
Chapter 109 – Vanishing Snake

'Vanishing Snake: In life trouble, in death trouble,' Shang read in his mind with surprise.

Why surprise?

Because 2,000 Contribution Points was a lot!

With just one snake, Shang could buy one unit of ore.

Shang definitely was interested in the big reward.

'Descendants of General Stage beasts. However, the General Stage variant only lives in swampy areas. The powerful adult Vanishing Snakes put their young in the Wild Forest, and the young remain there until they become powerful enough to go back to the Empress Cobra Zone.'

'The Vanishing Snakes are atypical snakes due to their teeth. In comparison to normal snakes, Vanishing Snakes don't have poisonous teeth but a full set of sharp fangs.'

'The Vanishing Snakes have a Metal Affinity, and with their sharp teeth, they infuse their prey with the destructive power of metal, making the insides of their prey bleed furiously.'

'The Vanishing Snakes are a menace in three ways.'