

"What are you doing in here" she heard a cold angry voice in the small dark room."w-w- who is there " she stuttred looking around to see who is it, and 'click' the lights came on, her eyes widened in horror on realizing the locker room she ran into. She tried hard not to drool on his shirtless sweaty body and tatoo's,cause she ran away from a dog only to end up in a lions den. Such bad luck."a..a ..a"she said trying to find the right words." Am sorry I'll leave immediately" she said trying to bolt out of there but her arm was held in a firm grip. His dark eyes starring down at her with a sinister smile. "You wanna go just like that"he asked and tilt his head, her heart dropped into her stomach. She just got into a more bigger trouble. Jasmin snow a simple carefree girl,daughter of a multi billionaire who craves for a new environment, a new life a new highschool,where no one knows her as the billionaires daughter,she wanna have true friends.her wish finally came true as her family of three moved to new York ,and there she begins a new life in a new school,she thought she could finally have peace,but everything changed when she came across the wolves. Who are the wolves ? Will she find the peace she desires or will she be entangled in the games of love deception and lust. Find out in this interesting ride of teen highschool love

pixie_dust16 · Urbain
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52 Chs

Chapter sixteen

Jasmyn stared at him, and decided to put her guard down.

"I also want to talk to you"

"Really, then ladies first"

"No you start, you're the one who said we should talk"

"I said we should talk, not that I'll be the one to start talking" he smirked rubbing his chin.

Jasmyn fidgeted with her fingers, before bravely raising her head, and looked straight into his dark bottomless eyes.

"Why did you pull me back, and made me sit on your laps, an ambiguous position, which will give people the wrong idea. And you shamelessly put your hands on my belly". She snapped,making the latter chuckle.

"What's funny?" She asked angrilly.

"You of course, ok am sorry I intented to pull you back, but unexpectedly, you landed on my legs."

"Ok what about you c-caressing my belly".

She gasped when he suddenly moved more close to her with little space between them. She placed her hands on his chest stoping him from moving closer. His chest felt warm under her touch, and she could feel his taut and strong chest.

For a moment they were both starring at each other in the eyes.

"Sorry I touched you, see why I said you're naive, am the first boy who touched your belly." he stated looking into her brown eyes.

"No!" She blurted, feeling embarassed, that he's calling her naive.

"Am not naive" she stated.

He raised his brow with a smirk.

"OK if you say so" his words infuriated the more.

"So what are your plans"? He asked bringing his face close to hers.

"Please shift back" said jasmyn.

"What now, is this also the first time a guy is coming close to you." He teased.

Her face flushed red. "No, look stop doing that, am not naive and stupid OK, even though I never had a boyfriend, with the snap of my finger ten guys will be willing to be my boyfriends"

"Boyfriends, interesting"

He smiled. Jasmyn felt like slapping that stupid smile off his face

"Ok let's not talk about that now, I have a deal for you".

"Am not making any deal with you, am leaving"

She said getting up from the bed.

"Ok then since there's no deal, I'll just tell everyone your identity, and blow up your cover."

Jasmyn froze in shock, how did he find out. She gulped hard,

" What identity". She asked nervously.

"Don't play dump with me, your father is Jason snow right, jasmyn." He said emphasizing on her name.

Jasmyn's mouth hung open, how did he know her name, how did he find out about her identity? How? She was totally confused, she drew in asharp breath.

"What do you want?" She asked finally asked. Teddy knows her identity, she can't afford to blow up her cover yet, that's the main reason she had wanted to leave California and attend a new school,she can't afford to loose that so soon .

"Good decision, well what I want is nothing much, just be my dance partner in our upcoming concert".

"I can't I have a lot on my plate, ask for another thing" she blurted, dance partner her ass, she'll not fall for his trick.

"Really? Alright then, am gonna ask for a More easier one which will be done here, you don't even need to lift a finger"

He smirked coming closer to her, he finally stood close to her close enough that she could feel his hot minty breath on her face, the scent of his perfume wafted into her nose, making her feel like hugging him and sniffing him all day, he really smells nice, she snapped back to reality and focused on the current situation.

"What's that?" She asked,

"A romance session of three minutes, we're alone now no need to feel shy and run away, just close your else, and relax, enjoy the ecstasy for three minutes."

Jasmyn felt all heady and giddy, why is he seducing her, his voice sounds low charming, and hypnotizing. His gaze felt scorching hot.

"I'll be your dance partner"

She blurted quickly and he smirked.

"I thought as much" he smiled finally giving her some space.

"So why did you hide your identity?"

"How did you even find out"?she asked instead.

"Well I have my ways jasmyn".

Her name rolled out from his mouth so sweetly, she suddenly loved her name the more.


Jasmyn came to class. There was quite a number of students in the class except for the wolves, it's almost time for classes where are they? She blushed when she recalled her moments woth Teddy yesterday,

"Well done snow" sawyer snapped as she approach jasmyn. Jasmyn put on an apologetic look on her face, "am so sorry sawyer, something came up"

Teddy didn't allow jasmyn to leave until closing hours, thus sawyer must have been looking for her, just then the teacher along with the wolves came into the class,

"I'll explain later okay.. "

"It better be a reasonable one."

Jasmyn nodded and went to her seat,neither she nor Teddy spared each other a glance.

Jasmyn sat comfortably on her seat which feels quite strange today.

In the course of the classes jasmyn wanted to lean down a little, but she discovered she can't move her back away from the seats back rest, she tried again but it felt as if her back was glued to the chair. She finds this very strange, so dropped her pen and decided to stand up, only to discover the same problem, she can't move. What's going on.

"Miss snow what's the problem"

Asked the teacher. Jasmyn has a perplexed look on her face, she kept wiggling her body, but to no avail, she was glued to the chair, but how, does that mean she can't stand up??

Cold Sweat formed on her fore head. "What's wrong?"asked Teddy who was seated beside her.

Jasmyn was in extreme pannick, "I can't get up" she muttered. Making everyone confused. "That's ridiculous what do you mean you can't get up" said Brandon with a chuckle,

"am dead serious I can't get up I can't move!!"

She yelled panicking, that's when everybody knew she isn't joking, sawyer came to her, held her hands and tried pulling her up but it didn't work. Sawyer gasped, followed by everyone in the class.

Teddy looked closely and that's when he saw glue at the corners of her seat, someone delebrately put it there. It was a transparent permanent glue.

Teddy saw how jasmyn was scared and in a state of panick, anger suddenly washed over him, who is responsible for this. That person must be courting death.