
Sword Art Online: Sword of Redemption

In the aftermath of a tragic car accident that claimed his parents' lives, Kiryu Ryuji finds solace in the care of his enigmatic uncle, Kayaba Akihiko, one of the renowned creators of Sword Art Online. Ryuji is drawn into the immersive virtual world when SAO is officially launched, unaware of the dark intentions lurking behind his uncle's creation. As Ryuji steps foot into the game to witness its grand release, he, along with 10,000 other players, becomes trapped within the treacherous digital realm of Aincrad. Shocked and bewildered by the revelation that his own uncle is responsible for their entrapment, Ryuji is burdened with the weight of responsibility to free his fellow players from the clutches of SAO. Driven by a desire to understand his uncle's motives and fueled by a sense of duty, Ryuji embarks on a perilous journey, navigating the dangerous landscapes of Aincrad, forging alliances, and battling against formidable adversaries. In his quest for redemption and liberation, Ryuji must confront the shadows of his uncle's actions and discover the true nature of heroism. Within the confines of Sword Art Online, where virtual and real intertwine, Ryuji's determination will be tested, friendships will be forged, and the lives of thousands will hang in the balance. ~ Sword Art Online Alternative Universe. OC Protagonist.

ThornedProse · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Prologue - Connected Bonds (2)

"Welcome to your new home, Ryu-kun." Akihiko remarked as he led Ryuji through the door. Ryuji followed and he was greeted by the sight of an unfamiliar space.

His uncle lived in an apartment. And honestly, it was quite big for a single person to live in, as he had a whole unit all for himself.

Akihiko led Ryuji inwards as the latter looked all over feeling the tiniest bit of awe under his still-grieving heart. His uncle's place was well decorated and furnished, even more then their house. His living room and kitchen space was as big as theirs—which was a decent-sized one for a family of three—and it still held 2 medium-sized bedrooms, each with their own small storage space and bathroom.

What the boy didn't know, at least not yet, is that Akihiko could afford a bigger and more luxurious place than this.

"Let me show you to your room." Akihiko ushered Ryuji in front of two doors that were just across each other. He stopped in front of the door which was on the left side and grabbed its doorknob and twisted it open. He gestured his nephew inside as the latter saw a glimpse of his room.

Ryuji stepped in. He glanced around, making a light survey of the place. It was undoubtedly bigger than his previous one. And it was also well furnished and decorated appropriate for the bedroom. The bed, though... It was too large for him. Not that he was complaining. But it was still exaggerated for a ten year old to have a queen-sized bed all for himself.

Nevertheless, his curiosity came down too quickly as it had come, as he recalled the cold reality that... even if he had a larger bed, he no longer has his mother and father to share it with...

Indifference once again surfaced in his heart. The lack of interest was evident on his expression, just as it was the whole time after his parents' funeral, which didn't escape the sight of Akihiko.

In the uncle's mind, he deemed this as progress on his nephew's part. Even if he lacked the spirit to express his emotions since then, at least now he wasn't crying, and his passivity proved that he was beginning to accept the unavoidable truth. All he could do now was wait for him to completely recover and get back to his old cheerful self, the one that broke through his—admittedly... sociopathic heart.


Two days have passed since the funeral took place. Akihiko accompanied Ryuji in spending one more day in the child's house before they got here. Akihiko permitted so as a way for the boy to have one last stay—at least, for the time being—at the house where he grew up, where he made memories and where he formed what he is today. They couldn't stay at what was once the Kiryu family's house, now solely owned by Ryuji through inheritance, as this place were hours away from them even if he had a vehicle. And even moreso, he still had something to do here... something to fulfill...

It was already 5:47PM. Akihiko just helped Ryuji unpack his luggage which only consisted of his clothes, and other important things such as his school supplies and... priceless stuff that held precious memories of his parents and him.

Ryuji was still in his room and he had no intention to go out. Evening's approaching, and both of them still hadn't had their dinner yet. And knowing how gluttonous his nephew was despite his small tummy, he was sure that he was hungry.

On their way here, he thought of ways on how to cheer up the kid. And what better way to cheer up a glutton than serving him good, delicious food?

Fortunately, aside from research and development, one of his hobbies was also cooking.

Akihiko went to the fridge and pulled on its door. He checked every shelf one by one to see what he had in store.

'Hmm... I have some raw beef left, vegetables, and some spices...' Akihiko's eyes squinted as he thought of what to cook. With the available ingredients he has, he can only think of one thing to make, 'Gyudon it is...'


Ryuji was laying on his bed, positioned on his side. Although his eyes were closed, but he was still awake. He wanted to rest as he was a little tired from their trip, but he couldn't fall asleep.


It was because of that. That sound... the sound of his growling stomach was an indication that he was hungry.

Although he could just ask his uncle for food, but he was still hesitant to let himself loose on a new home, especially when he didn't have the vigor to do so with all the things that happened.

And... strangely enough, he found that act being a little bit embarrassing and uncomfortable for him...

It was a feeling that stemmed from the fact that his uncle is now his guardian. Unconsciously, he felt a sense of unfamiliarity in the changed dynamic of their relationship. And unknowingly, he didn't want to burden his uncle more than he should have, afraid on imposing on his hospitality.

Anyway, his uncle might just call for him when dinner's ready, so he'll just wait here for the time being...


'What is this smell...?' Ryuji fluttered an eye open.

A delicious smell entered his nose. He recognized that smell...




A series of knocks came from the door. The boy shot up from his bed and just sat there. That should be his uncle. And judging from that delicious smell, dinner should be ready.

"Ryu-kun, are you awake? Dinner's ready. Let's go eat."


Ryuji, led by Akihiko, made their way to the dining table and took their seats. They sat just across each other.

In front of them, dinner was already served in a bowl. It was gyudon. A dish consisting of a bowl of rice topped with beef and onion simmered in a mildly sweet sauce flavored with dashi, soy sauce and mirin.

Akihiko glanced at his nephew. He looked... surprised? "What's wrong, Ryu-kun?" he asked. He began to wonder if there was something wrong with his dish? Does he not eat gyudon?

"Oh, um... It's nothing, uncle." Ryuji replied with a shake of his head.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, really."

And with that reply, Akihiko didn't bother to probe more into it and bought his answer for the time being, "Well then, let's eat."




Both of them remarked as Akihiko started eating.

As for Ryuji, he stared at his bowl of gyudon for a brief moment before he tweaked a strip of meat and took a mouthful of it.

The smell, and its taste... There's no doubt, it was like his mom's gyudon!

Tears escaped from his eyes as he involuntarily made light snivels. Just its taste made him remember his dear mother.

Akihiko, who was just eating in a slow pace was shocked when he heard his small whimpers and noticed the boy's appearance. He quickly stood up from his chair and went to the boy's side, crouching down to his height and tenderly stroked his head.

"Hey, what happened? Why are you crying, Ryu-kun?" he asked so in a flustered manner. He really had no idea why he was crying out of nowhere...

The boy shook his head, "N-No, nothing happened..."

"Then, why are you crying? I-Is my food that bad?" Akihiko asked. He, who was usually cool and calm, couldn't help but stutter in front of his nephew, for the dreading possibility that he child cried because of his food.

Although he was right on the money on his food being the reason, it wasn't exactly the case either.

"No! It's not bad, uncle. It's just that... your gyudon... it tastes just like mom's."

So that's it. Akihiko released a sigh of relief mentally, "I see. That's probably because it was your grandmother, our mom who taught us the recipe... That might be why our gyudon tastes the same."

"Do you not like it? Do you want me to throw it away?" Akihiko asked. Maybe the food reminded him of the death of his mother and brought back pain.

Ryuji shook his head and exclaimed, "No, I like it! It reminds me of her..." It reminded him of the love and care his mother put into cooking...

The boy's mewls slowly died down into a few sniffles as memories of his mom flashed before him.

"Uncle?" Ryuji started.


"Can... you do me a favor?"

"What is it, Ryu-kun?"

"Can you make this dish every now and then?"

Akihiko understands now. Although his dish reminded his nephew of his mother's absence, it brought the kid a sense of nostalgia, just like what he felt when his sister recreated their mother's recipe. That nostalgia was a sign that even when they are gone in the physical world, they still exist in their hearts and memories...

A smile formed on his face as he replied, "Of course."

"Thank you, uncle!" Ryuji flashed him a wide smile. It was the first one he has had ever since...

"Your welcome, Ryu-kun. Also, just call me Nii-san or Akihiko-nii-san. I'm just 22 years old, you know?"

Ryuji gave him a small chuckle, "Alright, Akihiko-nii-san!"

I know, I know... Drama, right? I also hate drama. And I also know, it felt like it was a filler chapter. However, it really was not(just the first half, lol). This chapter served as a way to show you guys the development of Akihiko and Ryuji's relationship. And also, what better way to develop relationships than drama, right?

Anyway, there might be a time skip next chapter. Idk, though. I don't stock chapters, I just plan them...


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ThornedProsecreators' thoughts