
System: Vampire Bloodline - The Vampire's True Desires

Liu Mei had always felt like something was missing in her life. Despite her privileged position in society as the daughter of a high-ranking official, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was meant for something greater than simply living a life of luxury. Her father had always been proud of her daughter's painting talent, but she yearned for something more - something that would allow her to fight for what she believed in. In a world where humans and demons coexisted, war was a constant threat, and it seemed like every day brought news of yet another town painted in crimson red. Liu Mei couldn't stand idly by while her people suffered, but her father forbade her from getting involved in any kind of conflict. One day, however, Liu Mei's life took an unexpected turn when she found herself face to face with a group of demon bandits. She thought her end was near, but she was saved by a mysterious and captivating vampire named Zhang Wei. As he fought off the bandits, Liu Mei couldn't help but feel drawn to him - there was something about him that set him apart from anyone she had ever met before. As it turned out, Zhang Wei was equally captivated by Liu Mei's mysterious blood. He triggered a bloodline system that transformed her into a vampire, reawakening memories from her past life from earth. Suddenly, Liu Mei was not just an artist, but a powerful warrior with knowledge from martial arts novels that shocked the martial world.

Dianos_Elle · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The Four Arts

War has always been a part of history in the Phoenix Galaxy, which is home to both humans and demons. In ancient times, the most bloody and fierce war was known as the "crimson age." Lasting for centuries. Despite "peace" treaties and agreements, violence still strikes between them.

Humanity's two major habitation zones are the Eastern and Western Continents.

The Eastern Continent is made up of a massive land that is characterised by its abundance of mountain ranges, woodlands, and fertile valleys. It has witnessed the rise and collapse of a great number of kingdoms and empires over the course of history, each of which had its own unique history, culture, and customs. The Eastern Continent is well-known throughout the world for its highly-skilled artisans, merchants, and academics who are responsible for the development of cutting-edge technologies and methods in fields such as agriculture and medicine.

But the part of the Western Continent where it meets the Demon Continents is known for being a barren, icy, and rocky wasteland. There are barely any normal humans living there. It is home to wandering tribes, warring factions, and mysterious cults, all competing for authority and power.

The Western Continent is home to some of the world's most dangerous thieves, spies, and sorcerers. To achieve their goals, these sorcerers use shadowy magic and long-forgotten techniques.

Those who can afford them highly value their skills, but their methods are cruel, and their loyalty is frequently in doubt. The Western Continent is a place of intrigue and danger, where one must always be on guard.

Demons live in two distinct territories, which go by the names of the Northern Demon Continent and the Southern Demon Continent. Demons of all kinds live in the many demon lands, such as goblins, vampires, trolls, ghouls, and succubi.

Eastern Continent

Crimson Empire

Crimson Flower City

Liu Family Estate

As a spring wind brushed against the lush greenery, birds flew and flowers grew. Petals of new dew washed through the courtyard, gently landing on green floors. A lady in her late teens stood by the window, wandering and lost in her thoughts. The weight of her obligations and the uncertainty of the future troubled her mind. As she gazed upon the flowers, she felt at peace. She inhaled deeply and shut her eyes as she searched for direction and clarity.

"Do I really need to complete this phase or not?" Squinting her brows in frustration, Liu Mei sighed. She could not keep her head clear. '' As she peered out the window at her family's guards practising, her deep blue eyes opened, and she said, "Father said I have no further talent for cultivation."

Her cherry lips sighed in frustration. She felt a stirring inside her as she watched the guards move with such grace and precision. She knew she was capable of being just as skilled, if not more so, than any of them. And she was determined to demonstrate it.

''Ugh!'' In a fit of rage, she swung around and stormed back to her desk.

"He has no consideration for my efforts!" She reclined in the exquisitely designed chair, observing her reflection for signs of gain.

She exclaimed, "After all my hard work, he wants me to study those damned four arts!" with ferocious stomping.

"I might enjoy painting because it allows me to explore my creative mind and combine it with my martial arts techniques.'' Rushing to her painting room, stomping heavily in anger, she said, '' But playing the zither, calligraphy, and dancing, on the other hand, are not my strong suits or interests!" In a fit, she yanked her paintings from the display and made a total mess.

Liu Mei had always been interested in martial arts and had trained quietly for years, even though her father had never been a fan of her style.

Because he believed that she did not have a strong cultivation talent, he suggested that she concentrate her efforts on the four arts instead. Since it was clear that she was an avid painter and appeared to be quite skilled at it,

She seemed angry and stressed out about having to study the four arts, which may not be something she wants to do for her path. It was clear that her dad's demands had taken precedence over her passion for martial arts. Liu Mei knew that she was destined for greatness and that one day she would leave her mark on the world and make a difference in the lives of those around her.

After making a mess in her painting room and calming down. She made the choice to converse with her dad about her future. Liu Mei slowly made her way to the study that belonged to her father.

Putting a smile on her oval face, she nervously said "Father" as she entered the room sheepishly.

She gritted her teeth anxiously, knowing her father's behaviour, but thinking of her future, she calmed down again.

When she reached his study, she exclaimed proudly, "I appreciate that you care about learning the four arts and attending the royal academy, but after a lot of thought, I've decided that martial arts is my true passion.

"I am aware that you do not believe I am talented enough, but I have been training in secret for years, and I believe I have what it takes to succeed." Taking her chance, she stated her reason.

Although Mei's father has always been sensitive to his daughter's wishes, when the words reached his ears, he roared with anger, sending a shiver down her spine. "Liu Mei!" Why should I keep harping on the same point? No talent whatsoever!"

Tears welled up in Liu Mei's eyes as she stood there shaking.

She couldn't believe her dad had just treated her like that. "Please, Dad, although my martial arts skills may not be as developed as those of my peers, I enjoy the practise immensely."

I hope to keep practising and getting better, "her voice trembled as she begged.

However, her dad was unconvinced. "Passion by itself is insufficient. You might as well not bother if you lack the requisite talent. His response was frosty. Turning him into a cold statue.

As she heard those words, Liu Mei's heart sank. Her father felt that she had wasted her time and effort over the years.

She finally broke down and let out her feelings. She screamed, her voice shaking with pain and rage, "You don't believe in me... You never have."

She stomped her foot and yelled, "I don't care if you approve!" After Liu Mei completed her part, she quickly left, leaving him in a glum mood.

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