
Chapter 10

The mark: the Sword: the king of the undead:

Edmund's bond with the dragon deepened , revealing that their connection goes beyond bloodlines and is rooted in shared values of courage, compassion, and determination. In the face of adversity, Edmund believes that even without the mark, he possesses the strength to unite humans and dragons once more. This would however soon be cut short because of the prophecy awaiting the realm in the nearest future. 

History has itself told throughout the kingdom of Albion, even reaching to the farther most part of the realm about the tales of the first uniter of the realm. King leonidas I, who himself conquered the first world and had dragons under control. He however saw how manipulative humans could be and misuse the power of the dragons, which led to him making it a rule to be a bearer of dragon mark possessing dragon blood in order to control the authority of the dragons. This he accomplished by the ways of old magic and passed it down his generations.

King Leonidas I was a revered king and infact the most respected man in the whole of the realm. He rode Ghidorah, the biggest and oldest of the dragons. With this winged ally, he laid waste to the army of the undead posing dangerous threats to the realm, possessing the sword of ice forged by his friend and adviser, the most powerful mage believed to have walked the terrains of the realm. It was a fierce battle and could only be won by uniting the kingdoms under one ruler, one king. 

The Lords of the table was formed, consisting of the king himself, his mage and the five lords overseeing each of the five kingdoms, having its capital in the kingdom of Albion. When war broke out, the only way was to fight evil magic with even greater magic. There was it proposed to forged a sword of ice, an undertaking which the mage himself had to overcome. The battle took four years and finally the army of the dead was vanquished leaving their undead king at the mercy of Leonidas I. He offered a peace treaty, but was backstabbed by the king of the undead, leading to the death of the great king. Just at that moment, Ghidorah gave a very loud roar mourning the death of its rider, and breathed fire against the killer, the undead king battled back with ice magic but was no match for the flames of Ghidorah, which got him severely wounded. He managed to escape and vowed to come back for the realm. 

The death of the king, wielding the Sword of Ice, had an unexpected consequence. As the sword touched the ground upon his demise, its powerful enchantment was unleashed uncontrollably. A surge of frigid energy emanated from the sword, enveloping the surrounding land in an icy catastrophe.

The once flourishing and diverse landscape was transformed into an icy wasteland. Lush forests turned into frost-covered groves, rivers froze over, and vibrant meadows became icy plains. The sudden and extreme drop in temperature caused flora and fauna to perish, leaving a desolate and frozen expanse.

The inhabitants of the land were caught off-guard by the disaster, struggling to survive in this new, harsh environment. They sought refuge in whatever shelter they could find, banding together to share resources and knowledge on how to endure the frozen realm.

Legends spread about the Sword of Ice's curse, and tales were told of the fallen king's tragic fate and the land's transformation. Many brave adventurers embarked on quests to find a way to reverse the curse and restore the land to its former glory.

As time passed, people began to unravel the secrets of the Sword of Ice's magic. They encountered challenges beyond imagination, but all leading to a dead end

Throughout their research, they discovered that the key to breaking the curse was not through physical acts but by understanding the delicate balance between the elements. They sought the wisdom of the powerful mage who served Leonidas, the elemental guardian of the land, who revealed that restoring harmony among the realm was the only way to undo the icy devastation.

Atlantes, the powerful mage and former adviser to king Leonidas I, then conjured a powerful spell ordering Ghidorah to breath its magical flames into the depths of a scabbard made from a magical fabric. He then mentioned that the power of the sword would never be used again until when the realm needed it the most. Atlantes, went on self exile with the sword considering the danger it could pose. At that time, Leonidas had two sons. Prince Aragor, who bore the mark and his younger brother, Dorian, who didn't. It was under Aragor's reign did the kingdom fall apart which led to the selfish decision of seeking the power of the sword of ice to themselves. For 1,300 years till the present day of the reign of king Edmund, the sword of ice hasn't been found likewise the body of Atlantes, the mage. But by prophecy, as it was said, " when the realm would need the sword the most, it would make it's way into the light"