
System Genesis: The Programmer's Awakening

Author note: I will stop posting for a while. I'm rewriting a few chapters to make the story flow better, after getting some comments on it, and will try to com back as soon as I'm done. If you have any suggestions please leave a comment. [ Compilation successful ] Raven Noir has completed the perfect game system, a masterpiece of programming unparalleled in human history. Unbeknownst to him, this achievement marks the beginning of an extraordinary journey across multiple worlds. When a certain entity takes an interest in his system and bestows it upon him, [@#$#@ has taken a keen interest in your system, drawn to its unparalleled perfectionism] [@#$#@ decided to bestow upon you the very system you created] [@#$#@ wishes you the best of luck on your journey]

aab172 · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Getting Stronger

Raven woke up to the gentle rustling of leaves and the soft glow of dawn filtering through the trees, he knew that today would mark the start of his training.

With determination burning in his heart, he set out to increase his strength, agility, and stamina within the confines of the safe zone

'Alright, I will start training to increase my stats in the way I designed the system, hopefully it works because I can't go out onto this world that I know nothing about with this weak body'

Training for Dex:

Raven began his training by focusing on increasing his dexterity.

He performed agility drills, leaping over fallen logs and swiftly dodging between trees. Each movement was precise and deliberate, honing his reflexes and coordination.

Training for Stamina:

Next, Raven turned his attention to improving his stamina. He embarked on a series of intense sprints through the forest, pushing himself to run faster and farther with each repetition.

Despite the burning in his lungs and the ache in his muscles, he refused to give up, determined to build his endurance.

Training for Strength:

With Dex and Stamina workouts complete, Raven moved on to strength training.

He performed bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, squats, and lunges, pushing his muscles to their limits and striving for improvement with each repetition.

'It's like the safe zone is designed as a training ground not just a place to hide or just be safe.

It has a lot of fallen logs to jump over and it seems to have no end ,and the trees are sturdy so I can climb them and even stand on some branches.

And I also kept running and running but still never found the end of the forest, nor found a place with some kind of barrier.

I wonder how I will be able to get out of it.'

As the day wore on, Raven felt the effects of his training. His movements became more fluid, his endurance increased, and his muscles grew stronger. By the time the sun began to set, he had made significant progress in all areas of his physical fitness.

Raven kept going at these exercises to increase his physical stats as he didn't know any method of increasing his mana or Mag stat .

'Damn it ,why did I make it so that you can only train mana after you obtain a mana circulating technique? Or if you invent a whole new one on your own?'

Raven frowned in disappointment.

As Raven pushed through his training regimen, frustration gnawed at him. He knew that increasing his physical stats was crucial for surviving in this new world, but without a method to train his mana or Mag stat, he felt limited in his abilities.

With each leap over a fallen log, each sprint through the forest, and each push-up, Raven's determination grew stronger. He refused to let his lack of knowledge about magic hold him back. Instead, he focused on maximizing his physical potential, knowing that it would serve him well in the challenges to come.

Amidst his physical exertion, a faint memory stirred in Raven's mind.

He recalled a passage from the system's manual that hinted at a way to increase mana through physical training but it needs the player to be extremely focused on his breathing which is very hard during physical training.

His pulse quickened with excitement as he realized there might be a solution to his dilemma.

With renewed determination, Raven intensified his training, focusing not only on his physical strength but also on his breathing trying to unlock the dormant potential of his mana. Each exercise became a meditation, a pathway to tapping into the latent energy within him.

The sun dipped below the horizon, and Raven's muscles burned with exertion, but his spirit remained unbroken. He had made significant progress in increasing his strength, agility, and stamina, and he knew that with perseverance, he could overcome any obstacle that stood in his way.

As he collapsed onto the forest floor, exhausted but satisfied, Raven made a silent vow to himself. He would continue to train relentlessly, pushing himself to new heights and unlocking his full potential. And when the time came to face the mysteries of this world head-on, he would be ready.

Days passed by, and Raven experimented with different techniques, combining physical exertion with mental focus and breathing as steadily as possible. Slowly but surely, he felt the stirrings of mana awakening within him, a subtle energy that mirrored the strength of his body.

And finally ,after all the effort poured into this training he saw the awaited system window


[Mag increased by 1]


After hearing the system message Raven felt a warm feeling run through his whole body making it warmer and he felt stronger.

He then murmured to himself

"I read in some novels that people who have mana need to circulate it and feel the mana in their bodies so they can absorb mana from nature"

Raven sat down with his legs crossed and started feeling the mana inside him and trying to absorb nature's pure mana to make his Mag stat go higher as he kept going at it for a whole day and right before he was about to give up he saw the long awaited system notice


[Mag increased by 2]



Raven looked bewildered as he stared at the notification.

His mind raced, trying to make sense of the unexpected increase.

"Why did it increase by 2 this time"

he muttered to himself, brow furrowing in confusion.

Raven wracked his brain, searching for any possible explanation, but his thoughts yielded no answers.

He knew he hadn't programmed the system to grant such a substantial boost in stats with a single training session.

As a perfectionist, Raven prided himself on creating a fair and challenging gaming experience, and the idea of allowing players to progress faster than intended went against his design philosophy.

Yet here he was, faced with an unexplained anomaly that defied his understanding of the game mechanics.

As he knew that once rich players started playing they would try everything to get stronger without hard work which he hated the most in any game.

"Maybe the title has something to do with it,"

he mused aloud, considering all possibilities.

"Or I might have inadvertently created a powerful skill to absorb mana."

Despite his best efforts, Raven couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that lingered in his mind.

"I'll have to wait until after the one-month period ends to investigate further,"

he resolved, deciding to set aside his questions for the time being.

He kept remembering the promise he made when he first started training to never open his status window until after 30 days has passed.

"Well, as long as I'm getting stronger it doesn't matter"

Despite the physical and mental toll of his training, Raven refused to waver in his resolve. For 30 days straight, he dedicated himself to pushing his body to its limits, each sunrise marking the beginning of another grueling session of physical exercise.

With each passing day, Raven could feel himself growing stronger, faster, and more agile.

His muscles, once weak and untrained, began to harden and define themselves under the strain of his workouts.

His reflexes sharpened, his endurance increased, and his movements became more fluid and controlled.

Armed with his strengthened body and newfounded mana, Raven stood ready to embark on the next phase of his journey, eager to explore the mysteries of this world and uncover the secrets that lay hidden within.

As the 30th day dawned, Raven stood at the precipice of a new beginning.

Though physically exhausted, he felt a sense of accomplishment coursing through his veins. He had endured the trials of his training and emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before.

With a newfound sense of confidence, Raven gazed out into the forest, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him in this strange and wondrous world.

He knew that the journey ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but he was prepared to meet it head-on, Armed with the strength and determination forged through 30 days of relentless training.

After the training finished he decided that now is the time to go out and explore this new world and the possibilities that Raven will bring to this world.

Raven stood up and opened the system window where now he could see an exit safe zone button that might have been activated in the span of the past 30 days and he pressed it confidently.

But to his surprise a multiple red system windows popped up in front of his face.



you are about to exit the safe zone

Once you exit the safe zone will disappear and you will no longer be able to enter it no matter what you try]


Raven was shocked after reading the warning.

'I guess I did all I could inside the safe zone and I don't think I will be able to get any stronger inside as I need to gain experience fighting other people or monsters to know what I lack and how to improve myself further in this weird world'

As he finished organizing his thoughts,and proceeded to exit the safe zone.

Another window popped up


[ Are you sure you want to exit the safe zone]


He extended his hand toward the new window and pressed [YES]