
Systems: Strongest

The year is 2300. The world starts changing as gates started appearing all around the world. These gates gave occurrences of super powered abilities in humans. As the population grows and more and more generations of super powers come, people of higher authority started a system called, 'The gates rankings'. These people who joined the system earn money by going into the gates or portals and defeating the monsters that lurk inside. Hiroto Saito became an adventurer of the system, but is extremely weak. His small frail body can't handle the pressure of adventuring, having to depend on joining guilds to help him make money by other expense. People call him, "weak" and "useless" for his dependency, however, one thing Hiroto has that nobody in the world has is knowledge of the gates and the future outcomes. After dying once already, Hiroto restarted, but died once again. Thinking he will pass on peacefully, he's wrong. He gains the chance to grow stronger, more stronger than the worlds strongest adventurer. He takes that chance, not knowing the obstacles of becoming more stronger by the minute. How will he deal with the gates? And how will he save humanity from the future that is bound to come?

AnaBananah · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Kim Park

"Nice to meet you, I'm Hiroto Saito-"

"You're a 'System user', am I right?"

Huh? Just like that?

"Uhm, yes… but how did you know?"

Maybe playing the, "I don't know how you knew that" game is the most effective right now.

Park stares at me with a darkened expression.

"Don't acted dumb. I've noticed you stalk me for the whole week, training, lunch, and classes, it takes an idiot not to see what you're doing."

"Uhm.." I guess the rumors aren't wrong about his straight-forwardness.

"Also, I've seen you take out the 'System' screen in the middle of class, how careless can someone be?!"


"Well, it's not like anyone can see it except the two people in our class…"

I mutter.


I put my hands over my mouth, 'I wasn't supposed to say that'

"Huh? What do you mean, "two people"? There's another 'System' user in our class beside you and me?!"

'Well, to be exact, there are 4 others, just in different places"

I say inwardly.

"Huh? Answer me!"

Even though I'm obviously stronger than this guy, I still feel fear, and he is scary and imitating.

"Well, yes, there's another 'System' user beside both of us, but I focused on finding you first…"

He looks at me in disbelief.

"Why? Are you trying to find all of them to beat them up or something? How many are there anyways?"

'Huh? He doesn't know?'

"Wait, you don't know?'

"?" "What do you mean?"

'Did his 'System' not tell him about the crisis the world might face?'

"What I mean is, do you know the true purpose of the 'System'?"


— — —

After training, me and Park(Kim Park) went up the dormitories and I told him about everything.

The purpose of the 'Systems', how many people are with it, why we were chosen and what might happen in the Future…

— — —

"…So, let me get this straight, we were chosen as 'System' users because we fulfilled certain requirements to be chosen?"

"We'll, yeah."

" and the world might have to suffer an apocalypse unless we are able to stop it."


"Which is why 6 people were chosen to stop it."


"And the 'System' is for God's entertainment? While the user race each other, trying to defeat the ruler of the apocalypse first to win?l

"Well, technically, yes, that is correct."


"So now I have a question, why are you trying to get the users together, if we are supposed to defeat it separately."

"Because if it's an apocalypse, which literally means, "the end of the world", we shouldn't be racing to kill it first, we should work together and kill in unison."


"Thats true…"

"Huh, I don't catch that?"


Park stands up and walks to the door.

"Wait! Kim Park!!-"

"I don't usually work with others, I usually go solo…"

'Damn it! He doesn't understand the situation-'

"But!! If I'm needed for something this serious, I guess it wouldn't hurt to help.. So let's work together to find the other users…"


"Huh! Really! Thank you so much Park!"

I smile brightly

"Huh?… Uh- well, yes, it's no problem…"

"What, Park, do you have a fever? Your face turned all red?"


Startled, " Yes, yes."

… … …

I smirk, so those are who the other users are.., huh?

Unknown to Saito and Park, the 3rd user eves drops on them.