

Shin as he came in front of those two, saw the fear in their eyes as he understood that they were surely scared of him.

So he looking at them said

' I am not going to harm you, i just need both of you to understand that i am your ally now.

I know all about how your family members are been kept at the lab under treatment of their illness due to which you have to do the work they tell you.

I am offering both of you and all of your other companions a freedom of you and your family members but in exchange i want you all to co-operate with me in the plan that i will be executing today.

I have already met Christina, she is in this with me too.

So there is no issue of trust here as its a mutual benefit, i want to know whats going on in there and you people want freedom which i will be happy to provide you.

So what you both say, deal done? '

Saying that he removed the cloth off their mouth and untied both of them.