
Tainted Salvation

In the Kingdom of Galsbourg, Rainier Hansen ruled as an absolute Tyrant. Having known nothing but loneliness and power, he's used to getting what he wants. He felt that his days all blurred into one infinite hollow of duties and boredom until he randomly traveled worlds and stumbled upon a certain carefree female detective, Gwen Hamilton. Soon, she turned out to be his obsession. He had always got his wishes, and that year, he decided he'd present himself a queen. Warning: Mature content

LadyAzalea · Urbain
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46 Chs

At Piercedge City

Gwen had never spent time in Piercedge City when she was still in her own world. She only knew about it from the news or videos and the internet. It was the middle of December when she visited it with Rainier, and she was so excited because it was like a winter wonderland.

It hadn't snowed in Broadstower City, but it had begun snowing in Piercedge. The city was covered in thin snow, making it look like a city in a crystal ball.

Rainier was there to attend the early Christmas celebration. A huge event was prepared by the people at the Piercedge stadium. Singers, dancers, and children from various churches and schools have prepared performances.

100,000 people attended the event.

Gwen was dressed by Jill, her stylist who followed from the capital city along with her team. She wore a red gown and sat at the VVIP section with Sally, Jeremy and Ingrid, who was already starting her duty as her captain of the guards.

When the event started, she sat at an open carriage with Rainier, and was taken around the stadium. Their faces were constantly shown on the huge LCD screens, as people shouted, "Your Majesty! Queen Gwen! Queen Gwen!"

Rainier delivered a speech to open the event, thanking the people of northern Galsbourg for working hard that year, and wishing them more success and health the next year.

She sat at the VVIP section and watched him silently.

She must have opened her heart. Therefore, her eyes were opened as well, to see how devastatingly attractive the king who vowed eternal obsession towards her was. He was taller than the average men in the kingdom, with dark brown hair and slightly tan skin. His nose was long and aristocratic, his eyes were deep, and every time he moved, it was with a regal aura.

He rarely smiled, but when he did, it was like a miracle that turned him to be so handsome it was unbearable to even continue looking at him.

Gwen understood why so many women and some men in the kingdom were so crazy about him that they created a fanclub.

He was indeed an amazing man to look at. Not only that, he could speak really well too. It must be his education and experience. His words held authority but were always meaningful in his interviews and speeches. And when he addressed his people, there was an affection that even she could not deny.

This was a king that loved his kingdom and his people. And his people gave back in worshipping adoration.

Gwen wished to deny it before, but she couldn't anymore. This wasn't a tyrant king hated by his people. His people loved him very much.

The clapping was deafening after he's done with his speech, and she's sure it's something that happened regularly since he first became a king.


When he arrived at the VVIP section and sat beside her, it took all her self-control to not keep glancing at him from time to time.

He was the one who kept turning to look at her, again and again.

She looked exquisite in her red gown, with her hair down and red lipstick. The color was to celebrate the Christmas that would arrive soon, but for him, it was seductive.

The performances went by in a blur for Rainier. He smiled and clapped his hands mechanically. Inside, he had to control himself to not touch her in front of so many people.


At their bedroom in the northern palace a few hours later, Gwen asked once more about the separatists, and he finally answered.

"They are the people who want to dethrone me and have a president."

Gwen listened as she took off all her jewels. It was a set of red rubies jewels, and she was glad she didn't break any of them. She's scared to even think of how much they all cost.

"Who are they, exactly? Do you know?"

"I have my suspicions," he replied, taking off his suit and shoes.

"Tell me who they are."

"People who have power."

"More than you?"

"Theoretically, no."

"Give me their names."

"Why? Are you concerned for me, or do you want to be in one team with them?"

They locked eyes through her vanity mirror.

"I want to be careful with who I socialize."

He didn't reply, and she knew he's not going to tell her their names.

"Why do they hate you?"

"Why are you interested?"

"Rainier," she warned.

He chuckled.

"I have my sins, and my enemies. My policies don't really profit some people."

She decided to read about his recent economic policies once she's back to Broadstower.

She was going to begin wiping her makeup, but he caught her wrist.

"Keep it that way."


"Especially your red lipstick. I want to eat it clean."

Gwen gulped, hearing that.

"I'm sure you're smart enough to know that I've been dying to fuck you for hours."

She could feel her cheeks got hotter.

"Stand up so I can strip you."

He unzipped her gown, pushed it down, then peeled her underwear off of her.

He then stripped right there in front of her, then lifted her to sit on the vanity table.

Rainier never believed in wasting time and getting on the bed with her. He didn't have the patience.

He put his forefinger and middle finger on her lips.

"Lick these."

Hesitantly, she opened her mouth and licked his two fingers. It's his turn to have a dry throat, seeing her and feeling her soft tongue on his skin.

"One day, I'm going to have you suck my cock with this red lipstick, Darling."

Her eyes widened, and she pulled away, leaving his fingers.

He slipped those fingers to her core, and began massaging her from deep within.

"You're wet," he said in awe. It's the first time she was wet for him before they even began.

"You want me too," he stated, shocked with the revelation.

He tumbled to her lips, kissing her passionately, as his fingers kept massaging her.

"Let's make you wetter," he resolved, bending down to lick and suck her nipples.

When her cries got louder, he kissed and licked her neck, as his fingers within her folds never stopped stretching her.

Gwen shut her eyes as her first release arrived, gasping and trembling in front of him.

"I'm going to drink you."

"No--don't! I can't--"

But of course, he knelt, spread her knees opened, and lapped at her juice, making her gripped the edges of the mirror.

She couldn't believe it. An hour ago, they were laughing at the huge LCD screen at the stadium as 100,000 people were looking at them. But then, they were both naked, she's sitting on the vanity table, as the king that people screamed for earlier rolled his tongue between her legs.

He's eager, relentless and thirsty. Before long, she's moaning loudly and shaking her hips against his face.

After her second release, he got up and wiped his face with his shirt, before slowly entering her, going to the hilt in one go, because she's soaked.

When he kissed her again, she circled her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

He's shocked, and pulled away for a bit, staring at her expression.

She looked shocked with what she did too.

So he did the only thing that made sense, diving back down to her lips, and kissing her ravenously.

She hugged him, and opened her mouth.

He pressed himself further, and she gasped, feeling him slid deeper.

He felt good, she said inside. God help me, he felt good inside me.

He held on to the mirror behind her, as she naturally spread her legs to accommodate him.

"Give me a child," he rasped. "Give me an heir, Darling."

He moved powerfully within her, making her cried out again and again.

He fought to keep his eyes open, wanting to see her, unwilling to miss even a second of how she looked as he claimed her hotly.

She let go and give the control to her body, her hands and legs were holding him close.

Faster and faster he went, before spraying his seeds into her.

Even after he's spent, he couldn't stop kissing her and running his hands on her body, and she felt her heart melted for him.

Maybe she should stop seeing what they had as a mistake.


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