

Nathan, a young teenager caught in climax of World War two is falls victim to a missile attack wiping his entire family. He barely survives and arrives just in time to witness the death of his sister. Filled with sorrow, he wonders of into a deadly ruin forming a blood pact with the devil himself to reunite him with his family. Join Nathan as he uncovers the consequences of his blood pact, the cunning nature of the devil and his purpose in this unforgiving world.

Phillbert · Horreur
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8 Chs


"Hey look over there it seems to be a person floating on the surface of the lake ,hurry the rescue boat he may be alive "A tall bulky man wearing a captain's hat said sending out people to rescue the body from the lake .

They retrived the body which looked almost dead. The man wearing the captain's hat drew near the body and thoroughly examined the body to see any signs of life.

"I've got a pulse but it's really small "the man in the captain's hat said feeling a little relieved that the person they found wasn't completely dead .He immediately covered his hands with dry sand and made sure the temperature of his hand was a little warm to help ease the coldness of the body .He ordered someone to get smelling salt and started to give chest compressions to get the excess water out. He kept on with the chest compressions but the body didn't seem to respond ."captain it doesn't seem to be working, I think you should stop ,He's gone"one of his men said realising how long the captain has been giving the chest compressions . "Pass me the smelling salt " the captain said ignoring the comment passed by one of his ship crew . He used the smelling salt and continued with the pumping of the chest of the body.After a minute or so , the body jolted awake coughing a mouthful of water ."take him to the infirmery and make sure to get the rest of the water out if him"the captain commanded some of his men . "Make sure you question him when he's awake "the captain added . Two days passed and it seemed like the person they rescued was refusing to come back to reality . "It's been two days now captain and he doesn't look like he's coming back from his coma" one of his men assigned to talking care of the victim briefed the captain about his current state. "Ok thank you .You can leave now "the captain retorted as he sat by the victim feeling sorry for such a young kid going through such hardship. "This world isn't fair is it ?The rich and powerful sit comfortably and decide the fate of people like us . They don't care about the lives they destroy or put at risk anytime they issue a missile strike or send in an army just to raid and kill . It's an endless cycle of war and power and all that matters is who emerges the winner, the lives and families they destroy to attain this is a whole joke for them . Something to entertain their disgusting filthy minds. Looking at you l clearly see you're a victim of their cruel decisions. I am too,and so are millions of people .if you're up for any advice , I would just tell you it's better to remain in your dream fantasy at least reality is less cruel there".The captain voiced out his emotions feeling the wave of nostalgia erupt his senses ." Mother, little sis please don't leave..... I promise I'll find you no matter the cost ,just wait for me " Nathan mutted out in his sleep as tears streamed down his face . The captain approached Nathan and caressed his hand trying to console him . Nathan grabbed the captain's hands tightly afraid that he would be left alone ."please don't leave me mother, I.... I promise I won't complain about the radio I just want you to stay . Please just do this for me". Nathan poured out his emotions as his trauma displayed over and over in his head .He felt his head about to explode . The feel of death at that sudden moment, the sight of his family being washed away and the realisation of him being alone forever strucked him hard as he jolted awake from his trauma recall. He looked around trying to realise where he is. "Are you ok ?"The captain asked . Nathan turned to him and realised how tightly he held onto his hand."uh..I'm s..sorry "Nathan replied in a hoarse voice . "Wait here let me get you some water "the captain retorted leaving the cabin for some water . Nathan cuddled himself trying to convince himself that everything will be okay but nothing was ok and he knew that clearly. "Please I want this to be a bad dream , I just wanna wake up from this nightmare with my family beside me . That's all I want God please grant my request, please." He tearfully said with his head in between his knees . The captain returned with a glass of water to help with Nathan's hoarse voice ." Here you go , drink up "I'm not thirsty " "but your throat needs it so drink up "the captain retorted handing the glass of water to Nathan. He sluggish took the water and slowly drank it . "What's your name ,kiddo? " "I am not a kid I'm fifteen and how does knowing my name helps you"Nathan said with a tint of sarcasm which made the captain smile softly ."Well I can't just save you and not know your name besides I can even help find you fund your family " "you mean my family can still be alive ?!" " well you're alive so there can be a possibility your family is to may even be searching for you" the captain said shining a ray of hope unto Nathan's broken heart. "So you are saying my family could be saved from the attack and you're going to help me find them ?" Nathan asked with a thuding heart like his string of life depended on it ." Of course I'm going to help you back where the attack occurred. You may find closure on the whereabouts of your family there " " send me back ? What do you mean, where am I? " " well kiddo you are way off the east of the golf of Pacific " the captain replied "East ? I'm a long way from home " Nathan continued feeling a sense of insecurity and worry building inside him . "So where do you stay kiddo " the captain asked " Nathan paused thinking of the possibility that the captain could be a dangerous person but after much thought, I shrugged this idea off since the captain was never obliged to save him but he did anyway therefore he is a good person and may be trusted. "My name is Nathan and thank you for saving my life ,I don't really know how to repay you". "No need kid you remind of myself back in the day" the captain said smiling softly. Nathan provided information on his residence location hoping in deepest of his heart that his family alive and waiting for him.

" set sail for the Golf of Pacific!" The captain shouted out to crew.

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