just let me go alone."

He chuckled, "That's out of the question."

"Send your guards. I wouldn't be able to run and fight all of them."

"No. You won't ever leave my palace without me."

And that's the end of the conversation.


Truth be told, earlier at the museum, Gwen went to the restroom first before they left. And there was one moment when she was alone, while Sally guarded the front door of the restroom. The museum was not crowded that day, since it was Monday. Jeremy, her personal guard, was at the end of the hallway, talking with Steve and Jake about the security for the royal couple at the Oriel Beach afterward.

Gwen only needed to overpower Sally and make a run for it.

When she was done in the toilet, Sally was standing not exactly in front of the restroom's door, but across it. And she was checking her phone.

Gwen actually could try to run away then.

The thought did cross her mind, but she then saw Rainier, sitting alone and reading his iPad, as his people silently took pictures of him with their phones.

And somehow, Gwen told herself, not today. I'm not going to run away today.

Rainier saw her standing alone in front of the restroom, as Sally, Jake, Steve, and Jeremy were all distracted.

He instinctively knew she had the chance to run away, so he got up and walked to her quickly, almost running to reach her.

That's when Sally and the guards snapped out of their own activities and looked at the royal couple.

Gwen wasn't sure why she stood rooted to her spot.

Perhaps it was because she saw the terror in his expression, that he might actually lose her.

She just stood silently until he reached her and grabbed her wrist.

Neither of them said anything, but he pulled her to the atrium, and she didn't resist.

Thank you aznxgrlx92, jte_lg, chiencandy, diane_f, kim_gimbap, hati2_hati, asterro_lala and Youk for supporting this story!

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