
system wizard

Chris Kim was a Potterhead. While he was reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the 15th time, he felt the force sucking him inside the book. He realized he was in the Harry Potter World with the Wizardry System. How will he change the Harry Potter world with his knowledge? obs: good morning Good afternoon Good night this sponsorship is for you to feel willing to collaborate for a more pleasant story with less mistakes because today I don't have time to write a lot because I need to uber to support myself and study in advance thanks for the sponsorship thanks https://www.patreon.com/thiagomal1

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Flight lesson

Madam Hooch arrived and floating next to her were 20 broomsticks that looked new unlike the ones in the book. Everyone started whispering as soon as they saw that.

"I heard that the brooms used here were really bad. Those are Comet 260s," A Hufflepuff student whispered to his friend.

"Yeah, my older brother who went here years ago told me that they used Shooting Star brooms. While the Comet isn't the best broom, it's a 1000x better than the Shooting Star," The other Hufflepuff student said.

"Before we start, I would like everyone here to thank the Evergreen Family for donating 40 Comet 260s for the school to use," Madam Hooch said as she laid down the Comet 260s in front of every student. "Mr. Evergreen stated that he wanted every student at Hogwarts to have a safe and fun first flying experience. ,"

'What?! When did father donate this?' Chris thought as he did not receive any owls from his parents about this. Most likely, it was Bradley making it easier for him to make friends.

Everyone started clapping excitedly and the Ravenclaw students all went up to Chris and threw him up into the air.

"Guys, guys no... Let's not do..." Regardless of what Chris said, the Ravenclaw kids continued throwing him up into the air.

After a while of doing this, Madam Hooch stopped the Ravenclaw kids and Chris was finally able to make it down. He went back to his spot next to Hermione and Kristine.

"Well at least now the brooms are a lot safer so you don't have to worry about hurting yourself as much," Chris said to Hermione groggily.

"Yeah," Hermione said with a smile. Madam Hooch started the first flying lesson.

"Hello students, my name is Madam Hooch and I shall be your flying instructor for this year. Today's lesson will be on the most basic of flying. Firstly, you must be able to summon the broom up to your hand. Please stick out your right hand and say 'UP!'"

"Up!" Everyone in the field shouted as they stuck out their right hand. Chris' broom went straight up to his hand while everyone else struggled to get their brooms into their hand as the brooms simply rolled. Another kid in the Hufflepuff House was able to get his broom up.

Madam Hooch then explained the correct mounting form of the broom. Hermione, Kristine, and Chris were all able to get the proper form very quickly. Madam Hooch went around to check if everyone had the proper form. She scolded some kids along the way and after checking everyone, she proceeded to the next step.

"Now it is time to fly. Kick off the ground and rise a few feet. To come down, lean to the front of the broom a little. When I blow my whistle go up. One -- Two-- Three!" Madam Hooch blew her whistle and everyone rose a couple of feet. Chris felt amazing. It felt so surreal that Chris wanted to fly around everywhere. However, he resisted as he knew he would get into needless trouble. After a couple of seconds, everyone safely came down.

"Alright this is going much smoother than before with better brooms," Madam Hooch said. "Alright we're going to try again,"

45 minutes passed and now the students were now able to go up 5 meters high. Hermione shook a little during one of the take-offs, but was quickly able to get back.

"Alright students, this is going to be the final one. This time, instead of being still, we're going to move around. First, take it slowly and increase your speed little by little. Also, try going up to 8 meters. It's just for practice so remember not to take it too fast or else you will get seriously injured. Anyone who purposefully goes too fast to show off will go to the Headmaster's office for potential expulsion. Do you understand?" Madam Hooch asked seriously.

"Yes ma'am," Everyone shouted. They all slowly rose up and once they got to 8 meters, they slowly started to move around. Some went a little fast, but it wasn't to the point where Madam Hooch said anything. Chris also took it easy. Although there was a mission, there really wasn't an opportunity to show off as he could get expelled for it.

'Am I going to fail this mission?' Chris thought. 'I mean I'm fine with it, but it'd be sad to just fail without doing anything at all,'

Suddenly Chris heard a scream from behind him. He looked behind and it was Kristine whose broom suddenly went out of control. She flew erratically and to Chris' horror high as well.

10 meters...

15 meters...

At around 20 meters high, she fell off her broom and her broom flew to the Forbidden Forest.

'Shit!' Chris thought and without thinking twice, he swiftly flew to where she fell.

'Come on! Make it! Make it!' Chris thought. He felt that Kristine falling speed was getting faster. He leaned forward even more increasing his speed. He barely got underneath Kristine and just as they were about to hit the ground, Chris caught her and leaned back so that they were straight again. However, due to the sudden weight, he also fell off his broom with Hermione. Luckily, since they were only a few feet off the ground, they were unhurt.

Madam Hooch quickly ran to where the two of them were.

"Miss Alder, are you alright?" Madam Hooch asked.

"Yes ma'am," Kristine said, but she was a bit shaken from the fall.

"Mr. Evergreen, that was excellent flying,"

"Huh?" Chris c.o.c.ked his head and was utterly shocked and confused by what she said.

"I would like to give my apologies Miss Alder for not being able to properly give aid. If you are hurt, please go to Madam Pomfrey to get it healed up. Everyone please come down! Class is dismissed," Madam Hooch said as she checked if everyone was down before walking away with the remaining broomsticks. Fortunately, there were only 30 being used in the class so there were 10 spare Comet 260s so her lost broomstick could be replaced.