
Systems: Strongest

The year is 2300. The world starts changing as gates started appearing all around the world. These gates gave occurrences of super powered abilities in humans. As the population grows and more and more generations of super powers come, people of higher authority started a system called, 'The gates rankings'. These people who joined the system earn money by going into the gates or portals and defeating the monsters that lurk inside. Hiroto Saito became an adventurer of the system, but is extremely weak. His small frail body can't handle the pressure of adventuring, having to depend on joining guilds to help him make money by other expense. People call him, "weak" and "useless" for his dependency, however, one thing Hiroto has that nobody in the world has is knowledge of the gates and the future outcomes. After dying once already, Hiroto restarted, but died once again. Thinking he will pass on peacefully, he's wrong. He gains the chance to grow stronger, more stronger than the worlds strongest adventurer. He takes that chance, not knowing the obstacles of becoming more stronger by the minute. How will he deal with the gates? And how will he save humanity from the future that is bound to come?

AnaBananah · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter 2: "Death System"?

I can hear the pack of wolves coming this way with extreme speed. I'm starting to regret trying to save my guild, the people who abandoned me previously and I wished I just ran away as soon as I heard the wolves.

But, all this regret won't do anything right now. "9 seconds until they get here, run!" I try shouting as quietly as possible.

The closer the scent of the wolves and the closer the growls the more I panic.

'No, I don't want to die again! Not from those wolves again!' I scream inside.

Not again! The more I run, the more memories flashback into my mind. 3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 second…

The wolves got to our previous position, now it's just a matter of keeping that 10 second gap.

Is what I thought but I underestimate the wolves speed.

There's only a 2 second gap between me and the wolves, as I look ahead, my other teammates are in front.

I use my strength to catch up to them.

They look back at me, as they stare in terror, they give out a pitiful, yet darkenning smile as one of the C-ranks that I caught up too said, "I'm sorry Hiroto! They're after you! Please be kind and give up your life to help your friends!" He yells as he pushes me back, making me crash against one of the wolves.


"ARGHH!!" I yelled, from the pain of the impact of the fall as the wolves claws got stabbed into my back when I hit it.

I used my remaining strength to touch my wound, as it was under my chest, striking my liver. Shit, it hit a vital organ

I look in front of me once again, I can see the pack of wolves ignoring me, instead kept chasing my guild members, well, 'former members'. Why? Because it's quite obvious I am not surviving this situation.

I'm sweating buckets, I can feel my heart thumping faster than usual from the blood loss. I struggle to breathe, I guess the wolf punctured my lungs along with my liver.

'Why did I trust them? What did I do to get abandoned again?' 'Huek, hue' As tears stream down my face, I forget the wolf that had his claws in my back.

"RAWG!!!" The wolf screams as it takes its claws out of my chest. "AHGGG" I wail, louder than the wolf from the pain.

I guess it scared the wolf because it just kicked me then ran away going back to its pack.

Ouch… "Cough, co, cough" I turn on my back. Is this the way I finally pass away? The same way I died my first time?... Well, I guess I deserve it.. "..."

I look up at the dark dungeon-like structured cave. It's fine, if I just close my eyes, I'll just die peacefully, right? No problem, I'm not scared of death….

The roof starts to look blurry, as a cold sensation rolls down my face…

Huh? Why am I crying? I'm… I'm not scared right…? I think to myself

As I start feeling the sensation of a chill, I start getting tired and get short of breath. "Wahh, wa… I don't want to die"

As the last feelings of my mood are sorrow and misery, I close my eyes and everything is dark.

. . . .

<< Click>>

<<System starting>>


<<System data analyzing>>

<<System name: ||Past Death||>>

<<Requirements met>>

<<System: ||Past Death||- Has chosen an challenger>>

<<Challenger name: Hiroto Saito>>

<<System: ||Past Death|| has collected all the data, system starting>>


"What is this noise?" I open my eyes, just to see a screen, floating atop my face.

"AHHH!" I yell, expecting to be able to move my body other than my mouth and eyes, but no.

I can't even feel my other body parts. And the screen also follows my eyes. Wherever I look, the screen follows.

<<System Warning: Movement of more body parts other than eyes and mouth can lead to death. Don't move>>

<<System Alert: You are chosen as a Challenger, Congratulations. You are currently under the system, ||Past Death|| from the experience of 2nd death. If time starts moving once more, you shall die in less than 1 minute due to: loss of breath, blood loss, a punctured liver and shock>>

I look at the bright cyan-blue screen. "I-im…. Time is paused currently?"

Nothing makes sense, "Challenger, 'system' called, '||Past Death||"? I'm currently insanely confused. "What is all of this, what do these all mean?" I say out loud…


<<The System, ||Past Death|| is one of the 6 strongest systems, the rarity of being chosen and matching the requirements are extremely difficult. No one has been chosen in 300 years except from a different world named, 'Exdevia' from dimension 3156>>

I stare at the transparent blue screen. "Hahaahaa" I laugh with desperation. "This must be a joke… Right? This is just hallucination.." I talk out loud to myself.

<<Incorrect: You are the chosen as the challenger for System: ||Past Death||>>

Before I could respond to ask questions, the screen showed again.


<<You are chosen as a challenger under the System: ||Past Death||.>>

<<Accepting this System will give you immense power, constant growth, along with the resurrection from the death you will experience in the next 40 seconds>>

My eyes are wide open from the shock. "What the hell is going ON!?" I'm extremely confused. "This is real?!"

<<||Administrator of ||Past Death||: Added bonuses for joining the System. 5 Mid-Ranking skills + 1 High-ranking Skill>>

I wanted to ask more questions, but at that moment, I was too desperate, the fear of death overwhelmed me.

<<System data analysis completed.

Do you accept?: .Yes. .No. >>

I was reluctant, but…

"Yes. I do accept it"

<<Administrator of ||Past Death|| grins with content. Skill added as bonus.>>

I close my eyes, "I'm tired…." I think. As I drift into a light sleep.


<<Registering completed! Welcome challenger of the 6 major systems!>>


<<Welcome to ||Past Death||>>


AN: I'll be posting every 2-5 days for each chapter. Stay tuned!