
Swing in the rain Love of darkness

A girl who exists a lonely life in darkness,where she find her first love but it becomes ill fate to her life and serial killer is searching for her will she can overcome all this let’s see the swing in the her life

Oojudha · Sports, voyage et activités
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14 Chs

Did you ?

A kind of doubtful face with a longing happiness in her eye to see him through her window but when she thought of going out she had a call from her mom , then she picked the call .

Mom ,have you reached safely and Aariya told me that she had talked to you she came in the morning and gave me the breakfast and she told that she will spend the night with me so don't worry.

Okay,Enola concentrate on the exams and call me if you want anything .

Okay mom bye I am busy now ,I will call you back

Moms loves nola be safe da .

Then when she walked out of her house after five minutes, Noah is not there outside,she told herself definitely I saw him , her hands starts to tremble she told herself no , Enola believe him he came to surprise you let me ask him directly after I had meet him.

Enola : meet me near the Patrick church neighbourhood there will be a French door cafeteria .

Noah : okay Nola come soon , shall I pick up you ? If you didn't take your ride means send me your address I will come ,honey.

What the hell ?Why he is hiding from me that he came near my house ? May be he wants to tell me in person I think ..

Enola: I have already took my ride Noah I will come there soon.

While taking her ride she had so many thoughts that why he is hiding ? Or I am thinking about a silly matter a lot , he didn't want to intentionally hide it from me she told it to herself many times and her hands shakes like she is really scared of meeting him and her heart beats fast but even though one side of her mind said that's okay it is a not problem he won't harm you at any cost but her hunch was never went wrong .

Yeah , I reached the destination ,heart pounds one side to see him and another side it bothers me .

No he is a not stalker he may be passing by or may be going to see his neighbor on that area

But definitely she knows that Noah don't know anyone here ,she was blinded by love .

Noah waved his hand and open the door for her ,made her comfortable and he pull off the chair for her to sit and politely he said I liked this place .

Enola don't mistake me you look little bit sexy in a beautiful way .

Enola ...( he called her to wakeup from her absence of mind)

Yeah Noah sorry , I am really happy to see you

Enola what happened is anything bothering you?

No ,no ,Noah I am bit tired because of travelling in taxi for an hour.

Okay, let me buy you some drinks it will make you to boost your mood .

Okay Noah I will have lemonade with basil

Good taste ,Nola

After that drink she felt bit comfortable with him and they gone to picture together and during that time he is very caring about her in every minute and hold her into his arms and whispered love you mera jaan,Nola ,suddenly her eyes starts to spark and he saw her smiling ,then he told now only my heart is relaxed after seeing your smile on the corner of your lips . Then she had a thought better let me ask him about this morning that's good for relationship , then I can enjoy my date .

She prayed to herself that he must be honest with her whatever may be he have to be honest with me .

Noah ..She called him with a breaking voice

What Nola ?

Did you come to my house in the morning?