
I Just Hope That I Won’t Be Forced To Do Something Crazy

The next day…

"So you guys have been surviving by eating Ants every day?" Thirteen asked with a smile.

"There's nothing to eat aside from them," Diana replied. "Also, they taste good when roasted."

The teenage boy soon agreed that the Ants did taste good after taking a few bites of the leg that was handed to him.

Overall, he found their current situation way better than he initially expected. 

Nearly nine hundred individuals were currently inside the stronghold, including the Lizardmen, Ratmen, and Goblins.

The bulk of their forces came from the Wanderers that Thirteen had gathered before entering the one-way portal.

While their numbers weren't that many, it was enough to deal with most situations unless they were going to fight Rank 8 monsters and above.

He was considering telling them that it was about time for them to head North.