
Chapter 69

Bino leaves getting inside the house to get both himself and Ryu something to drink just staying in silence very curious about her reason for silence, it's never a good sign.

"Hey, you know I'm kind of worried about you, it's unlike you to be so secretive, you'd usually hand it to anyone who came at you the wrong way, are you okay?"

Ryu sighs, "It just feels like Deja-vu for me right now, it's like life decided to give me a do over out of the blue and I have no idea what I'm going to do."

Bino sighs, "Is this whole being pregnant thing getting to you?"

"Yeah, a lot more than I would like to admit." She goes back home and falls asleep waking up in the morning to Kai on the phone chatting up a storm.

"Come on Ya, don't be like that. I'm on my way okay." He hangs up and leaves the house. He wants to at least enjoy this short time he has for school holidays, he will be visiting his relatives for this break he won't have time for his friends.