
Sword of Atonement: The Transmigrated Yuuto Kiba

A situation occurs when a man from our world transmigrates into Yuuto Kiba's body one year before the canon story starts. Will he survive the outcome, or will he achieve what lies beyond the limits? #Multiverse

Taidanotsumi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Testing

Kiba and Akeno were efficiently clearing the streets of Stray Devils.

With most of their targets being middle and low-class Devils, their task was straightforward. Kiba's strength had significantly increased from absorbing numerous Evil Pieces.

After a long day, the two returned to the mansion. Akeno headed to bed, while Kiba began upgrading his claymore.

He also used this time to train his body. His wrists bore twelve black lines, six on each forearm, which represented his chosen optimum equipment.

The next day,

On a Saturday morning,

Kiba wandered around town, working on finishing his Earth Buster Sword. He had nothing else to do except train and monitor the area.

'Wait, don't I need Light element immunity? For now, I guess I can create Light element resistance,' Kiba thought.

He paused his Earth Buster Sword creation and started crafting an Elemental Resistance sword.

While walking, he spotted a group of Fallen Angels: Raynare, Kalawarna, Dohnaseek, and Mittelt.

'I can't kill them yet. I need to wait until Asia arrives,' Kiba decided, and he walked away. However, Kalawarna sensed a Devil nearby and decided to follow him.

During this time, Kiba stopped creating the Elemental Resistance sword and began working on a Slave Sword.

As Kalawarna followed, she arrived in an empty alleyway, confused.

"I sensed it here," Kalawarna said.

"You sensed it right," Kiba replied from behind, leaning against a wall.

Kalawarna jumped a few meters away and conjured a light weapon. Kiba approached menacingly with his hands in his pockets.

She rushed toward him, but Kiba blocked her attack with a Spectral Sword, reminiscent of a blue spectral sword from DMC.

"Calm down," Kiba said, thinking, 'I need them to be less wary. I don't want to raise suspicion.'

"No, you're a Devil. Why should I?!" Kalawarna exclaimed.

"Because your life is already in my hands," Kiba said as multiple spectral swords appeared around her, one hovering behind her neck.

She stopped fighting back, fear evident in her eyes. "What do you want, Devil?"

"Nothing. I didn't even want to meet you yet. But since you came after me, I have to do things the hard way," Kiba said.

'So, this is my fault,' Kalawarna thought, annoyed and frustrated. 'I'm going to die. Goodbye, Azazel-sama.'

Kiba summoned a Slave Sword and put his Spectral Sword away. He stabbed Kalawarna, the sword entering her body completely.

She was surprised when nothing happened, and the spectral swords around her vanished.

She attempted to attack Kiba again, but her body was shocked, causing her to collapse.

"What did you do?!" Kalawarna demanded angrily.

"I made you my slave. Unless you know how to manipulate souls, I don't recommend trying to remove it. The sword I placed in you is similar to a Sacred Gear. You could die trying, or you could follow my rules," Kiba said, kneeling down.

"What are your rules?" Kalawarna asked.

"Just keep doing what you want. I won't interfere," Kiba replied, standing up. "Next time, don't be so arrogant in a fight. You never know who you're up against. Also, I will call on you in the near future."

He walked away, resuming the creation of his Elemental Resistance sword.

Kalawarna gritted her teeth in frustration. "That damn inferior being made me his slave. I will make him pay for this in the future."

Meanwhile, Kiba waited for his Elemental Resistance Sword to finish. He bought an ice cream cone and sat on a bench, enjoying it.

"This life isn't so bad," Kiba mused. "I hate that in the past I had to work hard just to survive. This is much easier."

He smiled, relieved that his struggles for money were over. Now, his only challenge was to become stronger, which he found far easier.

When the Elemental Resistance Sword was finished, Kiba headed back to the mansion, continuing the creation of the Earth Buster Sword. On his way back, he saw Koneko buying some cookies in a shop.

"Koneko," Kiba called out as he entered the shop and walked toward her.

"Kiba-senpai," Koneko greeted him.

"Buying cookies as usual?" Kiba asked.

Koneko nodded.

Kiba smiled and patted her head. "Let me pay for it." Then he looked at the shopkeeper. "I'll take some cream puffs too, and I'll cover everything."

"Kiba-senpai, it's fine. I can pay for it," Koneko protested.

"No, I'm older than you. Let me handle it this time," Kiba insisted.

"Okay," Koneko agreed, touching her head where Kiba had patted her. She liked it, even though it was the first time he had done it.

After Kiba paid, they walked out and began chatting.

"What were you doing here alone? Just buying cookies?" Kiba asked.

"Yes," Koneko replied.

"Don't you have any friends to hang out with?" Kiba asked.

"No," Koneko said, looking a bit down. "But Kiba-senpai, you don't have male friends either. You only have fangirls."

"How am I supposed to have friends when they all hate me?" Kiba said.

Just then, they encountered a delinquent in the area. The delinquent saw Kiba and quickly bowed.

"I'm sorry for my presence. I'll leave immediately," the delinquent said and ran away.

Kiba had a deadpan look, while Koneko was surprised and confused.

"Kiba-senpai, what did you do to that guy?" Koneko asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," Kiba said, covering his face.

They walked back to the mansion, eating the food they bought. When they entered the living room, they were surprised by the sudden visit of Rias's parents, including her brother and his wife:

- Zeoticus Gremory, Rias's father

- Venelana Gremory, Rias's mother

- Sirzechs Lucifer, Rias's older brother

- Grayfia Lucifuge, Rias's sister-in-law

They saw Kiba and Koneko walk in and greeted them. Grayfia stood beside Sirzechs, Venelana to his right, and Zeoticus to her right, while Rias sat alone on the opposite side.

"Welcome back," Rias said.

"Welcome," Zeoticus added.

The others smiled at them.

Koneko bowed and left, but Kiba decided to sit next to Rias.

"Why are you sitting next to me?" Rias whispered.

"I'm your knight, remember?" Kiba said. "I'm here to provide comfort and safety, so relax a bit."

"You've become bold lately," Rias said, though she liked the change, it wasn't the right time.

Zeoticus and Venelana smiled, watching the two interact like close friends.

"Just let him sit with you," Sirzechs said.

"Yeah, I agree," Zeoticus added.

"So, what is this about?" Kiba asked.

"Her engagement," Venelana said.

"Oh, that," Kiba said, resting his chin on his intertwined hands, his elbows on his thighs. "I'm wondering if the Gremory clan really focuses on family."

"Yes," Zeoticus replied, knowing where this was going, as did the others.

"Also, I'm a bit confused about the engagement. You let Rias marry into the Phenex clan, not the other way around. Oh, wait, Milicas exists. No wonder," Kiba said.

Zeoticus's aura flared, releasing his pressure. Rias began sweating, feeling the intensity, while Kiba looked unbothered. Sirzechs, Grayfia, and Venelana found this normal.

Kiba remained unbothered because his Earth Buster Sword had finally finished.

"Are you mocking the Gremory clan?" Zeoticus tested Kiba.

"No, I'm mocking your greed," Kiba said, flaring his aura. His eyes changed color, and his hair began to float.

Sirzechs was intrigued, seeing Kiba use energy similar to that of a Dryad. Zeoticus, Venelana, and Grayfia were also intrigued.

This staredown lasted a few seconds before Zeoticus stopped releasing his aura, and Kiba did the same.

Rias finally caught her breath.

"You already have the strength of a High-Class Devil. Amazing," Zeoticus said, then looked at Rias. "Let him fight Riser to break the engagement."

Rias was confused, wondering why her father said Kiba had achieved High-Class Devil strength, but she trusted his word.

"Did you create a sword that counters Devils?" Sirzechs asked directly.

"Nope. Why would I need that? It's not like I'll fight a...great idea. Thanks," Kiba said, getting a new idea for a sword.

Sirzechs laughed. "Kiba, you are something else. Father, Mother, let's leave. Rias is in good hands."

"Let's go," Zeoticus said, but Venelana added, "I still have something to discuss."

"Okay," Zeoticus said as he, Sirzechs, and Grayfia left through teleportation.

Advanced chapter: +2


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