
Systems: Strongest

The year is 2300. The world starts changing as gates started appearing all around the world. These gates gave occurrences of super powered abilities in humans. As the population grows and more and more generations of super powers come, people of higher authority started a system called, 'The gates rankings'. These people who joined the system earn money by going into the gates or portals and defeating the monsters that lurk inside. Hiroto Saito became an adventurer of the system, but is extremely weak. His small frail body can't handle the pressure of adventuring, having to depend on joining guilds to help him make money by other expense. People call him, "weak" and "useless" for his dependency, however, one thing Hiroto has that nobody in the world has is knowledge of the gates and the future outcomes. After dying once already, Hiroto restarted, but died once again. Thinking he will pass on peacefully, he's wrong. He gains the chance to grow stronger, more stronger than the worlds strongest adventurer. He takes that chance, not knowing the obstacles of becoming more stronger by the minute. How will he deal with the gates? And how will he save humanity from the future that is bound to come?

AnaBananah · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

School’s Beginning

*Di Di Di Di-!* *Di Di Di Di-!*


I open my eyes to see an unfamiliar ceiling.

Being honest, everything around me is unfamiliar.


I turned my alarm clock off, as it was set to wake me up around 4 in the morning.


<<System: Good morning, Hiroto Saito. It is currently 4:00am in the morning. You went to sleep at 1:00am in the morning from traveling. You got only 3 hours of sleep.>>


<<You have, '||1|| Mandatory Quest' for today>>

<<Quest >>

<<Mandatory Quest:

<<210 Push ups

<<155 Sit-ups

<<17 minutes of 'Yoga'

<<5 minutes 30 seconds of Planks

<<Time Limit: 1 hour>>

<<Reward: The completion of task + No sleep deprivation>>

<<Penalty: Headaches from lack of sleep: At school >>

'Huh? School?-' I eyes open, as I forgot that today was the first day of the school my mother signed me up for.


'I remember that before I got to this dorm, I was given a list of the schedule of today,' I think, as I go to the brown, polished, wooden desk set in my new room, picking up the sheet of paper that was given.


6:30: Breakfast- Cafeteria=(Second Floor)

7:30: Classes=(8 Floor)

11:00:Basic Training-Basement=(Basement)

14:00: Lunch-Cafeteria= (Second Floor)

14:45: Tour= (Meet at 8 Floor)

16:00: End of School

'What the!- 10 hours of school?!' I question myself, dumbfounded.



I walk over to the entrance of my dorm, being the source of the sound.

I open the door, finding a box that had a label saying, "SCHOOL UNIFORM"

I pick up the box, place it on my desk and start the quest, as I have already lost quite a lot of time figuring out my situation.

6:25 am:

"Good Morning Students! New or Old! It Is Currentley 6:25 in the morning! Please, open your doors, as You Have A Box Of Your Uniforms In There! Please Bring both Uniforms as One is for General studies, the other is for Training. In 5 minutes, Pleas be in your uniform, on your way to the Cafeteria on the 2nd floor. Please read your Schedule For more!"

The announcer said.

I was already in my uniform as I was just tidying my hair in the bathroom.

'It's important to leave a good impression too!' I said, nodding at myself.

I look around.

I was doing my work out here, inside my dorm.

The dorm was covered with white, clean and polished walls that were sound proofed with glass between each room and some high tier magic.

The layout was quite big, it can fit around 600 people, the kitchen is right outside the door to my room and my Bathroom is next to the kitchen.

'Shoot! I'll be late!' I say to myself, looking at the time.

I rush out of my room, close the door and run to the end of the dorm house which has an elevator.

All the dorms are on the first floor of the building.

'2nd floor!' I click.

Right before the doors close, I hear a voice,

"W-Wait! Please Leave the door Open!!!!!"

It was a girl.

I put my hand through the closing doors, as I use my other hand to click the "open" button, letting the girl inside.

"Hahh!" The girl catches her breathe as she putts her hands on her knees.

After a moment, she looks up at me.

"Thank you so much!" She said, bowing to me.

"Ah, no, no! Anyone would do the same in this situation" I smile.

The girl has pastel green, medium long hair, glasses, and a nice toned body showing how much training she has done.

'Very nice' I say inwardly.

After around a minute, the elevator is still going up.

"Damn, how far is the 1st floor to the 2nd?" I say to myself.

"The 1st floor is around 1,000 meters up so it would take a while for us to make all the way up." The girl to my side says.

"Oh! A-haha.. I never knew that, I'm not so familiar with this school.. thanks." I say awkwardly

"Huh? So how did you get into this school?"

"Ah. My mother got me in"

"With no entrance exam? You didn't even have a glimpse of the school before now?" The girl asked, confused.

"H-Huh? There was an exam to get in? I just waited to get on a plane then flyed here..?"

She looked at me, now not in confusion, but in awe.

"Wow! Your mom must be quite important at this school to be able to get in with no regulations!"



We made it to the 2nd floor.

"Hmm, I wonder what they have for breakfast, right?" I say, trying to change the topic.

"Yeah! Ah, by the way, my name is Phoenix Smith. I'm from Atlanta, Georgia " She said,

"Ah! Yes.! My name is Hiroto Saito!" I respond.

We get on the line to get food.

Someone calls out my name, "HIROTO!"

I look behind me.

It was Shizuku, from the last chapter!

You might be wondering what language they are speaking, they were speaking Japanese, but since it would be a pain to do all, "kuns and sans", I skipped all of that.

My uploading schedule has gone hay wire, so now it every week, sorry!!

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