
Chapter 43 – Possessive

The person who demonstrated the most joy at Hao Ritian's recollection of his 'identity' was Wei An. Though he'd taken the fact that His Majesty had forgotten him very badly, once His Majesty regained his memory of him, he abandoned his slight unhappiness to the back of his mind and started to eagerly serve Hao Ritian by his side once more.

In contrast, because His Majesty had returned to normal, Chief Steward Wei finally stopped venting his anger on Wei Jing. Yet, it turned out Wei Jing didn't appear relieved, but rather regretful?

Yes, Wei Jing felt regretful.

Recently, his overbearing CEO persona had begun appearing for increasingly longer periods, and he loved it when Wei An messed with him so he could then 'bully' Wei An in return. As a result, Wei An no longer came to mess with him now. His fringe benefit had disappeared all at once—how could he not feel regretful?!

Hao Ritian noticed their situation but didn't intend to mediate. He needed more time to observe them, and for the time being, couldn't say for certain how far Wei Jing and Wei An would go in their relationship. Still, he'd already sketched a preliminary plan in mind.

More importantly, Hao Ritian was extremely busy. He was hard at work teasing Li Yi.

He was almost certain that in around a week's time he would be able to leave the psychiatric hospital. It would be more than wonderful if he managed to do the deed with Li Yi before he left, though it was completely fine even if he didn't. Hao Ritian wanted to leave behind a deep impression on Li Yi and, once he took care of business, he would come find him.

He still wanted to test the idea in his mind which the system had denied. Moreover, he hadn't done anything pleasurable for a long time and his adrenaline was running a little high; he needed to have some passionate physical contact. It was as plain as that.

The way he teased Li Yi was very simple—whenever Li Yi appeared, he would literally climb him like a tree. After all, he was presently a mental patient, so seducing him too obviously was a no go. However, teasing him once in a while unintentionally, like now, wasn't a problem.

He was clinging to Li Yi again, and it was a good thing that Li Yi was strong and could hold him, otherwise it would be incredibly taxing to have a sturdy 1.8-meters-tall man hanging onto him. Hao Ritian, meanwhile, was looking carefree and content as both of his arms locked around Li Yi's neck. He wasn't at all ashamed nor did he mind this disgraceful, feminine position.

His lips rubbed against Li Yi's ear in a seemingly thoughtless manner, then he gently bit it, his teeth grinding a bit, feeling disgruntled before asking, "When will the Empress' time of month pass? Zhen desires you."

It was clear that Li Yi had become more attentive towards him because of the previous incident, as he would come to his ward at a specific time everyday. If it weren't for his visits, Hao Ritian wouldn't be able to get ahold of him.

Such a flawless man could only be gazed upon, not eaten. However, Hao Ritian couldn't control himself and wanted to break the look of asceticism displayed on Li Yi's face and make him reveal an expression brimming with frustrated desire. And after that, he would slowly eat him up. That was the proper way of interaction.

It would be a far different situation compared to now, where he could barely satisfy his craving for Li Yi's taste at most!

Li Yi's expression was steady as a rock. He wasn't upset with the man hanging off him, even tapping Hao Ritian's rump while he bit his earlobe. He answered, "It'll take some time."

Hao Ritian bit him harder. Was this man teasing him for taking advantage of him?

But when he turned his head to look at Li Yi, he found his expression hadn't changed, his eyes were so calm and waveless that it set his teeth on edge. Suddenly, Hao Ritian felt a little doubtful. Was Li Yi really as he suspected, the same person he'd met in the previous two worlds? Wasn't his composed character somewhat at odds?

Forgetting Wei Zichen, while he and Feng Qi from the second world had sex soon after his cross over only because he was unfortunately drugged, they'd had multiple rounds in that one night. Feng Qi was, undoubtedly, vigorous in bed.

But when one looked at the man in front of him, could they say his personality wasn't cold?

He tried teasing him some more and even nibbled his lips. Sadly, Hao Ritian wasn't able to infer any clues from the man's expression. Soon enough, he became even more enthusiastic. This means he's met a strong adversary!

The following event attested to his failure to tease Li Yi today; after prescribing him medicine, watching him gulp it down, and inserting a needle to give him fluid, Li Yi calmly left once he'd ascertained there was no other problem.

Tan Xi: …

This was his patient. Why were his duties being taken over by the director? On top of that, the director was often carrying out overly intimate actions with the patient. Did he really not care about the patient at all?

After Li Yi left, Wei An cautiously drew closer to Hao Ritian, darting glances at him before saying weakly, "Your Majesty, are you sad?"

Hao Ritian smiled faintly. "Why do you think Zhen is sad?"

Zhen is excited!

Wei An stammered for half a day, then raised his finger and abruptly said, "Your Majesty is sad because the Empress refused to sleep with you."

Silence. The ward was as silent as death until Hao Ritian's voice, carrying a smile, broke the quiet. "Be good and play over there. Zhen is going to sleep for a while. Zhen will play with you once he wakes up."

Wei An, "…Oh."

Wei An was soon taken away by Wei Jing. Tang Bao looked to his left, then his right, and ultimately decided to follow Wei Jing and Wei An. After all, His Majesty was going to rest, and he shouldn't disturb him.

After putting the plans in his mind in order, Hao Ritian soon fell asleep.

When he woke up, the infusion had been completed and Hao Ritian carried through with his promise. He led Wei An and the others outside, their intended playmates being the three fake psychiatric patients.

They first visited the ward of the man Hao Ritian had beaten bloody. Because of his heavy injuries, his face had become so swollen that his facial features were indiscernible. The corners of his eyes were a chunk of purple and it pained him to open his eyes. At this precise moment, he was in his ward recuperating. When he noticed Hao Ritian guiding people inside, terror quickly appeared in his eyes. Though he was a large man clearly in his 30s, he felt utterly terrified facing a boy just shy of 19.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me…" He hugged his head and yelled almost incoherently, appearing out of his mind.

Hao Ritian felt a little surprised. Despite having seen himself beat the other man through the system's replay – and yes, he agreed that the beating was pretty miserable – it wouldn't have caused such a large man to become terrified to this degree, would it?

—He couldn't comprehend the violence of his episode at all.

As Hao Ritian took in the frightened man hugging his head and looking like he wished Hao Ritian would disappear, a strapping man rushed over to the fake patient and embraced him. He comforted the terrified man with extreme heartache in his voice, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I won't hit you anymore. There's no need to be afraid!"

Hao Ritian couldn't help but become astonished. What the hell is happening?

After having the system sweep through the details of the big fella's life, Hao Ritian soon thought it was probably unnecessary for him to take any further action. He would soon see the results he desired.

This strapping man had a history of mental disorders that he had concealed very well. He was inherently gay and even had a boyfriend, but that was were the problem lay—he'd nearly beaten his boyfriend to death because his boyfriend wouldn't let the man fuck him!

The crux of the matter was that his boyfriend had only dated him for a week and they weren't intimate enough to have sex. Thus, it was natural for the boyfriend to be unwilling. Who knew he would be nearly beaten to death for simply refusing the big fellow that one time? Once he learned of the man's mental illness, the boyfriend wished he could've caught the big fella and beaten him up, then returned to the past, before he'd agreed to be the man's boyfriend, to slap himself awake and call himself blind for liking a lunatic.

Ultimately, the boyfriend merely procured compensation from the man's parents and watched the man get sent off to the psychiatric hospital before leaving indignantly.

The man whom Hao Ritian had beaten so bad that his face looked like a pig's had been subconsciously regarded as the big fella's ex-boyfriend. Ever since he saw the fake patient's injured state, the man had been eagerly consoling and waiting on him, frequently hugging the fake patient and, in extreme cases, wanting to kiss him. To a straight man, this experience was akin to being struck by lightning, it was so shocking.

The source of this entire situation was because he'd been beaten up. This affair had crossed the limit of a normal straight man's endurance and, in less than a day's time, he was quickly becoming mad.

"Piss off! Get away from me!" The man pushed away the strapping fellow, his face crumbling as he yelled.

Unfortunately, the big fella was very robust and could stop the fake patient from pushing him away with little effort. Doctors and nurses wouldn't totally disregard situations like this, but they knew after frequent occurrences that it was no use; they couldn't possibly watch the two 24/7. They figured that the only way to settle this problem would be to separate them.

However, swapping wards wasn't that simple. Lately, the bed space situation in the wards was a little tight and they couldn't show consideration for only one person. Thus, the doctors were still searching for a solution.

Hao Ritian suddenly rubbed his chin and smiled. It looked like he didn't need to lift a finger; it was already difficult for a normal person to live among a group of psychiatric patients, but the real question now was whether he could persist. If Hao Ritian were to take action, the fake patient would simply get compromised sooner. For the time being, however, Hao Ritian had to receive treatment, therefore it was better to wait and see.

At that thought, Hao Ritian led Wei An and the others away again, coming and going in a hurry. After dropping by the wards of the other two fake patients, Hao Ritian's mood cheered up. The three of them were all having a rough time, so he was happy.

Of course, he didn't choose to stroll into the trio's wards directly. To do that would arouse suspicion. He wandered from one ward to another, and since their wards weren't far apart, his task was soon finished.

During non-activity period times, the patients of different wards were allowed to mill about so long as they didn't cause a disturbance. In the end, patients couldn't peacefully stay in the wards all day long, though there were naturally special exceptions.

Hence, after strolling around, Hao Ritian felt like a favoured man. Whenever he wanted to deal with someone, a godly assistant would always appear before he made a move to help him out. Mm, he really was an unordinary man.

—He had absolutely no sense of shame.

But his good mood didn't last long. It persisted only until this afternoon's activity period.

The activity period for their group of patients was from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., a total of 2 hours. Hao Ritian had become fairly accustomed to this schedule, and during today's activity period, Li Yi had come to see him again. Li Yi's manner of visiting him was to sit somewhere he could watch the activity area and type on his laptop, occasionally looking up to see him, then returning to his business after making sure nothing was wrong.

Up till now, Hao Ritian had been in great spirits. After all, as a patient, he could express himself without issue. Nevertheless, he was also subjected to relatively large restrictions. In one day, he could only see Li Yi thrice. Naturally, with only a short window of opportunity, Hao Ritian had to make the best of it to carry out his plan of attracting Li Yi.

This time however, before he reached Li Yi, he actually saw a beautiful looking woman appear behind him. The woman possessed a sweet-tempered bearing and was smiling brightly as she bent down to speak to Li Yi—

Fuck, the man he'd spent forever flirting with to no avail wouldn't be straight, right?!

Hao Ritian had never considered this possibility before now, or rather, he'd been subconsciously labelling Li Yi as gay. Yet, what was he seeing right now?

What kind of joke was this!

While he liked to have fun whenever possible, he would never chase a straight man despite knowing that this was a projection world. So, if Li Yi was truly straight, he couldn't pursue him anymore.

But to make this decision solely because a woman had suddenly appeared beside Li Yi was obviously unfair to Li Yi. Hao Ritian wasn't the type to pester, nor was he impulsive; he said to himself, this was his last chance to feel him out.

With that in mind, he marched to Li Yi in a rage and, without a word, grabbed the laptop on his lap and threw it aside. He questioned Li Yi indignantly, "How daring! You're actually cheating right under Zhen's nose! Do you look down on Zhen?"

After saying that, he tugged Li Yi's arm and used his other hand to jab Li Yi's forehead, regarding him from above. "Explain yourself to Zhen, or Zhen will oust you."

Standing beside them, Su Xiaobing felt flabbergasted at this scene. It was her first time seeing someone act so unbridled in Li Yi's presence, and to her surprise, Li Yi's expression hadn't gone cold. Was the sky going to rain red?

Su Xiaobing had had a crush on Li Yi since high school. With their families being old friends and Li Yi being so perfect, it was only natural that she came to like him terribly. Nevertheless, Li Yi remained uninterested in her—no, rather, Li Yi seemed uninterested in anybody.

She'd gone abroad for university, and so opportunities to see Li Yi became scarcer. When she'd finally returned from her studies abroad and her family suggested the idea of an arranged marriage, she had been ecstatic. But her joy was splashed with a basin of cold water in the end as Li Yi staunchly refused.

By then, Li Yi already had his own career, and he'd always possessed an independent and rigorous personality, so his family couldn't control him once Li Yi became an adult. Naturally, the engagement fell through.

She wanted to see Li Yi, but because he was often busy flying out to various countries for medical science related academic exchanges, she never got to get in touch with him. That wouldn't do, and after learning that Li Yi would be staying in 'Si Ren Hospital' for half a month, she immediately came to visit him.

But what did she see? Li Yi had actually allowed someone – a mental patient, at that – to censure him. Su Xiaobing could hardly believe her eyes.

Li Yi, who was being questioned, brushed away the finger Hao Ritian was jabbing so hard with that his forehead turned slightly red, and he gazed deeply at Hao Ritian before looking away.

He said nothing and nobody noticed the nervous twitch in his fingers.

Hao Ritian was beyond enraged. "Great! So you really are cheating. Zhen can't afford this kind of empress. Little An Zi!"

Wei An, who was following at his heels, immediately stood to attention. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Hao Ritian made a gesture of flinging his sleeves, and spoke sternly, "Remember, this Empress has been disposed of by Zhen. There will be no empress from now on."

Wei An bowed. "Understood!"

Wei An would, without exception, forever be Hao Ritian's most cooperative man.

After the dismissal, Hao Ritian clearly no longer wanted to look at the disposed empress. He turned around, and at the sight of Wei An's submissive and servile mien, froze. He regarded Wei An pensively and said, "Zhen never realised Little An Zi was so fetching. How about this—Zhen will receive you into the inner palace, and if you perform well, Zhen might promote you to Empress. You no longer need to be the chief steward from now on."

Afterwards, he approached Wei An and grasped his chin, acting as if he was about to kiss Wei An.

Wei An became stunned, while Wei Jing, who'd arrived a little later, also turned wide-eyed. Wei Jing raced to stop Hao Ritian, but the quickest to react was Li Yi. Li Yi immediately put his palm over the back of Hao Ritian's neck and turned him around, keeping him still. His eyes somber, he said, "Behave!"

Hao Ritian hung his head as a tinge of smugness filled his eyes. He was right, as expected. He could almost feel the restraint in the man's deep voice. Li Yi must be angry. Still, when Hao Ritian raised his head, his expression was furious. "Unhand me! How dare you go against your superior! Zhen will punish you!

Afterwards, he clutched Li Yi's ears and pulled them into pig ears with no hint of gentleness at all, as evidenced when Li Yi's ears visibly became red in a short amount of time.

By this time, Wei Jing caught up to them. He yanked Wei An into his arms and stroked his stiffened cheeks, then swiftly retreated to put distance between them and Hao Ritian, afraid that his man would be called up again.

Meanwhile, Su Xiaobing was starting to doubt life. Was it becoming mainstream for psychiatric patients to be gay? Because she had a fujoshi friend who would chatter to her day in and day out about gongs and shous, it was impossible for her to be ignorant about these things. But despite her knowledge and lack of objection towards homosexuality, that didn't mean she was willing to accept her beloved Li Da Ge was gay as well, okay?!

Others might not be able to tell, however she could see that Li Da Ge was incredibly indulgent with the patient in his arms. Li Da Ge had strong work ethics, of that she held no doubts, and yet his work ethics weren't so strong as to not only permit a patient to climb all over him, but also be endlessly indulgent?!

One had to admit, Su Xiaobing's understanding of Li Yi was quite thorough.

These past two days, Li Yi had been undergoing a brief struggle. He found it inconceivable that he would actually feel seduced because of a patient's subconscious behaviour. If it were a normal person, he might decide to go to bed with them due to his reactions. Developing a relationship might not be impossible either. But this was his psychiatric patient!

It wasn't that he disliked patients with mental disorders—as a doctor who specialised in this field, he was the least likely to wear rose-tinted glasses. At the same time though, he knew that psychiatric patients weren't able to control or identify their own behaviours. Much of their behaviours were done subconsciously and it was difficult to have them assume responsibility for these actions. Since he was a specialised doctor, he naturally couldn't allow himself to go unchecked because of selfish desires. That would be unprofessional of him.

Therefore, no matter how differently Hao Ritian treated him, indulging him was the farthest he could go. Laying a hand on him was impermissible.

However, reason and reality were wholly disparate things. When he was about to personally witness Hao Ritian kiss another, Li Yi's so-called 'reason' snapped. He had no choice but to admit to himself that he couldn't accept this. He was jealous. His possessiveness raged intensely, urging him to—

Fuck his reason, fuck his professional ethics. Since he couldn't lay a hand on his patient, then wouldn't curing him fix the problem? Surely he could trust his own expertise, right?!

Once his thread of reason snapped, the fetters around Li Yi seemed to come undone. It only took a moment for the energy around him to change from ascetic control to wild strength.

As Hao Ritian struggled, Li Yi straightforwardly carried him away.

Su Xiaobing, "Wait, Li Da Ge…"

As soon as she came to her senses, she immediately went to chase behind, but was stopped by a security guard. "Miss Su, the director asked me to walk you out. It isn't safe for you to be here alone."

Other than the nurses, everyone here was a man. The hospital was divided into male and female wings and, quite obviously, this was the male wing.

No matter how reluctant she was, Su Xiaobing had no choice but to leave in face of the security guard's uncompromising attitude. Besides, whenever she occasionally spotted patients wandering about, she did feel a little perturbed.

Hao Ritian who was taken away didn't cause trouble the following few days, but he had become clingier with Li Yi. To Tan Xi's utter speechlessness, Hao Ritian's attending doctor had changed once again, from Tan Xi to Li Yi.

Luckily, Wei An and the others were still under Tan Xi's care, so not much changed with Tan Xi's daily routine. On the contrary, since the director spent most of his time in Ward 502 recently, the time Tan Xi could spend liaising and learning from the director increased tremendously.

Hao Ritian lived in a happy bubble these past few days. He would flirt with Li Yi whenever the interest arose and every once in a while, during his free time, he would lead his trio of underlings from the same ward to be scourges on others. It was absolutely lovely.

As for the people he was a menace to—they were, of course, those three fake psychiatric patients.

—Something that had to be mentioned was because he'd nearly kissed Wei An, Wei Jing was now deathly defensive against him. Even Wei An was a little watchful. Conversely, because of this turning point, things between the pair started to heat up rapidly. Other than that, the rest was hunky-dory. Everything was smoothly making headway.

Due to Yu Dahai and Yu Li's urging, the three fake psychiatric patients had no choice but to get their butts into gear and use every opportunity possible to provoke Hao Ritian. Unfortunately, it was difficult to guarantee their safety. Every once in a while, when they could get the chance, they would push themselves to do something that appeared inconspicuous yet was able to jab Yu Hao's sensitive nerves and irritate him. These effective methods were all taken from Yu Dahai and Yu Li, but the results were barely satisfactory.

First of all, Hao Ritian had prepared himself and naturally wouldn't repeat the same path. He might've been fooled once but it wouldn't happen a second time. Falling into the same hole wasn't his style.

Secondly, he'd been cooperating with Li Yi's treatment this week, and his body – and even his cranial nerves which had scrambled as a result of shock – had recovered. Although the duration of treatment hadn't been long, the biggest reason for Yu Hao's mental issues was that he'd suffered a heavy shock to his system and because he didn't have the strength to bear it, and his body was also affected. Honestly though, his situation wasn't particularly severe.

And most importantly, the longer he stayed in this world, the stronger his control over this body was and the lower the possibility he had of the remaining consciousness in this body influencing his actions. Now, he was completely problem free. He would be fine even if he was discharged from the hospital. He simply had to find an appropriate time to be provoked into conveniently returning to normal.

Due to these various reasons, the trio's hopes to make him lose his mind and regress as easily as they'd managed the first time around was a nearly impossible idea. If Hao Ritian was interested in playing with them, maybe he would cooperate a little, but unfortunately, he had no interest in playing with them whatsoever.

Therefore, in Hao Ritian's opinion, leaving the hospital and taking care of those three fake psychiatric patients at the same time wasn't very difficult. Don't preach about morals or whatever at this point in time; he had never felt sympathy for things like enemies.

Oh, he didn't know if those three would remain as 'fake' patients. He would pray for them.

Today marked an entire week since Yu Dahai and Yu Li had visited him. According to reason, they should be coming by again this afternoon. It was only morning at the moment and he would be having an infusion later. Hao Ritian was lying sprawled and motionless on the bed when, after noticing Li Yi enter the ward with a tray, he saw Zheng Yue unexpectedly pretend to stroll past the door of his ward in a natural manner. Hao Ritian cheerfully smiled.

He might be discharged today, or tomorrow at the latest.