
Symphony of a madman

Enma, a tormented soul, finds himself trapped in a relentless dance with madness. Plagued by his own demons, he embarks on a harrowing journey to uncover the truth buried deep within his fractured mind. As he navigates the treacherous labyrinth of his own unraveling sanity, the boundaries between reality and delusion become increasingly blurred. With each discordant note of his symphony, Enma descends further into a dark and twisted abyss, driven by a desperate quest for redemption and understanding. Will he succumb to the cacophony of his own madness, or will he find a way to break free from the haunting symphony that orchestrates his torment?

41icia · Action
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1 Chs


The air was thick with smoke and the sounds of chaos filled the night. Enma raced through the desolate streets, his heart pounding in his chest. Fear gripped him tightly, urging him to run faster, to escape the clutches of the encroaching darkness.

Amidst the chaos, his eyes caught sight of an elderly woman, her frail form hunched over in pain. Her tattered clothing clung to her thin frame, and her eyes, filled with desperation, locked onto Enma as he passed by. In that moment, a surge of conflicting emotions washed over him—fear, anger, and a twisted curiosity.

Enma slowed his pace, the cacophony of destruction fading into the background. He turned to face the old woman, his breath ragged and his hands trembling. "Why are you grabbing onto me?" he asked, his voice laced with a mix of confusion and suspicion.

The woman's voice was hoarse, filled with both pain and deceit. "I can't face this alone," she rasped, her grip tightening on Enma's arm. "Take my hand, young one. Let us find solace in the embrace of death."

Enma's eyes widened in disbelief. He recoiled, his mind struggling to comprehend the woman's words. "No! I won't die here! I won't let you take me down with you!" he shouted, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and defiance.

In a moment of sheer desperation, Enma's gaze fell upon a discarded knife lying nearby. Without thinking, he snatched it up, the cold metal glinting in the dim light. The woman's eyes widened with a mix of terror and realization as Enma lunged forward, his movements fueled by a surge of madness.

The blade found its mark, plunging deep into the woman's chest. A gasp of pain escaped her lips, mingling with the chaotic symphony that surrounded them. Enma watched, his eyes filled with a morbid fascination, as the life slowly drained from the woman's eyes.

Silence enveloped the scene as Enma stood there, the weight of his actions settling upon him like a shroud. A mixture of fear and exhilaration coursed through his veins, leaving him feeling both alive and haunted by the darkness that had taken hold.

Enma's grip on the knife tightened, his knuckles turning white. The taste of power, however, twisted, filled him with a surge of adrenaline. The chaos of the war seemed to fade away, replaced by a single-minded focus on the sensations coursing through his body.

The realization of what he had done crashed over him, threatening to drown him in a sea of guilt. But beneath the guilt, a flicker of something else emerged—a twisted thirst for power, for the taste of madness that had enveloped him. Enma's journey into the depths of his own psyche had just begun, his path veering further away from sanity with each passing moment.

His mind swirled with questions. What had he become? How could he find meaning in this new existence? The echoes of the woman's plea for death lingered in his ears, a haunting reminder of the darkness that had consumed him.

Enma stumbled backwards, his legs trembling. The weight of the knife suddenly felt burdensome in his hand. He glanced down at the lifeless body before him, the woman's once vibrant spirit extinguished. The reality of what he had done crashed over him with a force he couldn't ignore.

"Who am I?" Enma muttered his voice barely a whisper in the midst of the surrounding chaos. "What have I become?"

But the answers remained elusive, drowned out by the screams and cries of the war-torn world. Enma turned away from the lifeless body, his eyes filled with a mixture of self-loathing and a hunger for something beyond comprehension.

The path ahead was unclear, shrouded in darkness. Enma's descent into madness had just begun, and he couldn't fathom the horrors that awaited him. As he disappeared into the night, the shadows claimed him, whispering promises of power and the allure of a twisted fate.

Enma ran through the streets, desperately trying to escape the bloodshed that surrounded him. The chaos seemed never-ending, with flames flickering in the distance and the cries of the wounded echoing through the night.

He maneuvered through narrow alleyways, his heart pounding in his chest, as if it sought to break free from its cage. Fear gnawed at his insides, urging him to keep moving, to leave the horrors behind.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Enma reached the outskirts of the village. His lungs burned, desperate for air, as he stumbled upon a small clearing. Panting heavily, he leaned against a tree, his mind a whirlwind of confusion and fear.

The silence of the night was shattered by the distant sound of approaching footsteps. Enma's eyes widened, and he peered into the darkness. A figure emerged, a young lad in his twenties, his clothes dishevelled and his eyes filled with weariness.

"Are you trying to escape too?" the lad asked, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

Enma nodded, his voice barely a whisper. "Yes, I... I need to get away from here. The chaos... it's too much."

The lad glanced around, his gaze filled with unease. "I know of a place, a neighbouring village where people seek refuge. It's said to be relatively safe. Come with me, if you wish. We can travel together."

Enma hesitated for a moment, his mind swirling with distrust and uncertainty. But the prospect of safety and a chance to leave the horrors behind overcame his reservations. He nodded, silently acknowledging the lad's offer.

Together, they made their way through the treacherous wilderness, their journey filled with danger and uncertainty. The lad shared stories of the city they were heading to, describing its towering walls and bustling streets. Enma listened intently, his mind both captivated and wary of the promises of safety and normalcy.

As the first rays of dawn began to peek over the horizon, they arrived at the outskirts of the unfamiliar city. Enma gazed at the towering walls, marvelling at their imposing presence. The lad turned to him with a weary smile.

"This is it," he said. "A new beginning awaits us beyond those walls. We may find solace here, away from the horrors we've witnessed."

Enma nodded, his eyes filled with a mix of hope and trepidation. The path ahead was still uncertain, and the darkness that had consumed him loomed like a shadow, ever-present. But for now, he would step into the unknown, seeking answers and perhaps even redemption.

First work, I really wanted to give writing a try don't know if I'll continue, but if the first chapters are well-ish, I'll most likely be motivated, so I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to critic it.

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