
Swing in the rain Love of darkness

A girl who exists a lonely life in darkness,where she find her first love but it becomes ill fate to her life and serial killer is searching for her will she can overcome all this let’s see the swing in the her life

Oojudha · Sports, voyage et activités
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14 Chs

Scream with terror

I can't ponder

It is not a dream ,it happened ,Enola happened because of me ..

(she scream with terror , by seeing riya blood on the floor )

How much pain she has gone through?

I should been noticed it when I heard the noise ,it's my mistake.

It gives heartache to me ,I can bring back her

I have to recall ,what happened today ?

Whom and all I feel as a suspect , it planned for me so there is no one thought of hurting her from her side so I have to focus on my side .

Next I have to collect evidence or anything that black mask man left , then pause and she your mind Enola have you seen his face atleast anything that will be useful to investigation .

Knock ...knock ..

Ufff it makes my heart in shock ,who would be?

I think grandpa ..

She checked through the window ,her grandpa was standing there ,his face looks like that he is afraid and feeling bad for riya ,because riya and Enola have been friends for a long time since their childhood so riya is like a granddaughter for him ,enola opened the door and hugged her grandpa and started to cry our riya has been kidnapped ,I don't want to believe it as a murder ,grandpa .

I don't know what to do grandpa , I feel like everything is over,what can say to riya mother(aunty) ?

She believed me and sent her here ,how much disheartened aunty must be right now ..

All this happened because of me grandpa , I saw him grandpa I saw his shadow...( she shouted and screamed )you bloody asshole I will kill you if you touched my friend .

It's okay Nola grandpa will handle everything don't cry da ,riya will come soon , she will come .

Riya will come home know ,grandpa your not lying to me right.

Yes Nola, I have called the police and explained the situation already they have started searching riya and they will come here to start the investigation ,after they got evidence we can put the criminal in the jail and he will pay for it ,for what he has done to our riya.

Enola,pulled herself together, yes we can catch him riya wait for me ,it's not okay ,something cruel shouldn't be happened to you,nothing will happen to you .

Door bell rings.....

Wait Nola , let me open the door ,it must be police

Grandpa opened the door , there were four men's came for investigation while others are searching for riya ,grandpa told them wait a minute and asked riya to go to her room .

Police inspector,suddenly told that she has to be here she also a suspect...